
What May Really Kill the Electric Car

Electric vehicles are just the ticket for short trips in between long recharge times. Assuming you can afford one. The new electric version of Ford’s F-150, for instance. It can go up to...

The Monkey Waves His Paw . . .

I like to focus on the rants - and responding to readers' responses to the rants, general questions and such - but every now and then, it's necessary to make a...

The Consequences of Being Politically Incorrect

Well, at least they aren't sending us to camps... yet. That's probably next. One thing does follow another, like dominos. The logic of it being as inexorable, ultimately, as gravitational pull. So I...

Diaper Report 9/1/21

I got a letter for Diaper Duty the other day. Well, it is nominally a questionnaire for selecting prospects for jury duty. I did not fill it in and have no plans...

The Shirts on Our Backs

You have no doubt heard the WEF's slogan about our future - the one (not far from now) in which we will "own nothing and be happy." We've been living in that...

Making a New (or Just New to You) Bike Your Own

What are some common weak points of the "as it sits" new bike? And how do you go about making a bike right - for you? * Factory seats - The stock saddle...

“Representation” … and “Consent”

Democracy is an incredibly successful long con. It works because of the illusion of consent. People actually believe they are "represented." And so, they accept impositions that would otherwise be intolerable, if imposed...

Diaper Report: 1/02/2024

Halloween is almost 11 months away - but so is the next selection. So it's no surprise that enforced "mask" wearing is beginning to happen, already - and again. Beginning in -...

How “Safety” Requirements Make Your Car Less Actually Safe

The government enacts laws - or issues regulatory fatwas - requiring that new cars comply with various "safety" standards. Ironically, the result of these standards - in terms of vehicle design...

The Price of Saaaaaafety

One of the very real negatives of modern car design is that even very minor impacts can cause major damage to the car. Hit something in a late-model car at 10-20 MPH...
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