2001 Saturn SC1


I am in the market for a “new” car, and I found a 2001 Saturn SC1 for 2850 with 141,555 Miles. Is this reasonably priced? (I am in California). Is there anything I need to look out for?


  1. Rely on Edmunds more than Kelly for private party values on old rides like the ’01 Saturn. Kelly is more for the ‘Stealership’ industry. If your car is no more than six years old, it tends to reflect market reality (which is largely with dealers for the late model cars anyway). If you found almost anything that old at a “dealer”, it’d probably be at a second or third rate “mouse house” which exists primarily to prey on the poor, the ignorant, and/or the credit-challenged (or combo thereof), and their stickered prices are almost always outrageous, let alone the credit terms.
    For what seems to be your Saturn (a 2001 SL1 with 141K miles, it seems all SL1s are stick, and ‘options’ don’t matter), in “clean” condition (next to “Outstanding”), the Private party value, according to Edmunds, is $1,683, and the “stealership” value is $2,771. So the party demanding $2,850 should at least offer candy and flowers and tell you that you’re loved in the mornning.


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