

Abuse people and they tend to get angry. Abuse them long enough – without repercussions – and the anger eventually explodes. It is an old lesson, often one

And which must, therefore, often be relearned.

British redcoats were hated for their haughty, contemptuous treatment of colonial civilians. This idea that the wearer of a red uniform was a special – sacred – personage, entitled to deference and different treatment. In particular, different treatment by the law. What a colonist dare not do, a redcoat could do with impunity. Or at least, without much fear of repercussions. It lead to Lexington and Concord. And to 1776

We are at the same juncture today.

Only our redcoats wear black and blue.

In Florida, one of these latter-day redcoats – a state trooper – literally walked away from any responsibility for causing the death of an innocent person (and severely hurting two others) who just happened to be in the way of his grossly negligent and arguably criminal wreck

Here are the facts:

On Feb. 10 of last year, Florida Trooper Detrick McClellan heard a report over his cop radio that some kids were reportedly  throwing rocks from an overpass. Though not on-duty, McClellan chose to “respond.”

So far, so good.

But it quickly became not so good. Because McClellan chose to respond by driving his car at speeds (in excess of 100 MPH) that would have landed any mere mundane in jail – and without his lights flashing or his siren wailing – ostensibly for reasons of stealth. Unfortunately, Michelle Campbell, her niece and a 12-year-old  child never knew what was coming as a result. McClellan lost control of his car in a curve with a posted maximum speed of 35 MPH, plowing into Campbell’s car – killing her and throwing the 12-year-old through the windshield, leaving her (and the niece) badly hurt.thug cop

Now it gets really interesting – and really despicable.

McClellan was issued three traffic violations  – careless driving, speeding and  failure to use his emergency equipment – but he was not criminally charged. Because different rules apply to cops. A non-cop who merely drove his car at 100 MPH without hurting anyone would almost certainly face more serious consequences than McClellan faced for killing one person – and maiming two more. Because cops are held less responsible for what they do.

But that’s not the end of it.

McLellan was not even held responsible for his traffic citations. His case was recently dismissed because the officer who wrote the tickets very conveniently didn’t show up. Instead of continuing the case – as would almost certainly happen in the case of a mere mundane charged with a routine traffic violation – the judge announced: “Hearing no objection, or no one’s here, I will go on and dismiss the citations.” And the judge was correct. No one was there. Including the victims’ family members. Also conveniently, they had not been notified of McClellan’s court date. So they were not there to object when the judge threw out the tickets – and threw justice in the trash.court 1

There is a video of McClellan’s fellow troopers laughing in court as the judge orders the tickets dismissed. Afterward, these”heroes” shake the hand of their fellow “hero.” (See the video here.)

One of the victims’ family members, Annekquah Knight, had this to say after McClellan walked away without so much as a $10 fine:

‘It was appalling and it hurt because I feel like they were cheering, rooting him on, for a death he caused … They knew he was wrong. I think it’s just because he was a trooper, and they look out for each other.”hor 1

No, it’s much worse than that. The law looks out for the anointed – the wearers of uniforms, the holders of badges and titles of office. They are held to a different standard, invariably more forgiving. Another example being the case of one Lon Horiuchi – government sniper and murderer. Except he was not charged with murder, despite his clearly having committed one. Merely manslaughter – and even that was dismissed. This “hero” in costume murdered an unarmed woman holding an infant in cold blood. But he is a free man today because he wore a special costume while committing his foul deed. His victims, meanwhile, are mouldering in the earth.

The law also gives its sanction to thugs-in-costumes who torture three-year-olds in wheelchairs (see video below for that).

We are not permitted to resist – and even to express our contempt is sufficient to bring down a rain of abuse. We are expected to just take it.As much as they decide to dish out. While they laugh at us. It is an explosive mix. Either it will be defused – by restoring justice for all  – including those wearing special costumes – or, one fine day, something is going to go badly wrong.

But not for us.

Throw it in the Woods? 


  1. Copyright principles are covered under #2 – economic freedom and (B) & (C). In my mind, the “copyright violation” Eric experiences arises under the effective monopoly of the current internet.

    There is no option for him to offer his work in an online or digital format that meets his protection expectations. He simply asks for similar protection that he enjoys in a hardcover edition of his book, which is certainly something that could be offered, but, cynically, is taken off the table possibly for sinister reasons of socializing property ownership.

    Outline of Nature of Libertarianism

    1 Constitutionalism – a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law.

    2 Economic freedom – the freedom to produce, trade and consume any goods and services acquired without the use of force, fraud or theft.

    3 Individual responsibility – the idea that a person has moral obligations in some situations.

    4 Self-management – methods, skills, and strategies by which individuals can effectively direct their own activities toward the achievement of objectives, and includes goal setting, decision making, focusing, planning, scheduling, task management, self-evaluation, self-intervention, and self-development.

    5 Self-ownership – the concept of property in one’s own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to be the exclusive controller of his own body and life.

    6 Self-sufficiency – the state of not requiring any aid, support, or interaction, for survival. In many other contexts, it is defined as becoming economically independent of state subsidies.

    7 Voluntary association – a group of individuals who enter into an agreement as volunteers to form a body (or organization) to accomplish a purpose.

    (-1) Authoritarianism – a form of social organization characterized by submission to authority.

    (-2) Coercion – the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats or intimidation or some other form of pressure or force.

    (-3) Imperialism – the creation and/or maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.

    (-4) Racism – a form of collectivism that involves treating people based on their ethnic group membership rather than as individuals.

    Debates / Unsettled
    (A) Abortion

    (B) Anarchism vs. minarchism and libertarian municipalism

    (C) Free market and laissez-faire vs. socialism and communism

  2. On a quiet traffic-free SUNDAY morning, wife Kathy happily came off I-10 and a minute later unwarily* drove through a 25 mph school zone at 35 mph. The hidden motorcycle riding revenue collectors zapped us with their radar.

    I remember thinking as the revenue collector gave Kathy the ticket:
    I would rather this guy be dead than to pay this fine. Months later I still feel this way with absolute sincerity. The crook’s life isn’t worth $160 to me. The legislators responsible for the severity of the fine are worth even less.


    *There was simply no reason for DEFCON 1 on a traffic-free SUNDAY morning.

    • I have felt the same thing, Tinsley.

      Last time I was “busted,” my wife was with me in the car. Smarmy little punk cop – lecturing me about “buckling up” as he handed me the goddamn fine. My rage was Vesuvian. I felt nothing except the blackest hate. Had I subsequently seen him trapped in a burning car, I would not have unzipped to piss on the son of a bitch.

      • My rage was Vesuvian. I felt nothing except the blackest hate. Had I subsequently seen him trapped in a burning car, I would not have unzipped to piss on the son of a bitch.

        My dilemma in such a situation would be: I’d love to pour gasoline on this blaze, but even under these circumstances, would it be worth wasting my precious gasoline, purchased with my hard-earned, inflation-wracked money, to hasten this worthless porktard’s demise?

        My current answer to self: No way. Let the fucker roast slowly – and hope and pray that there isn’t a firetruck or an ambulance within 50 miles of here.

        Yeah, I know, I know – what does it say about our circumstances that otherwise peace-loving people like us, who ordinarily would wish no human being ill, would even think something like this?

        • “Yeah, I know, I know – what does it say about our circumstances that otherwise peace-loving people like us, who ordinarily would wish no human being ill, would even think something like this?”

          I think it says a lot – but in our favor. Because it’s a measure of our contempt for people who live by violence, as predators on helpless people.

    • ” would rather this guy be dead than to pay this fine.”

      Well, we can’t shoot every asshole we encounter. The cost of ammo alone would bankrupt most of us. 😉

  3. Hero Lone Wolf Carl Drega And The Nine Evil Pigs

    On August 19, 1997, at about 2:30, the first evil pig, New Hampshire state trooper Scott Phillips, went to market. He stopped Drega in the parking lot of LaPerle’s IGA supermarket in neighboring Colebrook, New Hampshire for motor vehicle violations. He began to issue tickets to Drega over rust holes in his pickup truck bed. Such vehicle damage is common in New Hampshire and is not a ticketable offense.

    Drega got out of his truck with his rifle and fired at Trooper Phillips. Trooper Phillips was hit and returned fire before retreating into a nearby field. Drega followed the first evil pig Phillips into the field and slaughtered him there.

    Moments later, when the second evil pig, Trooper Les Lord also went to market, he pulled into the LaPerle’s parking lot, and from several hundred feet away, the hero Drega shot and killed the second evil pig Les Lord before he could even get out of his police car.

    The hero lone wolf Drega then took the first evil pigs’ police car, and drove to the office of Colebrook District Court judge Vickie Bunnell to kill the third evil pig, a lawyer. This third evil pig had initiated all the harassment against Drega in the first place, all because he dared rebuild the shoreline of his own yard to prevent his home from being inundated by the Connecticut River.

    Seeing Drega approaching the building with his rifle, the third evil pig cried weeeeeee and tried to hide in a herd of her porcine staffers as she drove the herd towards the exit. The hero Drega shot Bunnell in the back from a range of about 30 feet, killing the third evil lawyer pig.

    Dennis Joos, editor of the local Colebrook News and Sentinel, whose paper had published numerous misleading articles about Carl Drega, became the fourth evil pig to die. This lying pig attempted to disarm Drega after the third evil pig Bunnell fell. During the struggle, the hero Drega shot and killed the fourth lying evil pig Joos with a second firearm.

    Drega returned to his property and set his house on fire. New Hampshire Fish & Game warden Wayne Saunders, the fifth evil pig, observed Drega driving the state police car. Drega turned and crossed the state line to Bloomfield, Vermont, exited the police car and fired upon the pig Saunders. Saunders was hit with several bullets through his vehicle, but none of the fifth evil pig’s wounds were fatal. The fifth evil warden pig Saunders cried wee wee wee under the hail of gunfire, put his car in reverse, and crashed into the Connecticut River in a panic of squealing terror.

    The hero Drega set up his last stand on a dead end road on the Vermont side of the river. Evil pig Police from numerous state, local and federal agencies descended upon Drega’s position. Drega sprang his ambush, shooting the sixth evil pig, NH state trooper Jeffrey Caulder in the lower abdomen, the seventh evil pig NH state trooper Robert Haase in the foot, and an eight evil pig US Border Patrol agent John Pfeifer in the chest. The ninth evil pig NH state trooper Charles West ended the battle of Carl Drega and the nine evil pigs when he hit the lone wolf hero Drega in the neck with a 12 gauge shotgun slug.

      • You’d never heard the story told that way…

        Or you’d never heard of Drega altogether?

        There are literally thousands upon thousands of people and incidents that have been swept into the memory-hole by our 1984-style society.

        Gordon Kahl?

        Leonard Peltier?

        Sherry Peel Jackson?

        Irwin Schiff?

        Wesley Snipes?

        Joe Banister?

        John Joe Gray?

        Charlie Puckett?

        JJ Johnson?

        Donald Scott?

        Vicki Weaver?

        David Koresh?

        JFK, Executive Order 11110, and dismantling the CIA?



        William Wallace?

        Homeschooler John Singer?

        JoAnn McGuckin?

        Joel Boniek?

        William J. Benson?

        Father and Son Pastors Dixon?
        (Indianapolis Baptist Temple Siege)

        and that is just the tip of the iceberg…


        • how about Bernard von Nothaus, NORFED, and their Liberty Dollars?

          The Liberty Dollar was hugely successful and the government did indeed cast lustful eyes upon it. Very interesting to note that the ninja-goons only raided them AFTER they had received their huge shipment of RON PAUL medallions…hmmm…

        • I’d never heard the story before either. I thought Vin’s book was a work of fiction. Heck, I live in Vegas where Vin’s columns appear in the local paper, the Las Vegas Review Journal.

          Just more proof America media is bought by the bankster controlled Fabian Socialists?

          Thanks for the list of names, John & Dagny, it surprises me, how little I know.

          • These stories are just disappeared. Brief – and mostly local – coverage when they occur. Then, very quickly, nothing. No further analysis; no further mention at all.

            People forget – and many never even knew.

            How many remember the name of the guy who flew his plane into the tax building? Or that such an event occurred at all?

        • But we heard about Manti Te’o for a fucking month and how he invented some fake girlfriend, then faked his fake girlfriends death and how he did terrible at the NFL combine and blah, blah, blah.

          Panem et circenses

          • Exactly.

            Because it keeps the “minds” of the masses addled by irrelevant trivia. It is crucial that they not be encouraged to think about things that matter.

        • I’d even add Malcolm X to the list. It really pissed TPTB off when he began renouncing NOI for more traditional Muslim beliefs and started preaching reconciliation. TPTB saw this as the ultimate betrayal, which is why they had him taken out.

  4. Don’t you think the fact that so many people were actually pulling for Christopher Dorner to survive against the cops, even given the horrendous things he did, manifests society’s attitude towards cops? A delegitimization of their authority?

    Man when people are cheering for someone who’s out hunting agents of the state, how can you argue that there aren’t enough people yet who feel like we do?

    • It’s definitely a good sign Don!
      OTOH–were they cheering him because he was hunting State agents, or were they cheering him because he was fighting “racism” in his department?

      I’m not clear on their reasons.

      But I’m sure of one thing–the Statist’s response to him did their cause even more damage.

      What an utter failure; shooting up two women in a pickup of the wrong make and color, delivering newspapers, with at least three mags of ammo?

      People won’t forget that.

      Momentum is definitely building Don.

      • Actually, I think the state aggresses us so much that it’s easy to be conditioned to accept it and pass it off as ‘normal’.

        And when it becomes ‘normal’ then it’s unremarkable and forgettable.

        Every day it’s something else. Literally daily occurances of police violence, injustice in the courts, drones killing innocent men, women and children and yet where’s the revolution?

        If DAILY is not enough then what is?

        • When the masses take a look at what they were earning back in 2002 and compare that wage to silver then(say ten bucks an hour buys two ounces) and consider how much they are being screwed and how much their compensation has DETERIORATED given that ten bucks an hour will currently get you about fifteen percent(one-third of ONE ounce).

          How many really have the intelligence to understand how they have been, and are being…raped?

          Also consider that as each day goes by, an ever-increasing number attach themselves to the teats of the government. Currently, well over 100 million receive some sort of looted booty from the rob-Peter-to-buy-Pauls-submission-and-votes.

          Hyperinflated Entitlements:

          Keep up the great work everyone!


          • Yup –

            And now, gather round for the show. Watch as the 100 million-plus tax-feeders howl and screech as the “sequestration” dog and pony show prances onto the stage. Of course, there will be no cuts – not really. Just more taxes, more inflation… to pay for all these “essential” and necessary “services.”

            No one bothers to ask: If they’re essential and necessary, then surely people would voluntarily pay for them? N’est pas?

            But, we’re dealing with people utterly convinced they’re not parasites who live by violence. Who have never entertained the thought. On the contrary, they really do believe they are “essential” and that their “services” are invaluable – and that to even suggest they be cut off is an outrage against (wait for it now) ethics and morality.

            They are exactly like East German or Soviet apparatchiks. A separate species, almost.

    • Seriously, I found myself hoping —praying, actually– that within 24 hours of Dorner’s “murder”(?), some Dopplegaenger would have continued his work, with attacks on the targets listed in his manifesto. Can you imagine the sheer all-out panic that would have paralyzed the LAPD if that had happened?

    • Yep! That’s all it takes. This is the guy they tazed the shit out of a few years back right?

      So simple: just ignore them! Be polite, but ignore them. Be nice, until it’s time not to be nice and Eric will tell you when that is!

      Fucking with you Eric. Love you man. :))

    • Olaf, thanks for the video. I travel interstate a lot and anytime I’m in my pickup and especially when I’m pulling a horse trailer I get stopped at the big CHP station on I80 between Reno and Tahoe. It defies all logic that they spent that much money on an ag check station when the entire State is bankrupt and the highway itself is falling apart but that’s a whole different bitch session 🙂 I never get stopped entering other states. Even Utah doesn’t want to see a pickup with a horse trailer blocking their commercial action but California has a hard on for everyone and they’ve got money to burn.

      I’ll be using “No, thanks” and “Am I being detained?” a whole lot more in sentences over the next few years. Good find!

  5. This man needs years (decades) in prison. Anything less is despicable. I absolutely would not feel safe with this maniac on the streets. I still don’t fully understand why he wasn’t charged with manslaughter.

    • “I still don’t fully understand why he wasn’t charged with manslaughter.”

      Because he was a cop. And cops are not held to the same standard we are. They are held to a lesser, more forgiving standard.

      • Eric,

        Not so. It is the normal everyday hard working people aka slaves, that are held to a lower standard and the uniformed goon is held to a higher standard. The person the goon murdered is a mundane. The murderer is a member of the murdering class.

        Nothing to see here, move along..

        We should change the term government to, “Enslavement and Murdering Class”. In my opinion, it is more fitting.


  6. @Robert – “If we are to win, not just the “battle” but the peace that follows, then we must convince, by demonstration, that “our side” fights on the side of Right, in both desired ends and employed means.”

    Agreed. So when does the “battle” begin? What are the means other than talking about it?

    I promise we’ll never talk the gov’t down.

    • Whatever happens Don, it needs to be done collectively so that gubberment is overwhelmed by the task and, peacefully, to emphasise the real aggressors.

      Start by everyone removing their licence plates, not paying any fines, ignoring all mandates and statutes that are unconstitutional and beyond lawful power.

      Live by our God-given (I’m Atheist BTW) Rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness without infringing on any one else’s.

      Once there are several million people doing this, others are sure to follow. Trouble is getting started. Most people are in the helpless (lazy) frame of mind that it’s all just too hard. Fighting the oppressive system individually, yeah, but collectively no.

      If the German Jews had resisted earlier and in greater force before being overwhelmed in their uprising, I’m sure the future for them would have looked different.

      • Dear Olaf,

        Once there are several million people doing this, others are sure to follow. Trouble is getting started.

        That’s exactly it. A critical mass must first take the red pill. Once they’ve done that, the battle is half won.

        Never forget. The fascistic political arrangement in Amerika and other “advanced democracies,” is not a external physical arrangement “cast in stone.”

        It is the outward manifestation of an internal psychological arrangement sustained moment to moment within the heads of billions of schaffenmenschen on tax farms here and abroad.

        The only way to change the outward physical arrangement, i.e., the political system, is to change the internal psychological arrangement, i.e., peoples’ perceptions.

        Change enough peoples’ minds, and changes to the political system will spontaneously follow.

        Move too soon, attempt to change the outside before one has changed the inside, and the Reloveution will misfire and remain stillborn.

        • Perceptive conclusion, Bevin.

          I have no idea, ok a little, what schaffenmenschen means.

          I did a search and the first English word I came across direcrted me to an article at ericpetersautos.

          “Move too soon, attempt to change the outside before one has changed the inside, and the Reloveution will misfire and remain stillborn.”

          So very true, at least from my limited study of history it seems to be, it also reminds me of: The Moon is Down.

          • Dear Downshift,


            Schaffenmenschen is a neologism. I guess I probably coined it. At least I never saw it before.

            Some of us were talking about how Amerika is becoming another Nazi Germany. So in that spirit, I translated the term “sheeple” into German, as best I could.

            Sheep is schaffen, and people is menschen. Therefore sheeple is presumably “schaffenmenschen.”

            Re: premature action

            Both ancient Chinese such as military strategist Sunzi, and Enlightenment Era Americans such as John Adams have stressed the importance of timing.

            As Sunzi put it:


            “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

            As Adams put it:

            “But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American War? The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people, a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations.”

            Is action now premature?

            It depends. Some of the small scale “teaching” actions others have suggested might already be doable.

            Again, morally speaking, we were justified in taking action long ago. I’m not talking about who has the moral high ground. We do.

            I’m talking about living to tell about it afterwards.

          • “living to tell about it afterwards.”

            No doubt.

            Something the first miner to die in, The Moon is Down, didn’t give a rats behind about. ? Or forgot?

            His wife knew though. So too the escapees.

            “The Revolution was effected before the War commenced.”

            That’s a major something, for sure.

            As I understand, Prof, Robert Higgs is working on a book showing how the Revolutionary War was won because so very many People supported it. It was far beyond three percent of the population.

            Quite the opposite view the 3 Percenter’s have of what went down then and more along the lines of what People such as Eric Peter’s are trying to create. Jmho.

          • To me, it’s like being confronted with an armed mugger when you are unarmed.

            You give up your wallet because it’s less valuable than your life.

            It hardly implies toleration, let alone approval of the situation.

            It just means that you know if you can stay alive, you may be able to remedy the situation later. Not possible if you are dead.

          • I figured it was a typo Bevin. I read it as schlafenmenchen, sleeping people. With two “f”s (schlaffenmenchen) you get slack, worn-out, limp people.

            Sheep never occurred to me.

          • Dear Badger,

            “I read it as schlafenmenchen, sleeping people. With two “f”s (schlaffenmenchen) you get slack, worn-out, limp people.”

            Hey, that’s some serendipity there!

            Sheeple are indeed “sleeping people.”

            They have not awoken. They are still asleep. They are still hooked up to the Matrix.

            They are indeed “slack, worn out, limp.”

            You just invented another good term!

  7. @Robert – your position, like Eric’s, is based on some subjective idea of “delegitimization” of the state. Your idea of that is different than the other 310 million American’s idea.

    Some like me feel it couldn’t get any more illegitimate. Others are on the fence and still others find it perfectly legitimate.

    So again I ask: at what point will YOU decide that it’s illegitimate “enough” for you to take action? And if you refuse to take action alone how will you organize with others who feel the same as you? Where does this standard come from because I don’t know what it is.

    Actions on our part can be just as moral as the immorality of the state’s actions. It’s more risky and harder but that’s because it’s right. Wrong is easy.

    MLK, Gandhi and others showed us that you can choose not to take defensive action, but the state couldn’t care less. They WILL take offensive action against you.

    Moral defensive action that defends our rights can be far more effective than just words. I think people are just aching to be led, to be shown what is possible but it’s hard to lead from behind a computer and especially when you are more concerned about all the “stuff” you have to lose.

  8. @Eric – “The day will come when enough people (not a “moral majority” – just enough people) support us – and more, no longer support the government”

    And when will you and the others know when that is? And if it’s not a majority how will you defeat the majority? With words or actions?

    I think that is the fantasy. I understand your desire to envision something so civil, but it will not be civil.

    Nor am I advocating offensive violence but rather defensive actions now! Two completely different things.

    I’ll try again to give an example: a cop is beating the shit out of a victim lying on the ground, bloody. Would you step in and use force to get the cop off? Would you use your body as a shield to keep the cop from getting back on the guy?

    That is both moral and physical action that not only leads by example but can inspire others to do the same. Or would you just pull out your ‘sailfawn’ and start video recording because we have to wait for more people to delegitamize the gov’t. Unfortunately, that poor bastard on the ground might not make it that long.

    But if you answered yes to my question then why must the abuses be so violent and public in nature? Why would you not do the same thing for even a speeding ticket (legalized theft)? That’s the moral inconsistency.

    Or maybe you wouldn’t help the guy getting the shit beat out of him in which case there is no moral inconsistency but for me there would be because I will help the next person I see in such a situation just like I continue to refuse to give into the state’s frivolous traffic citations.

    No more means no more, not no more only if it’s convenient.

    • As I said before Don–yes, if I witnessed an unwarranted assault I’d step in…against my own better judgment, because the video would probably do more good in the long run.

      I just couldn’t stand to watch idly.

      But start a fight over a traffic stop? That’s an insane waste! It’s like giving up a rook for a pawn. Where’s the strategic value in that?

      • As I said before Don–yes, if I witnessed an unwarranted assault I’d step in…against my own better judgment, because the video would probably do more good in the long run.

        I wonder about that. After all, there are now thousands (LITERALLY) of YouTube videos of porcine violence clogging up the internet, most of which have induced short-term howls of outrage, yet I see no evidence that the swine have in any way, shape, or form moderated their behavior in response to said outrage – not that any sentient adult would have ever expected them to.

        Given this fact, I absolutely understand Don’s frustrations and see his point. In fact, I’ll be perfectly honest: I can easily see myself being dispatched to meet my maker by Officer Oinkyroidrage or one of his fellow badge bozos when they try to take things too far. It wouldn’t be my choice of exit, but goddamn it, if Oinkyroidrage so much as looks at one of my loved ones the wrong way, I’m not going to give him the chance to escalate the situation any further. Who knows, maybe I already give off that aura, because the last couple of casual encounters I’ve had with Oinkyroadrage’s litter mates have been characterized by unusually civil behavior on their part. Maybe they too “pick their battles carefully.”

  9. Know the enemy Psycopaths that prey upon you.

    Delete Facebook? Live a real life – Avoid force – Avoid fakery

    While you enjoy spring break. Watch the super bowl. etc.

    The redcoats are coming. One light by land. Two lights by sea. Three lights by hand of those dearest to me.

    • Dear meth,

      I like what Suprynowicz wrote, with tongue planted firmly in cheek:

      “A well-regulated population being necessary to the security of a police state, the right of the Government to seize and destroy arms shall not be infringed.”

      From “Live Free or Die: How Many More Carl Dregas?”

      • Thanks Bevin.

        I aspire to flourish as an alterpath. I usually manage to optimize my beings’ electroquarkian freedoms through each apparition of this reprobate existential madhouse.

        • Dear Tor,


          Keep up the good work.

          I may not always respond to every comment you post, but I do my best to read them all.

          Sometimes I miss what people post because of the time difference.

          It’s not because I’m ignoring anyone. It’s because I was sound asleep and missed it completely.

    • Thanks, tor, for the most excellent video of identifying different psychopaths. (It is late so I will have to watch your other linked videos tomorrow).

      The old saying is that the devil’s greatest trick is that he can convince people that he does not exist pales in comparison to the banksters’ trick that is fractional reserve banking (frb) – devil/banksters – one and the same. Frb does the opposite and convinces people that wealth exists when in reality it does not.

      Now Michael Medvev and his ilk will argue that since the inception of frb the standard of living has gone up for amerikans so therefore the federal reserve is a good thing.

      But what Medvev’s crew will not acknowledge is that the relatively and temporarily high standard of living for amerikans is only one stage of the Big Con. Wild – and free – pigs feeding off of the abundance of corn set out by the butcher do not notice the fence being built around them. Until it is too late. WE are at that stage.

      The “ragheads” thousands of miles from the shores of America pose no threat to the honest and peaceable citizens of this land.

      The great deceivers wearing ten thousand dollar suits conniving within the twelve temples of the federal reserve banks are the real threat.

      Fractional reserve banking creates fiat money/wealth which begets fiat debt/perpetual “repayment” which can not ever be repaid mathematically on a loan taken out by the amerikan gubment but not by the American people.

      And by American people I mean the honest and hard working Joe six packs who have been unwittingly duped into trusting their “elected officials”.

      Something Wicked is not coming this way. It is already here. It has barred its fangs for one hundred years but its real blood-lust will soon be fulfilled.

      • Well spoken, skunkbear!

        I would argue that without their constant, small (until recently) drain, our wealth would have been much greater though!

        Think of the Fed as a leech. For the first sixty years, it was small and took roughly 2% of your blood annually. But in 1971, Nixon gave that little leech the go-ahead–and since then it’s taken 80% of your blood…30% just in the last ten years.

        Without that steady drain on our productivity, prices would have *dropped* by that much relative to income. We’d have the prosperity our technology should already have brought us.

        Ten-hour workweeks for the lazy. Upper-upper-middle class living (by today’s standards) for families with one working parent.

        Hell, I remember even the 70’s and 80’s, when there were predominantly stay-at-home moms in my middle-class neighborhood.

        The Elite have had to work very hard to destroy America economically; tax incentives to move manufacturing offshore, “treaties” and “standards” and worldwide patents to ensure our intellectual capital leaked and was stolen by the Chinese. Insane, contradictory, nonsensical regulations of every aspect of business wrecking not just financially but by disincentivizing work.

        And on top of it all, One Ring to Rule Them, the debt-fiat Federal Reserve Note sucking the lifeblood out with its insidious, fraudulent debt.

        Returning to hard currency is THE single-most important step to take back to freedom and prosperity.

        It is the one step the Elites fear more than anything because EVERYTHING they do is based on the fiat-debt con-game.

        REAL money; untraceable, un-inflatable, privately-held; commodity-based, honest, recognized money.

        Gold. Silver. Platinum. Palladium. Copper.

        I don’t care, use Osmium if you want–but no more deceitful, defrauding, debauching, dishonest paper money!

        • Hi Meth,

          “Hell, I remember even the 70′s and 80′s, when there were predominantly stay-at-home moms in my middle-class neighborhood.”

          Yup – that was my experience also. All my friends’ moms were around when we were growing up. Some had part-time jobs. I can’t recall any who had a “career.” It wasn’t necessary – as it has become nowadays. The pace of life was much more relaxed. One thing that’s strikingly changed, Then vs. Now, is that Then, people had time – for themselves, for their families, for personal interests (hobbies, etc.). Today, it seems there’s very little time for unscripted activities. So much of life is organized – it’s either work or some organized activity. The casualness of existence is much diminished.

          Part of the reason is due to ostentatiousness and consumerism run amok. For example – and you probably remember this as well as I do – there were no McMansions back in the ’70s. Middle class people lived in nice – but modest by modern standard – middle class single family homes, not these monstrous 4,500 sq. ft. things – things that encumber the owners with $2,500 a month payments for the next 30 years… . Then, consider how the car market has changed. Circa 1979, full-size, high-end luxury cars cost (in real terms) about what entry-level luxury cars cost now. For example, my parents had a succession of Oldsmobile 98s. Big cars with V-8s. IIRC, the ’79 cost something like $13,000 – about the same (in today’s money) that you’d pay for a mid-sized, FWD, V-6 ES350 Lexus. Today, a full-size, V-8 powered luxury car is a $60,000-plus car and to afford it, you’ve either got to be very affluent or dual income.

          So, it’s a sick synergy.

          Government has impoverished us – and we’ve impoverished ourselves, by buying into a disastrous, debt-financed lifestyle.

          • eric, “One thing that’s strikingly changed, Then vs. Now, is that Then, people had time – for themselves, for their families, for personal interests (hobbies, etc.).”

            “…people had time…”

            Time and money go hand in hand. Except that in real life Time is more valuable than money. But the Big Con is based on the lie that money is to be valued more than Time.

            Money – especially fiat money – fuels consumption/debt which is the enemy of Liberty because it sacrifices the most valuable of all resources (Time, which is valuable because it is strictly limited and therefore non-corruptible) for the lie that human joy rolls off an assembly line somewhere.

            Thus does TPTB assault humanity.

        • Thanks meth. Every now and then I don’t make an ass outta myself on the www.

          I do not wish to turn this into a mutual masturbation fest but I find your comments to also be well said as well. To wit:

          “Returning to hard currency is THE single-most important step to take back to freedom and prosperity.

          It is the one step the Elites fear more than anything because EVERYTHING they do is based on the fiat-debt con-game.

          REAL money; untraceable, un-inflatable, privately-held; commodity-based, honest, recognized money.”

  10. Incredible, but not unexpected. I had the “honor” of serving on a jury of a now ex-cop who was accused of hiding a web cam in his stepdaughter’s shower. His (sill) wife discovered it and went so far as to download the recorded video into a police department owned laptop (the home PC wasn’t able to playback the video… as it turns out, neither was the PD Laptop), but they were able to get sound, which tells me their should have been at least a temporary file on the laptop’s drive.

    Since it was a case involving a police officer, the sheriff in the next county over investigated, along with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Neither bothered to actually drive over to look at the crime scene, instead letting the wife take a few pictures and send ’em in. The home PC was inspected, but not the PD’s laptop, which speaks volumes to me. It should be noted that the wife testified on the side of the defense.

    In the end we found him guilty of destroying evidence (he smashed the webcam and pitched it), and something else. He doesn’t have to worry about staying away from schools, and his family is still in tact (except maybe his stepdaughter, who was college age at the time of the trial). I spoke with the DA after the case, and he was very upset that we didn’t find him guilty on all charges. I explained to him that the evidence just wasn’t there, and that cops take care of their own. He disagreed, but he also heard a lot of evidence that we didn’t.

    On a side note, the entire case came up because the family went in for counseling, using a state run agency. When some of the details were discovered by the caseworker, the state opened a criminal investigation. NO ONE in the family, not even the stepdaughter (now living with an aunt out of state), wanted to press charges. Please be careful what you say and to whom. Teachers, psychologists and other “counselors” who are state licensed are compelled to report any sort of activity that could be taken as abusing a minor, and once the steamroller is moving it is almost impossible to stop. This guy had a good lawyer, so I’ll never know if he did anything or not, but I got the feeling by some of the stuff that was objected to (and we weren’t permitted to hear) that in the state’s eyes he was at least capable of abusing his stepdaughter.

    • Eric_G, you are quite right. Social workers, counselors, teachers, various other classes of taxfeeders and even some licensees that don’t even work for the state (directly) are “mandatory reporters.” So you’d better be bloody careful to whom you tell what. They may not just feel it’s in your and “society’s” best interest to rat you out, they may be legally compelled to do so.

    • Since it was a case involving a police officer, the sheriff in the next county over investigated, along with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Neither bothered to actually drive over to look at the crime scene, instead letting the wife take a few pictures and send ‘em in. The home PC was inspected, but not the PD’s laptop, which speaks volumes to me.

      I would love to see ANY AND ALL cases involving a cop suspected of criminal activity taken out of the hands of ANY “law enforcement” agency. There is absolutely NO WAY that these organizations will EVER impartially, honestly, and thoroughly investigate the actions of one of their fellow criminals.

  11. Unintended Consequences, and The Turner Diaries. Not saying I approve of everything in either book, but these things are coming whether I approve or not. For now, though, any sonofabitch wearing a government costume should be enlightened and/or reminded that he is mostly doing his dirty work for monetary compensation; and today even Mayberry would be sucking hard on the Federal teat. The prescient point is that soon there will be no milk from that teat, or any other, when hyperinflation engulfs us. TPTB would not pay in gold or silver even if they had any. LEO’s will be cut loose to twist in the wind with no money, no backup, and most folks will know WHO they are, WHERE they are, and WHAT they have done. They will be facing Chris Dorner to the Nth power. NOW would be one helluva good time to repent.

  12. “The very idea of Freedom presupposes some objective moral law which overarches rulers and ruled alike. Subjectivism about values is eternally incompatible with democracy. We and our rulers are of one kind only so long as we are subject to one law. But if there is no Law of Nature, the ethos of any society is the creation of its rulers, educators and conditioners; and every creator stands above and outside his own creation.”


  13. Do not despair.
    Our redemption draweth nigh . . . bankruptcy.
    “The gold and silver are mine.” sayeth the Lord.
    Statists thrive on theft; once there is nothing
    left to steal they will simply disappear.
    “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,
    Nothin’, that’s all that Bobby left me.” -Kris Kristofferson

  14. Power corrupts.

    The human mind is a wonderful tool, but it is mostly used to rationalize actions undertaken at the behest of the human limbic system, the combination of the brain’s reptilian and herd-animal structures that are formed earlier in the uterus during otogeny.

    This is why pretty much everything in our social experience can be distilled to a few very simple axioms, of which “Power Corrupts” is a central pillar.

    Per Bastiat, there are but two ways to acquire what we need to survive: production/trade or (again, per Bastiat) the “Political Means,” AKA theft.

    Modern man dresses theft in myriad disguises, but Power is always the central organizing principle of theft (for without power, theft is impossible).

    Our modern society is a Slave State, and all slavery exists in the MINDS OF SLAVES.

  15. British redcoats were hated for their haughty, contemptuous treatment of colonial civilians. This idea that the wearer of a red uniform was a special – sacred – personage, entitled to deference and different treatment. In particular, different treatment by the law. What a colonist dare not do, a redcoat could do with impunity. Or at least, without much fear of repercussions. It lead [sic] to Lexington and Concord. And to 1776

    Oh dear, you have been buying into the statist propaganda feeding the founding myths of those that rebelled in order to set up their own Leviathan on that occasion. It simply isn’t true.

    Do you remember the quotation from John Adams, that “facts are stubborn things”? If you do, you have probably never been given its full context. He was justifying himself for defending British troops who had been accused of just that sort of behaviour – in court, after they had been put before Massachusetts justice even though their superiors could have physically prevented that. Not only were they tried, Adams got them off. Among other things, the dying declaration of an Irishman had showed that the troops had behaved with far more respect for local laws and persons than was customary in Ireland (and elsewhere in Europe, for that matter). British troops simply never were like that, at any rate in that time and place, whether by disposition or from being held back by the ulterior motives of their superiors trying to pull their punches to avoid inflaming things. For what it’s worth, though, clear until the end of the nineteenth century they never were respected by civilians even in the U.K., which is why Kipling wrote his famous poem deploring that (“Oh, it’s Tommy this, and Tommy that…”). If nothing else, it shows that the British military culture never had any such expectations of preferential treatment.

    For a more even handed view, try reading Christopher Hibbert’s Redcoats and Rebels, then supplement that with Robert Graves’s Sergeant Lamb historical novels about that conflict, which he based on sound research including regimental records. Or read Kenneth Roberts’s similarly well researched historical novels – the ones bringing out the loyalist position and not just the ones Hollywood culled and edited selectively to feed the myth.

    This “hero” in costume murdered an unarmed woman holding an infant in cold blood.

    She was holding an infant in cold blood! The horror!

    I think you meant ‘This “hero” in costume murdered in cold blood an unarmed woman holding an infant’, or ‘In cold blood, this “hero” in costume murdered an unarmed woman holding an infant’.

    • Hi PM,

      The Adams case was before things began to get really ugly. And – his defense rested on the fact (established by testimony) that the soldiers were assaulted first. A key point.

      But in short order, “the troops” (and their superiors) were behaving with extreme obnoxiousness. Attempted seizures of arms – and quartering of redcoats in civilian homes – being two obvious examples.

      The question of whether the founders sought to establish their own tyranny is a non sequitur. It may be true – but it’s not relevant to the issue being discussed here.

      The redcoats were asshole “law enforcers” who became a symbol of the reality of unjust, arbitrary authority. Exactly the same situation exists today. That’s the point I was trying to make.

      • Eric-

        Gary North claims that Great Britian took about one percent of the colonies’ income circa 1770-1775. Compare that to what we now enjoy.

        Although there is some truth to what PM writes, I think he misses the bigger, more fundamental point: those who choose to wear one of Caesar’s costumes are, by definition, moral pygmies and those who are willing to do violence in service of Caesar , i.e., the cowards who do not have the intestinal fortitude to resist joining a state sponsored military or paramilitary organization, are at the bottom of the list.

        • Roger that, Mike!

          No question, the “long train of abuses” today is far longer than it was in the late 18th century. And the people who choose to “enforce the law” are either evil or thoughtless.

          It’s time to make them think – and repent.

          Those who don’t will deserve what they get.

        • It’s important not to miss any of the points. pml’s point, lm’s first paragraph, are just as fundamental to all this round & round we go….If mythical foundations are left in place, you’re going to build Pisa towers, every time.

          Unfortunately, myth is worse than meth: more addictive & destructive. It’s why the species remains stuck.

      • Great article, Eric, there’s so much to address philosophically and to adapt as a best practice here.

        I see no call to get a PhD in redcoatology from Kingsbollocks University. Minor corrections of course are welcome, but it must be conceded, it doesn’t alter the import of this article one bit.

        What wanker sees any redeeming feature to these ladies in red and their fuzzy black or shiny tin hats – from today back to their inception in 1645?

        Long Live the Billy Jacks
        Soon Die the Union Jacks

        One Tin Soldier (is one too many, if you ask me)

    • PML,

      “Among other things, the dying declaration of an Irishman had showed that the troops had behaved with far more respect for local laws and persons than was customary in Ireland (and elsewhere in Europe, for that matter).”

      Assuming that this “dying” Irishman was correct his testimony is irrelevant. A polite gun grabber is no different than a snotty gun grabber. The point Eric is making is that there are certain absolute human rights which must be defended at all costs.

      “British troops simply never were like that, at any rate in that time and place, whether by disposition or from being held back by the ulterior motives of their superiors trying to pull their punches to avoid inflaming things.”

      Really?! Yes, if there was one thing the British Empire was known for it is for their proper treatment of their colonies around the world. I think there are millions of people – not just from Ireland – but also from India, to cite just another example, who would disagree with your argument.

      Brits, with their slavish devotion to a dangerously inbred “royal” family really are not worth defending in word or deed.

      • “British troops simply never were like that”

        – choke –

        Maybe that quote is another one for the history books?

        It reminds me of the weeping mom’s of the gang-bangers saying much same. … One in a million it’s true.

        Or, of the saying about how there are ‘good cops’ out there.

        And, how the FDA is looking out for your best interest, Wink. … Just nevermind you those revolving doors. Avert thine eyes.

        – gag –


  17. GREAT article, Eric; and very much in the style of Will Grigg.

    I can practically feel the heat coming off your keyboard; strong stuff.

    I hope you keep getting more attention, such as on LRC and PrisonPlanet.

    BTW I heard your interview with Lew Rockwell! An excellent interview, you held forth well.

    • Thanks, Meth!

      Getting worked up will do that… .

      Most of all, though, it’s encouraging to know I’m no longer just one of a few “weirdos” who has a problem with the nature of this system we’re stuck with.

      What was it Winston said in 1984?

      Sanity is not statistical.

      • eric, “Sanity is not statistical.”

        Conversely then, statisticians are not sane. To be more accurate, I have found that when someone starts throwing “statistics” around, they are more often than not very dishonest and irrational.


    Sequestration. Umm… in just a few words just what does that word mean?

    Well, I’m not Will Rogers, Mark Twain or H. L. Mencken but I’ll betting it has something to do with keeping something from the People. Folks, I think sequester means, to hide.


    Check it out.

    Official Sequestration Definition
    The Congressional Research Service defines sequestration this way:
    “In general, sequestration entails the permanent cancellation of budgetary resources by a uniform percentage. Moreover, this uniform percentage reduction is applied to all programs, projects, and activities within a budget account.

    However, the current sequestration procedures, as in previous iterations of such procedures, provide for exemptions and special rules. That is, certain programs and activities are exempt from sequestration, and certain other programs are governed by special rules regarding the application of a sequester.

    Tinsley Grey Sammons (1936 –)

    • Those provisions all seem fair and reasonable. Shame they can’t just apply them to everyone. Only cops deserve justice.

  19. It’s really the combination of a couple of things will continue to make life very difficult for the criminal gang known as “government”.

    First and most damaging is the fact that “government” agents and enforcers are above the law. i.e. one set of rules for the “government” and a punitive, strict set of rules for the governed / tax serfs. The effects of this inequity, like acid, are slowly corroding public opinion. And the level of judicial inequality seems to be getting rapidly worse.

    Second, and perhaps equally damaging is the rapidly growing awareness of how trustworthy “government” officials are. Given the magnitude of the un-truths spewing forth, the general public is coming to realize that whatever the government says, the opposite is more likely true. The frequent, blatant testi-lying by the so-called peace officers in courts of all jurisdictions will eventually result in cop testimony being considered as reliable as an Obomb-ya campaign promise.

    And, perhaps worst of all, the “Washington Monument Effect” will be living large with an insolvent government revealing it’s real priorities to the tax serfs. You can bet that government salaries (and recent pay increases) will be preserved at the expense of anything and everything that may possibly benefit a tax serf. Witness the recent bloviating about the “sequestration”. Just listen to the things they say “sequestration” will cause to be cancelled……

    The best part is that most of the loss of trust in anything called government is a direct result of the actions of the “government” and government thugs. (or is that just poetic justice?)

    The public tolerance for abuse is declining rapidly.

    Toss the whole government off the planet, I really don’t want it stinking-up the woods.

  20. I remember walking out on Schindler’s List because I couldn’t sit there and watch the Jews just take the abuse of the German agents.

    I swore that, if I ever found myself in such a situation, I would fight back and defend myself. That no way would I just sit there and take it.

    I think we are in that situation. I think we should start inviting gov’t agents over for an intervention and then disarm them, take their pants and explain to them the error of their ways and send them scurring on their way like the vermon they are.

    One by one. It’s hard work but nobody ever said freedom was going to be easy. This way we can stock our own war chest courtesy of the state and get the thugs thinking twice about ever answering another call again.

    Just spit balling here. 🙂

        • Exactly! And it would be an example to others of what we can do to affect real change.

          It can be something benign like calling to report your car being broken into. An on duty cop shows up completely unsuspecting. We invite him/her in and officer porky has 4-5 guns pointed at him. It wouldn’t take us more than a minute to disarm him, take his radio, handcuff him and sit him down and explain things to him.

          No doubt he would be just as frightened as any human being would be when outnumbered by so many guns. And he’d be compltely cut off from his lifeline of support.

          Then we take his pants, confiscate anything from his car of value, let the air out of his tires and viola`.

          Now that’s a public education worth something! 😉

        • It would have to be the perfect candidate; someone everyone reviles, like that asshole Mehserle who shot that kid in the head on the BART in San Fran.

          Or Lon Horiuchi.

          Or the guys who beat to death that harmless schizophrenic a while back in California–Kelly Thomas.

          Someone any jury in their right mind would convict in a fair system without the prosecutor and judge bullying them and suppressing evidence.

          And very importantly–no blood, no injury.

          Just a very firm and unmistakable message: we’re not taking it any more, last warning!

          And you’d have to be damn hygienic forensically; neutral ground, no cell phones, avoid cameras etc.

          • Yup! But actually I’d like to record it and post it! It would no doubt go viral.

            Then, using a TracFone, I want to call the media and explain to them what we did and why so they don’t paint us kooks. So they can hear our calm logic and reason.

            Just what you said: we’ve put up with the abuse until now because we were scared. We aint scared anymore and that ought to scare the shit out of the cops!

            We’re the garbage men and it’s time to take out the trash.

          • Puzzled, I suppose a case can be made for referring to a White Separatist as a “racist”.

            The big difference between other Whites and myself is the fact that I don’t run and hide or remain silent when someone uses the R word. Even at 76 when I look in the mirror I like the man I see.

            If Blacks hate Whites it’s fine with me. Unfortunately though, it doesn’t seem to be slowing White extinction.


        • Puzzled, I suppose a case can be made for referring to a White Separatist as a “racist”.

          The big difference between other Whites and myself is the fact that I don’t run and hide or remain silent when someone uses the R word. Even at 76 when I look in the mirror I like the man I see.

          If Blacks hate Whites it’s fine with me. Unfortunately though, it doesn’t seem to be slowing White extinction.


          • “Racist” is a political term, in my opinion – because it’s necessarily a loaded term. It implies aggressive violence – or at least, malicious intent. But simply preferring not to associate with certain people – and preferring to associate with others instead – is neither aggressive nor malicious. Nor harm is done. At least, no harm in the NAP sense.

            It’s a preference. It may – or may not be – a rational preference. So? Provided no one is being aggressed against, then you’ve got a right to exercise your preference, whether it’s rational or not, peculiar or not – and so on.

            I don’t like crowds – and prefer solitude. Am I a “crowdist”?

      • One does not fight terror by becoming a terrorist oneself. Here’s your problem: there will BE no “PhD’s in the 4th amendment” made by this process, ever. The reason is because if the “well-intentioned patriots” leave even one of the people they ambush alive to testify to the murders, or inform their fellow aristocrats, the rest of the State-sanctioned aristocracy will hunt them down and kill the “educators”, whether due process gets involved in that action or not. War is a wicked, collective insanity in and of itself. Unfortunately, in our real world, war periodically becomes inevitable through the inexorable progression of cause and effect. The thing to remember always is: if you make war you get war. War is not an amusing game. It’s not something you can start and then put away again once it no longer is amusing. If one gets started, it will be suicidal for any party to it to forget that it IS war.

        While such a fantasy scenario may be a vindicating poultice for the undeniably bruised and inflamed sense of justice in some, if carried into real action, such a scenario would be nothing less than the opening shot in a war whose far-reaching, and often unintended, consequences cannot be predicted. I do know that, given the current culture, demographics, and ideological divides in this country, such a war has an enormous potential to be horrific beyond what the original War Between the States was. That war was a geographically-contained war of secession. The next “civil war” that happens in this country, if it does, will likely be a true civil war with no geographical restrictions and no clearly defined “sides.” It will be everywhere and very disorganized, and consequently viscious and very hard to stop. Such a scenario does not bode well for the cause of liberty.

        • “if carried into real action, such a scenario would be nothing less than the opening shot in a war whose far-reaching, and often unintended, consequences cannot be predicted”

          If we’re lucky. We do not need “intended consequences”. That is in fact the paralyzing factor: nobody wants to do anything until they feel realitve certain that things will turn out the way they want at minimal cost to them. That day will NEVER come.

          The first shot is exactly what is needed in retaliation to the daily shots taken at us both figuratively and literally.

          If we are not smart enough to defeat the knuckleheads in gov’t then shame on us.

          I’m not advocating warfare but intelligent resistence which requires actions.

          I refuse to believe that those opposed to such a thing are opposed becasue they believe it won’t work. I believe they are opposed because they are afraid and the fear is the state’s most powerful tool.

          Fucking grow a pair and let’s get to it. We aint getting any younger and the state aint getting any smaller.

          • I have no doubt that it is possible to overthrow the bloated and failing U.S. Empire. It is failing and collapsing all by itself without any concerted resistance at all, as empires must fail. They are inherently unstable, as the Founders realized. That’s precisely why many of them, primarilly the Anti-federalists, didn’t want one and attempted to forge a system that would preclude one from developing in America.

            The problem is not the fear that the Washington Kleptocracy would triumph if a war broke out. Such a supposition about my reasoning reveals only your own subscription, conscious or otherwise, to the idea of the Efficacy of Force. My rebuttal to your demand that I “grow a pair” is for you to start thinking with the proper head. For what it’s worth, I don’t believe in the Efficacy of Force and I don’t think Washington would emerge triumphant in a new civil war, unless perhaps as merely a label. If it blows up, all of the emperor’s horses and all of his men will not be able to put the empire back together. That isn’t how it works. No, my objection to war, over an above the basic objections that every sane man holds against the concept, is that it will almost certainly not result in any kind of libertarian paradise. Unlike the original American Revolution, which unified people, and made a peaceful, proto-libertarian, free republic desired, and therefore possible, an American Civil War would splinter the people into disparate, passionate, ideologically disparate, distrusting, and violent groups, each anxious and lusting to conquer the corpse of the former empire and rule in its stead, as its successor. Welcome to the Dark Ages of Europe, after the fall of Rome. I would expect that liberty would eventually emerge from such a mess, for the straightforward reason that I understand that liberty works, in the long run, and tyranny doesn’t (I don’t buy into the Efficacy of Force paradigm), but the idea of creating an interminable, hellish, continent-wide free-for-all among many groups who have no appreciation for liberty at all, merely because I have an over-developed lust to punnish the unjust is ridiculous. It is cutting our noses off to spite our faces.

            The thing which must be faced here is that the empire is already failing. It will fall. The real questions are what will replace it and how will that be achieved. I firmly believe that open violence and warfare will bring us closer to chaos instead of civilized, anarcho-capitalist order or even “libertarian” minarchical order. Randolph Bourne put it succinctly: “War is the health of the State.” You cannot kill the beast by feeding it. It’s not the centurions I fear — they’re hopeless — but the barbarian successor states.

          • @Robert:

            Excellent comments, thank you. It is, as has been said, an information war…more than any conflict in the past.

            Rees-Mogg in “The Sovereign Individual” writes at length about the changing value of violence as a driver of history.

            The old guard; the nation-state, epitomized by the would-be US empire, is a dying breed. Its violence has lost all moral authority, and as it escalates, the moral outrage will grow in tandem with a sort of pity at its impotence.

            StormCloudsGathering (on YouTube) expounds on the same points you make; that what we are building now is NOT war on the state, it is the foundations of what will replace it as it inevitably fails.

          • Lots of truth to what you wrote, Robert. Except this bit: “Welcome to the Dark Ages of Europe, after the fall of Rome.”

            Perhaps you’re not aware of some recent articles depicting that time period as not all the dark? Athough, I suppose it’s where and who you are that mattered?:

            After Empire: Dark Ages or Innovation Explosion?


            Rampaging Hordes – or Darlings of the Dark Ages?


            A Gift From the Middle Ages


            The Great Depression of the 14th Century


            This does Not seem certain in light of select history:

            “an American Civil War would splinter the people into disparate, passionate, ideologically disparate, distrusting, and violent groups, each anxious and lusting to conquer the corpse of the former empire and rule in its stead, as its successor.”

            Who says?

            I’d say it’s more likley to end up being more, ‘Mind your own business’ kind of arrangement, but who knows.

            Have you ever studied the history of slave revolts in the Carrabiean?
            Interesting stuff, that.

        • “if you make war you get war”

          Agree 100%. So that goes for the state as well right? When they make war with us they should get war. So where’s the other half of that war? Where are we? We’re nowhere. We’re hiding behind our computers.

          You’re thinking like a statist: one set of rules for us and another for them.

          Your statement also manifests your fear. I can smell it in your words. Fear is natural, it’s rational but it takes courage to overcome it. If you don’t want to participate then don’t but don’t try to convince others not to.

          Instead how about offering some intelligent ideas of warfare. Every opponent for the last 60 years has beaten the U.S. military with inferior numbers and resources. If the Koreans, Vietnamese, Afghans and Iraqi’s can do it then so can we.

          • It may surprise you to know, Mr. Cooper, that I agree with you, in part. War is undeniably being made against the people, by a loose, foolish corporation of “Keystone Aristocrats”. I think you would find hearty agreement in John Locke’s Second Treatise On Civil Government, specifically Chapter 19, section 222, which Thomas Jefferson practically summarized to write the Declaration of Independence. My objection to the fantasy scenario whereby a group of Modern Minute Men dispense retalitatory justice to a hubris–drunken pack of aristocrat wanna–be’s was well and succinctly summarized by Mr. Peters, in his comment below. It’s all about maintaining legitimacy and ensuring our chances of prevailing against all other competing factions. I would only add the observation that the Redcoat’s defeat at Lexington and Concord was not sufficient to win the Revolution. The ultimate success of the revolutionaries was precipitated by the correct perception that their cause was just and therefore worth suppporting in blood, treasure, and sacred honor. The battle established that the Redcoats were clearly in the wrong as unjust aggressors against the peaceful, long–suffering, American Colonists. If we are to win, not just the “battle” but the peace that follows, then we must convince, by demonstration, that “our side” fights on the side of Right, in both desired ends and employed means.

          • “The ultimate success of the revolutionaries was precipitated by the correct perception that their cause was just and therefore worth suppporting in blood, treasure, and sacred honor.”

            We’re a long ways from there.

        • Agreed–see my many other posts advocating continuing to let the State delegitimize itself, without our help.

          Our task is to POINT OUT the delegitimizing…NOT instigate it.

          It’s a fun fantasy though.

          Now, if these abuses were to arise AFTER the delegitimization–and someone were in need of a refresher course on the 4A–then it might be a worthwhile exercise.

          However in such an environment the “justice” system would already be prosecuting them.

          Our conundrum today is these abuses AREN’T properly prosecuted; hence the frustration.

          But, chicken and egg: if we start the war, we LOSE the war because we delegitimize ourselves.

          The only permissible force is in DIRECT self-defense.

          • “The only permissible force is in DIRECT self-defense.”

            Ok so the next time someone’s rights are violated by a cop – even an arbitrary road block – then we should defend ourselves yes? I agree.

            But now everyone’s going to say: well no because a road block is harmless enough, it has to be something “really bad”.

            UGH! Excuses are like assholes: everybody’s got one and I’m tired of smelling them.

            I think it’s tremendously disingenuous to speak in no uncertain terms about the illegitimacy of the gov’t and at the same time say that it’s not permissible to defend yourself against their illegitimate actions because not enough people AGREE that it’s illegitimate. It’s morally inconsistent. If you’re planning on waiting for a moral majority to emerge, you’re gonna be waiting a very long time.

            • Don,

              One is not betraying one’s moral principles by refusing to respond with violence to an assault by an opponent who is overwhelmingly more powerful. You comply under duress – a different thing entirely.

              The day will come when enough people (not a “moral majority” – just enough people) support us – and more, no longer support the government. De-legitimizing the government is an absolute prerequisite to the success of the liberty movement. And you’re not going to get there by violence – but by taking the moral high ground.

          • It’s not a question of legitimacy. It’s a question of tactics.

            There’s a reason why the PTB build consent. Why they spend so much time and effort modifying people’s thinking.

            If one of them or their high level minions came to you by himself and demanded the fruits of your labor you’d tell him to ‘f off’ and kick his ass if needed. They know this. That’s why they build the state, the rituals, the social manipulations, the schools, and much more. It’s about the leverage it supplies.

            How do you leverage your act into something beyond a brief mention in the news cycle? Even that ex-cop who got the news cycle for days is already largely forgotten about.

          • Christ, Don, we’ve gone around on this one at least twice before.

            I’m not acting until it’s 1776, or they aggress directly against me or my family. I might if I were witness to something like the Kelly Thomas beating because I can’t stand the cruelty and injustice.

            Act now, you’re a dead forgotten idiot.

            Educate now and you build a team to act with you later.

            We haven’t won the mental war.

            Haven’t you read any Sun Tzu?

          • “comply under duress”

            Yup, that’s what I did when I paid for my license plates. I wanted to throw up, though. Nice to have a phrase for the moment.

            methylamine wrote, “Haven’t you read any Sun Tzu?”

            Or even, a quote from Claire Wolfe:

            “A friend wrote the other day to note that everybody in her political realm is (I paraphrase) “poised on the edge of a razor blade, bleeding over every little thing.” Angry. Edgy. Ready to explode over small provocations — since, face it, they have not yet figured out how to explode at the BIG provocations without doing a (totally futile) Carl Drega.”


            At any rate, I’m glad you guys are dragging this issue through the ringer again, others may benefit from it.

          • @Downshift:

            Speaking of Carl Drega, has anyone read Vin Suprinowycz’ excellent “The Ballad of Carl Drega”?

            He chronicles a number of “madder than hell, not gonna take it anymore” incidents that went nowhere–including Carl Drega, Randy Weaver, et al.

            Randy Weaver at least has become a symbol, like Waco, of tyranny’s abuses. But who remembers Carl Drega?

            But if we do our jobs educating, those situations either won’t be necessary…or they’ll get the applause they deserve.

          • Dear meth,

            I like what Suprynowicz wrote, with tongue planted firmly in cheek:

            “A well-regulated population being necessary to the security of a police state, the right of the Government to seize and destroy arms shall not be infringed.”

            From “Live Free or Die: How Many More Carl Dregas?”

      • You know Bevin, that’s a darned good suggestion. I have to agree with Robert about giving the State a license to hunt you down and shoot you or even worse run you through the meat grinder we call a justice system here in the States, but they can’t do much to you for making a movie (at least I don’t think they can, I don’t make movies).

        It’s a darn good way make the point without hurting anyone. I wonder who you could get to produce it? Maybe the guy who did “Wag the Dog”? Barry Levinson wasn’t it? I wonder if Mark Knopfler would do the score?

        It’d be really cool if you could get Tom Cruise to play the leader of the SWAT team that murdered Guerena. Maybe Kevin Costner or Robert De Niro to lead the “educators”? Maybe Redford? He did a few good establishment hit pieces in the old days. Remember “Three Days of the Condor” and “Sneakers”? Anyway, not a bad plan.

        • Dear badger,

          “but they can’t do much to you for making a movie”

          Exactly. We have to make use of what little wriggle room we have left to wage our ongoing war for freedom.

          That war is primarily a war of ideas, not physical confrontations.

          It is true that deprivations of our freedom are always physical in nature. All violations of the NAP are. They always involve brute force physical coercion. It is simply not possible to deprive someone of their individual liberty without brute force physical coercion.

          But that does not mean the most effective way to fight for our individual liberty is direct resistance. The most effective way to fight for our individual liberty is to transform the way people think and feel.

          Do that — in any number of ways, including making films such as “The Matrix” or “V for Vendetta,” and one has already scored a major victory.

    • I agree and yet not. Most cops simply do what they are told to do. So, if they are given new bosses, and are given a new list of instructions, the nation would be a better place.

      Back in the 1950’s in Sanford Florida, there was a pusilanimous sheriff and a judge that had a nice little scam going. Sheriff rolled a barrel out into the road to stop a car passing through. Sheriff wrote a ticket. Take ticket to judge. Judge says, “pay fine or spend the night in jail.”

      Later, someone was stopped with the barrel. The stopees hog-tied the sheriff, beat the tar out of him and tossed him on the front porch of the judge’s house with a sign pinned to him that read, “you’re next.”

      The scam stopped.

      Perhaps what needs to be done is to have 535 people hog tied, have the piss beaten out of them -not killed- and dumped on the front lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with signs that read, “you’re next.”

      This will not happen. Even if it did happen, the control-freaks would simply tax the people more to get more revenue for more cops to keep such a scenario from happening anymore.

      Still, how much fun would it be to see all politicians stripped to their skivies, tied to a pole or a park bench, covered with honey, or syrup or molasses and just left there for anyone to find.

      Really, everything in this post is no worse than frat hazing, but this post will be seen as “hate speech.”

      • brevard, “Perhaps what needs to be done is to have 535 people hog tied…”

        I like your ideas but I think you are off on your numbers; I come up with 545 not 535.

        One hundred senators, 435 congress critters, nine “supremes” and one prez = 545. (The vice prez is virtually useless.)

        Now think about this for a moment: how idiotic is a system that is based on the idea that 545 of the world’s best grifters have the intellectual and moral authority to dictate every aspect of the lives of 310 million people spread out over an area as big and diverse as the so-called USA?

        Now if someone wants to make the argument that my numbers are also wrong because TPTB are actually made up of only a handful of very powerful and secretive families, I would not disagree, i.e. the federal reserve system. I would only argue that, technically, the 545 have the power to stop the fed.

  21. “But not for us.”

    Oh, how I wish that were true. Unfortunately, the conflagration can’t help but cause the suffering and death of many innocent people, quite aside from those who choose to finally resist to the death.

    • If there’s one thing that Christopher Dorner taught us, it’s that law enforcement officers can’t find their asses with both hands and an ass map and an ass compass and an ass GPS while riding on an open-topped double-decker ass tour bus with a bilingual ass tour guide. Eric is spot on. When things boil over, it’s not the average citizen who needs to worry. The average citizen is not a total coward who can’t even interact with elderly women on the side of the road without ganging up in threes.

      • Bravo Joe! But man, please warn “humor ahead” or something. I have protein shake dribbling down my chin from laughing so hard–“ass map, ass compass and an ass GPS…double-decker ass tour bus…”

        Ah, god, I’m dying!

        And not just funny, but absolutely spot-on true.

        It’s another mistake the PTB made; they started the military-cop SWAT Officer 82nd Airborne stanazolol roid-rage shrinky-dick thug culture in LA in the 80’s…then carefully cultivated the “thin blue line”, and especially Officer Safety Uber Alles.

        Trouble is, now they’re more frightened for their own safety than a bunch of geriatrics at a bungie-jump. They startle at their own shadows.

        If it comes to the Solzhenitsyn moment, it will mean their total paralysis

        …they had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

  22. Lon Horiuchi.

    In 1995 I published a book titled: THE NOBLE TRINITY. Unfortunately less than 100 copies were sold before Katrina destroyed the remainder. I have but one copy left.

    Follows a snip from the ninety page work:

    *SNIP*Recently in Idaho, fourteen-year old Sammy Weaver and his mother Vicki were deprived of Life when government agents murdered them. Sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi murdered Vicki Weaver as she held her baby in one arm while assisting her husband and his wounded friend. Vicki’s husband Randy was the victim of an entrapment scheme by government agents. [White separatist] Weaver and his family lived quietly in the mountains until persistent agents entrapped him.

    The attack on the Weavers began with US marshals in full camouflage and ski-masks arousing Weaver’s dogs. When one of the US Swine shot and killed Weaver’s dog Striker, fourteen-year old Sammy Weaver then allegedly fired in the direction from where the shots had come and ran for the cabin when his dad, Randy called. Sammy never made it. A federal marshal shot him in the back and killed him. A friend, Kevin Harris, responded to Sammy’s murder by killing a federal marshal in self-defense. The exterminated (as in vermin) marshal had fired seven shots from his weapon during the exchange. On orders from the Great Pig Sty on the Potomac, four-hundred heavily armed agents besieged the tiny Weaver place. After an eleven day siege, a heartbroken, Randy Weaver surrendered. *SNIP*

    • The point of this article is greater than the world’s need for “Whitecoats.” But let’s start there, to “Render Unto Whitey What Is Whitey’s” and commence dismantling of the artificial state, not merely putting Whitey back at the helm. Regarding Lon…

      Lon Horiuchi killed innocents at Waco, TX and much more.

      Weaver was a patsy used by CIA/UN infiltrators to assure the bull-dozing of Northern Idaho “alternate churches” and complete the economic devastation of “white groups” by SPLC & ADL for trying to live outside the state by their own code. If White Supremacists really advocate random attacks on “blacks” far outside their compounds, which I doubt, they could retake the moral high ground by merely disavowing this practice.

      Lockheed Aerospace Engineer & Aryan Pastor Richard Butler

      Secret Rulers of the World – BBC(State Funded Pravda of England)

      – – – – – –

      That for which we fight is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our Race, by and of our Nations, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the people of our Race, so that we, a kindred people, may mature for fulfillment of the mission allotted to us by the Creator of the universe, our Father and God. Hail His Victory !

      1. We recognize that there exists no place in any branch of the Aryan Race a state of our Racial Nation.
      2. An Aryan National State is an institution of God that has a single duty to itself and the people of the Racial Nation: The preservation of the Race, culture and people of the Nation.
      3. There exists a Law Order that governs the life of men and Nations of men in that obedience to this life law is life; disobedience is death.
      4. The Creative “Life Spirit” of the Adamic Aryan can only exist through the purity of the Race throughout all their generations [as with Noah].
      5. No compromise or adulteration of this basic organic life-law principle can be made without violating all law.
      6. The only hope for redemption of the Aryan Racial household is the return to the fundamental life law.
      7. Life law is inseparable from the political government under which the Aryan Racial family lives.
      8. Only by the single United Will of the people of the Racial Nation can there exist a state of government for the Nation.
      9. The people of the Nation create the State; the state does not create the People.
      10. A Nation begins and ends as a Race; everything else is predicated upon this fact.
      11. There is, and can be, no separation of the “spiritual worship State” and the “political state”.
      12. We have but one hope as a Racial Nation and that is the Life Law of our Father and God, Yahweh.

      The Aryan Code

      Upon three pillars stand all the reason and purpose, all the hope of the creation, all the promise of “life,” and all that is to come.

      The FIRST principle: our Race, a People related to Him Who beget us and of Whom we alone can in truth say, “OUR FATHER”.

      The SECOND principle: our individual and collective national asset of will honoring the mutual brotherhood of our elect racial family.

      The THIRD principle: total commitment of fidelity to the Law of Life for preservation of the existence of our life. The Life is the purpose by the Creator, Whom we call YAHSHUA, of all that was made.

      That for which we fight is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our Race, by and of our Nations, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the people of our Race, so that we, a kindred people, may mature for fulfillment of the mission allotted to us by the Creator of the universe, our Father and God. Hail His Victory !

      • Will the day ever come when the clovers wake up and realize that we’re all Palestinians now?

        Palestine Said to Break Ceasefire! (Because the Palestinians Already Killed By Israel Don’t Count)
        February 26th, 2013

        Leave it to the New York Times, “the newspaper of record,” to leave a gaping hole in history if it makes Israel look good. As I’ve previously chronicled Israel has broken the ceasefire established with Palestine in November 2012 numerous times. But according to the NYT that’s not important because ceasefires can only be broken when Palestinians fight back.



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