Paul Calls out Chickenhawk Gingrich


Paul blasts Gingrich for skipping military

Peter Schroeder
The Hill
January 8, 2012
Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) jabbed at Newt Gingrich during Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate for not serving in the military while advocating for foreign intervention as a candidate.

Paul had previously called Gingrich a “chickenhawk” for avoiding military service in his younger years, and did not back off from that line of attack during an ABC News/Yahoo! debate in New Hampshire.
“I’m trying to stop these wars, but at least I went when called,” he told Gingrich.
The former House Speaker fired back in a seething response, accusing Paul of having “a long history of saying things that are inaccurate and false…I personally resent the kind of comments and aspersions he typically makes.”
He went on to say that his father was a long-time member of the military with multiple tours of duty, adding, “I have a pretty good idea of what it’s like in a family to worry.”


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