AI Will Keep You Safe…


One of the most fearsome predictions made by George Orwell in his novel, 1984, was of the development of a technology capable of monitoring people 24/7, during every waking (and even sleeping) moment of their lives. He called it the Telescreen – and through it, Big Brother Brother (or rather, Big Brother’s minions) kept watch over you.

Well, the Telescreen is old hat – both technology-wise and tyranny-wise. It was only a two-way TV, after all. As Winston Smith himself explained, while in theory you were watched all the time, in fact, it was not possible to watch everyone at all times – simply because there were not enough Thought Policemen to keep track of every single person at every single moment. Thus, you had at least a chance to go unobserved.

But the new Telescreen developed by “security firm” BRS Labs is entirely automated. A computer brain watches 24/7.

Its all-seeing  (and all-recording) eye never blinks.

It also thinks.

Using what the company calls AIsight (i.e., artificial intelligence) “behavior recognition” algorithms, the BRS Telescreen watches for “anomalous” behavior – anything that deviates from whatever “norm” is programmed into its chilly, transistorized mind. We’re told it will detect – cue tired catchphrase – terrorists – but of course we’ll all be subject to the gimlet eye. Walk too slowly … linger too long … fail to move with the crowd … prima facie “suspicious activity,” according to BRS. Such “suspicious activity” then triggers an alert – and the human warders are called in to investigate.

The first one goes operational soon in San Franciso’s MUNI public transport system – where it will monitor all the people all the time. The city has signed a lucrative contract with BRS to install the Telescreens (well, they insist on calling them cameras) in 12 subway stations. Each station will be fitted with 22 Telescreens (er, cameras). There they will “build memories of observed behavior patterns that mature with time.” The system “has the capability to learn from (what it) observes.”

Delightful, isn’t it?

Other BRS “customers” include the City of  Houston, the Louisiana Port Commission, the City of Birmingham, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and – of course – the World Trade Center complex, the very place where whatever remained of “our freedoms” went up in smoke along with 3,000 human beings. No doubt the system – the grid – will expand. We can’t be too safe, after all. Within a few years, it will probably be impossible to go outside without falling under the watchful eye of AI. And why stop there? Surely, terrorists will hatch their plots inside as well. This will be the pretext used to get the Telescreens (cough, cameras) into our homes. Hell, they’re already there. Check Costco Catalogue and Harvey Norman Catalogue. Most recent model computers have built-in cameras (and microphones) that can be turned on and off remotely, by someone not you. Many home computers are tied into the TV, too. And most new cars also have cameras… and can connect to the outside world via GPS… .

PS: I put “customers” in quotes above deliberately – to make the point that we’re being taxed to death to finance the death of liberty. We have no say in the matter. So long as someone with political pull utters the magic word – security. Then, no cost is too high, no burden too great… to be borne by us. Our cars are fitted with black boxes – our public spaces with Telescreens – all of it controlled by computers.

Which are controlled by the government.

As bad as old-style police states of the 1984 variety were, at least they were run by humans. So there was at least the possibility of a human exercising judgment – and perhaps, restraint. Winston Smith may not have had much of a chance – but at least he had a chance. The modern, real-world technological police state is far worse than the  imaginary world of 1984. As Kyle Reese put it to Sarah Conner in the original Terminator – which may have been even more predictive than Orwell’s book:

Artificial intelligence  “… can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

Or at least, indefinitely detained.

Why not? Your other rights are already forfeit.

Merely to leave the confines of your home is to surrender – as the Robed Eviscerators put it – the “expectation of privacy.” Which is their eggheaded euphemism for declaring that the Fourth and Fifth Amendments are suspended. Neither of these former rights, as articulated in the (former) Bill of Rights, makes mention of exceptions based on the fact that a citizen is out in public. That is a confection of the court – a brazen repudiation of the plain meaning of those now-defunct amendments. Those amendments once enshrined in the law our right to be left in peace absent reasonable suspicion – and a warrant issued by a court. It is now considered reasonable – the effrontery! –  to monitor, record and search people randomly – and en masse.  Worse, the average person has bowed to “the post 9/11 reality” – and accepted these outrages. He does not mind being under the gimlet eye – provided it will “keep him safe.”

Homo servilus – a creature unworthy of freedom. Unfortunately, those among us who are not servile will be carried along with the rip tide.

No one seems to care.

At least, not enough to put a stop to it all.

Throw it in the Woods?


  1. I, for one, WILL INTENTIONALLY act suspiciously whenever I see one of these revolting BRS cameras. Hopefully I’ll be able to sue the assholes, or at least make enough of a fuss to show others what bullshit these things are.

  2. There they will “build memories of observed behavior patterns that mature with time.” The system “has the capability to learn from (what it) observes.” So train it like a child. In SF have everyone flip off the camera, carry a balloon, do a chorus line. Won’t that retrain the camera. So the trick is to make all government people look like the bad guys. There has got to be a way of using reverse behavior to our advantage.

  3. Prior to 9/11, the gubmint spent the majority of its time spying on the American public.

    Post 9/11, “gumbint intelligence” redoubled its efforts spying on the American public.

    If there existed a genuine “terrorist threat” (other than the ones perpetrated by government agents, the feds would have spent time actually defending U.S. borders.

    Eric’s above article is a perfect illustration of who and what the government really believes is a threat to them.

  4. While we should be wary and outraged by developments like this, we shouldn’t be worried. I used to work in the field of computer pattern recognition and I can tell you it’s crap. Human behaviour is just too complicated. If you set it “low” you miss everything. If you tweak it to catch more “patterns”, you get buried alive in false positives. I guarantee you that it will run in the background, eat up immense resources, and be ignored by the human operators because it will cry “wolf” 24/7.

    • Dear Galaxy 500,

      Thanks for that insight. Good to know.

      The more people sound off on these issues, especially given the huge boost provided by the Ron Paul Revolution, the more inundated with false positives Big Brother will be, and the less it will be able to make sense of the raw data.

      The dossiers in the archives of the East German government turned out to be too much information for the STASI to process. Nobody knew what to do with it. It sat there gathering dust, like the Ark of the Covenant in Hanger 51.

      Also, once the Berlin Wall fell, the same dossiers that were so incriminating for those in them, turned out to be even more incriminating for those who compiled them. A classic case of double-edged swords and being hoisted by one’s own petard.

      Finally, the very reason the Berlin Wall fell, lest we forget, was that the number of people who decided to “Just Say No” eventually exceeded those who kept their heads down and their mouths shut. Is discretion always the better part of valor? Not necessarily.

    • It has been my theory for some time that the data is just to be stored. Never even looked at unless a person decides to do something that really irritates or threatens someone with power or someone with power or someone with friends with power wants someone out of the way, their property, etc.

      At that point the data will be used and twisted against him either as a criminal prosecution (there’s no way to live without breaking the law since everyone is at most a clever interpretation of the law away from a felony charge now) or used in the media to smear.

      Other than that, few will be bothered. The clover majority will be left alone because they don’t threaten people with power, they do what they are told, and they don’t have anything anyone else wants. When the news media shows their neighbor losing his car or the guy across town losing his house to this sort of action they will accept it or consider it as an aberration. They will shrug and go on about their day as they do now.

      • When the news media shows their neighbor losing his car or the guy across town losing his house to this sort of action they will accept it or consider it as an aberration. They will shrug and go on about their day as they do now.

        Exactly like the reaction of the 999 antelope in a herd of 1000 that’s just lost one to a cheetah.

  5. I see a lot of this stuff as a great opportunity for those of us in favor of a peaceable revolution. Every two way signal CAN be intercepted and altered, regardless of how encrypted or difficult it might be.

    It seems to me that we could mount all sorts of “false flag” video ops against these idiots. Send the pig… I mean cops scurrying hither and yon chasing phantoms, while monitoring and broadcasting everything they do.

    A lot of that is already happening, and it is changing (too slowly) John Q. Public’s perception of the cops from our protectors to the mercenary thugs that they actually are.

  6. This is off topic but I just had to share this video. Polis Questions DEA on Marijuana Policy

    This is just too funny.

    • incredibly difficult to watch, only funny because of how tragic and stupid it is.
      that dumb bitch is an “expert”???

        • All you have to do is look at the dialogue:

          Q – “I’m asking you as an expert in the subject area…”

          A. – I’m answering as a police officer and as a DEA agent.” (not an expert)

          Self explanatory. Motive revealed.

    • I love the comment – “All illegal drugs are addictive.” She resists acknowledging any scientific evidence. Ok. I’ll buy that. Using her logic, if we legalize illegal drugs, will they no longer be addictive?

    • Personnel Announcement, Speech Excerpt, & Appeal to Individual Reasoning and Conclusion

      President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate one individual, and the designation of one individual to serve in his administration:

      The President intends to nominate Michele M. Leonhart, of California, to be the Deputy Administrator of Drug Enforcement at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Ms. Leonhart currently serves as Special Agent in Charge for the Los Angeles Field Division of the DEA. Previously, she served in the same capacity for the San Francisco Field Division of the DEA. She also served as Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Los Angeles DEA. Earlier in her career, she served at DEA’s Headquarters in Washington, D.C., as Executive Assistant to the Career Board, as an Inspector for the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Office of Professional Responsibility, as well as Staff Coordinator in the Targeted King-pin Organization. Ms. Leonhart earned her bachelor’s degree from Bemidji State University.

      Michele L. Leonhart a 1978 graduate of Bemidji State University, gave an alumni homecoming lecture in 2009, here are some of the slavering hatefilled words straight from chthulhu’s gulliver:

      “You’re going to deal with the scum of the earth, and you’re going to have to do everything that a man does … and it’s going to be long hours, and it’s going to be rough, and you know, not every woman is looking for that kind of career,” Leonhart said. “I wanted the scum of the earth. I went to the right agency because they deal with the scum of the earth.”

      Leonhart is married to Gene Johns, a narcotics detective with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s office. They have two sons and split their time between California and Washington, D.C.

      “It works,” she said. “We’re both workaholics and we both care very deeply about each other and our families.”

      Her husband was in the audience Thursday night, as was her mother, Marilyn Leonhart of White Bear Lake.

      Leonhart later on met with the Headwaters Safe Trails Task Force and the Paul Bunyan Drug Task Force today. From their she proceeded to Denver, where she addressed the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

      If you comply and support the state, it is illegitimate feel disconnected from the child sacrifices and agrarian murder being funded by American taxpayers.

      The legacy of our alumni really tells the story of Bemidji State University,” BSU President Jon Quistgaard said. “It’s important for alumni to come back and share their experiences.”
      BSU graduates can make meaningful accomplishments at all levels, Quistgaard said. “They need to see these success stories.”
      “It’s really neat to have someone from DEA headquarters in Washington, D.C., come to Bemidji and talk about local and international problems,” Beltrami County Sheriff Phil Hodapp said. “We are very proud of her. It’s neat to have someone from Minnesota, a graduate of BSU, be head of the DEA.”

      Leonhart is a violent crimeboss, head of the DEA gang with more victims killed more than all other drug gangs combined. She is an old archetype. It is Jon Quistgaard and friends who are new. Jon Quistgaard is a Clover. The Clovers are killing us

      • Leonhart said. “I wanted the scum of the earth. I went to the right agency because they deal with the scum of the earth.”

        They employ the scum of the Earth, that much is obvious.

        Thanks for the info.

    • Jesus Christ, can she possibly be that stupid? Is she stoned? No that would be too rich. Guaranteed she uses at least one psychotropic. Pulling from my past as a psychiatrist, I’d say a benzodiazepine–Valium, Ativan, or most likely Xanax.

      Watch her eyes–intrinsic eye muscles are very sensitive to the effects. Slow eye movements. Exaggeratedly slow blinking. Slight slurring of her speech.

      Yep she’s riding the benzos. Probably snagged one from a heavily-addicted fellow DEA staffer to “calm her down” before her nerve-wracking interview by a fellow tax parasite.

      And the best part, my fellow freedomistas?

      We pay this dumb bitch’s inflated salary! Someone this dumb wouldn’t make it in the accounts receivable department shuffling paper at $30K/yr.

      Strangely, it gives me some hope. The real Elites may be sociopaths, but many are quite intelligent. The minions they rely on, though, are dumber than a box of hair–and that might be their downfall.

  7. Living in a fascist police state sucks, but what can you do? You can hide away, fly your freak flag or in a way do both. I’m a prepper and basically that means that if the shit hits the fan I’m ready. Until then I will fly my freak flag and piss off as many people as I can. I can’t imagine them ever thinking I’m a big enough threat to do anything about it. I don’t see them wasting their time trying to set up some guy who has no intention of falling for some agent provocateur BS. That seems to be about the only thing they do well anyway.

  8. Alas, the American “Citizen” has opted for Sheepdom. Merino Sheep on Santa Cruz Island off the Calif. coast have adapted to hunting pressure by hiding their heads in a small cave in the rocks. Of course, their entire body is still exposed, but hey! If I can’t see you coming, why would I worry? I fear we have become sheep, happy to have The Shepard take care of us. Fortunately, there are still a few of us undaunted souls who opt to be Sheepdogs. Hopefully, one of us will be near when you need us. In the meantime, we’ll be nipping at your heels to remind you of the pending danger.

  9. I’m now approaching age 69, and my two young adult children, a daughter is 30 and a son is 25 through reading have become informed young citizens. I grew up out in the ranch/farm country of Santa Clara and was there and not yet 10, when IBM announced they were setting up a west coast manufacturing plant south of San Jose. In 1961 at age 17 I went to study aeronautical engineering at UC Berkeley, All my life I have been a reader .. my Dad was an avid Carnegie-library reader and early on taught we one very important skill: Read&Remember, with a warning that ‘If you’re not going to remember, just quickly skim it and just remember from where it was that you did your skimming (e.g. Wall Street Journal, The Economist, the Bible, the Kuran, etc.

    Until I moved to college when I was 17 and where there were TV’s, I never got much interested in watching any TV, or going to movies, or becoming a watcher of most external and passive activities like pro-sports, etc. Over the course of time, I did read 1984, Brave New World, Growing Up Absurd, the Time Machine, etc., … and early on concluded that THE GOVERNMENT can be both observed and/or watched from afar in many ways, and the fewer times one connects with any of the many different media/digital “platforms” the less likely YOU are to be cross-referenced and discovered and tracked, hence I do not tweet, twitter, and have mostly stopped adding Facebook friends sometime ago, and seldom add LinkedIn relationships.

    Good luck all of you out there, who MAY be spending too much time on the net and twittering without much thought with anyone but live Mockingbirds flying in and out of your back yard or your larger residential neighborhood. ~ CitizenClark

    • “hence I do not tweet, twitter, and have mostly stopped adding Facebook friends sometime ago, and seldom add LinkedIn relationships.”

      Me too.

      No Facebook (I have a life; and I don’t dig data mining).

      No sail fawn.

      No Linked in.

      I’m a dude. I refuse to “tweet.”

        • Self-employed! I do piecework, contribute to various publications, get some (picayune) royalties from my books. But I live cheap, so I have enough coming in to make it all work.

          • Oh cool! Yes, I /should/ have known.
            Especially since you made the “Facebook ‘Like’ Button Added” thread.

            Though I’m pretty sure that those are pictures of Eric on there.

            Keep the updates up though, your post of this article is what brought me here. 😛

      • Not only do I not tweet, I don’t trill, caw, hoot or warble. 🙂 No Facebook or other social media, either.

        I do have a “sail fawn,” but use it only for emergencies and long-distance calls (no toll). And it’s a PAYG phone, with everything paid for in cash so there’s no link to me.

        • I’m a software engineer, and I don’t tweet, or Facebook…my cell phone is an old “dumb” one. It makes and receives calls*, that’s it.

          * Except when a gov agency wants to listen in. Ya’ll do know they can be turned on and listened to remotely, right? Paranoid? Look it up.

          • I’m do quality assurance work on websites and software. I confess to having a smart phone! It’s pretty damn cool. I held out a long time, but last winter out in Colorado with no internet and seeing my buddy’s phone in action sold me. We used it as a hotspot and I was able to use my laptop to surf the web and keep up with this site. I ended up getting a $25 a month unlimited data plan and love it. I live on a mountain and we lose internet often. When it happens, all I do is turn on the hot spot feature on my phone, select the network on my computer, and I am back in business.


          • @dom:

            Ha! You sell-out! 🙂

            I’ll probably get one eventually. I’ll just have to discipline myself not to sit on EPAutos or Gmail all day long.

    • … the fewer times one connects with any of the many different media/digital “platforms” the less likely YOU are to be cross-referenced and discovered and tracked …

      Ah… no. They’ve got that covered, too: it’s also suspicious behaviour not to fit the profile of a typical amount of those things. For instance, it used to be that the only way a spy could avoid ever mentioning an important name on the telephone was to develop the habit of never mentioning any names on the telephone – but these days the investigators can flag anyone with that habit for closer inspection, as in “it’s quiet, too quiet”. Not that I would know…

      • Good point.

        While I refuse to participate in Facebook (or Linkedin) and don’t have a sail fawn, I have Ron Paul (and pro-gun) stickers on my trucks – and of course, there’s all my rants here and elsewhere. Probably, they are aware I’m not a fan….

  10. Add in the fact that the Republican Supreme (Federal) Court has
    given Corporations U.S. first class citizeship rights, and the
    majority of the Republican Senate supported taking away U.S.
    citizenship rights from terrorists (whatever that means) to be
    given to the military industrial complex to decide, and oddly,
    Obama signed on the bottom line, even though the majority of
    Democrats were against further busting of the Constitution, and then you don’t have to be very smart to see where this is going!!

    • Eric Taylor: The issue of corporation civil rights goes way back to 1868 (yes 18-sixty eight, not 1968) in an old Southern Pacific Railroad tax case in California vs. County of Santa Clara (I believe) stating corporations including SPRR …having civil rights .. and the fact was just stated by the Judge …and never contested by either the County of Santa Clara nor the Southern Pacific RR . that case before the courts was just a case about fair property tax rates on RR properties….Go READ …This was not just recently done by the US Supreme Court in Citizens United …good luck with your research and readings

      • I’m still waiting for the first corporation to be tried for murder 1. If they have citizen status, they should be held responsible for when found to murder people. And the same death row laws should apply. If they are found guilty of of murder they should put to death, same as you or me.

        • Me too.

          But, corporate “personhood” is not unlike the rest of our system – a gigantic con and double standard. Corporations enjoy the protections of legal personhood but avoid the consequences. As you say, they can’t be tried for murder – or drafted, or even forced to “buckle up” for safety.

    • We could look at the upside of this.

      The machine sees a lone woman on a train platform, 5 guys in a group about 15 feet away. You plot the story…

      • Woman draws SMG and kills men, all while being recorded on CCTV. Story is suppressed, in keeping with the social narrative propaganda. One of the deceased is labeled “disgruntled”.

        You did say I could plot the story!

        • If a mundane woman, she is prosecuted for murder. It is claimed that she acted out of racist fear. The usual camera mugging individuals get involved. There is lynch mob forming to kill the woman. The government office holders smell blood and career advancement. Truth doesn’t matter… she’s going to spend time in prison. Unless of course she’s a cop, then it’s all different as you indicate in the followup.

          • Exactly. The video doesn’t tell the whole story nor does it necessarily tell the “truth”. That malleable commodity so often found missing in the judicial diet.

      • Seeing as I can’t edit my own comments I’ll add that the assailant premeditated the assault upon the unwary victims. Being as she was a cop and the deceased supposedly made “furtive” gestures or eye-contact with her sanctified personage.

      • Except she’ll be disarmed and unable to defend herself – thanks to “the law.”

        So, the video will capture the event. And the “youths” will just disappear into the crowd.

    • Would be a good thing to use to protect your property. YES. Problem is it will also be put in cop cars, watching public spaces where there are no private protections. The police will use it to…. well… POLICE you. Perhaps as an extension of that antiswearing law they passed in MA. No it is not enforceable, but it sure is wrong, and if ya don’t comply, then what? Escalation? Revolution? Yeah riiiggghhht.

  11. Technology empowers individuals too. Statists think they are the only ones who use viruses to spy, or for propaganda? The only problem I see is the body of regulation mandating state control over encryption, devices and other software. The laws in place are pretty evil. They are what allow the States to power your phone camera/microphone on without your permission wirelessly, or outlawing certain forms of encryption as munitions, creating a whole new kind of victimless crime just by protecting your property. Also the feds force software companies to create holes in software making it hackable by them, again making identity theft easier. Biggest secret is that crackers use gov created holes to break into phones, computers etc. The CIA and NSA are overwhelmed with information and cannot connect the dots yet…. I say BURRY them in information and see how smart they are.

    • Absolutely! I’ve been day dreaming (another word for invention) about just such a system. I believe that if the mind of man can imagine something then it’s entirely within the realm of the possible to create it. For good or for evil.

    • And, as Lew Rockwell said on his podcast this morning, laugh at them. Laugh in their damn faces. It really pisses them off.

      • Bingo! Nothing pisses, or disorients, them more than recognizing their absurd foolishness. Keeping a straight face on while listening to ravings is a disservice to humanity. You really do have to laugh at them.

  12. Whenever technology creates a better lock, a better lockpick is also produced. This is the reason RIAA is involved in an endless battle it can never win, but of course it doesn’t care since it exists to provide fodder for copyright attorneys. As long as it can get away with wasting money to feed lawyers it’s happy. The parallels with government sponsored surveillance should be obvious; as long as the government can get away with wasting money to feed intelligence gatherers, which boils down to people who’re paid to watch boring television, it will do so.

    Now they want to take some of the boredom out of TV by claiming they have an AI that will just show you the good stuff. They’ve programed it to pay special attention to anomalous activities like dropping trow in a train station of flashing your tits. This promises to enrich the lives of trainspotters everywhere.

    But here’s the rub; the real bad guys will find ways to fool the cameras. Here’s an example– back when they first started putting GPS locators in cell phones I had this idea of an application I wanted to call “Off Leash”. What you’d do is turn on the GPS and Location Services or whatever they were called on your phone, then go about you normal routine while “Off Leash” recorded your every move. After you had a few hours of harmless wandering on the tape. You turned it off and saved the recording. Next time you wanted to take a 3 hour lunch without anyone knowing, you put it on playback and went on your merry way.

    Now, I’m not saying this is particularly easy to do, but I guarantee it can be done. It’s an example of the “garbage in, garbage out” maxim of computer science.

    • Well, it is easier when you know you are being watched. Then it is easy to plan, evade and crack. But we are moving to a world where you are monitored by lots of devices of which you may not be aware of. Shut your phone off? Shut your car off? Evade traffic cameras? How about the state hacked camera on your new fridge? Maybe your new TV that is not unplugged? Point is, you will be watched and soon you will be suspicious looking for just wanting to be watched.

      • First of all you’d have to purchase a device capable of spying on you in the first place. Don’t want a fridge or boob-tube with the Eye of Sauron gazing on you? Don’t buy one! Not sure if that little camera on your laptop is feeding its taskmasters over the Net? Tape over its “eye” and be done with it. Or, if you’re skilled you can crack the case and physically disconnect the damn thing. Now things like Drones in the Sky are what bugs me to no end. My only hope is that enterprising patriots will devise “hunter-killer” drones that will home in on these evil devices and send them to hell.

        • Look, I am not being paramour here. I don’t think ya realize the scale of aggression being perpetuated on the masses. I laugh when I think of the future. It is not just cameras and the like we have to worry about, imagine your car spying on you to the state with your driving habits, maybe you frequent drive throughs in mcdonalds? Think you can hack your car? Maybe. Point is, it is a lot of time and paper money wasted fighting the state.

          • I agree with you. The scale of the abuse is phenomenal. And consider all the energy directed towards creating and supporting this evil. Imagine all the good we could accomplish if government and its enablers simply left us all alone. But, then again, when they consider you “cattle” and not fit to do anything without their permission, it becomes clear.

          • I agree with you, Jason. It’s coming at us from all directions, not just cameras and cars. Something I’ve been watching since last year is called Core Score. It’s going to be our 2nd credit report and it covers a hell of a lot more than Experian, TransUnion or Equifax. You can read about it here:

            Or google it and you’ll find a lot more (horror) stories about its up-and-coming capabilities and the flaws it will have.

            It’s being touted as a “great things for consumers”, now people that couldn’t get credit will be able to get credit, but in this economy?? Really??

            I’ve posted things on my facebook and on other forums and nobody seems to care. Not one like, not one comment. It’s very discouraging.

            Core Score is not everywhere yet, but it’s coming. Some institutions are already using it, but thus far, nobody wants to raise their hand and shout “We’re doing it!”

            This might not be direct surveillance, but it’s a big expansion of the already existing background monitoring they do on everyone.

        • OR, we could all stop voting the “war on terror” congresscritters back in office. What the hell is McCain still in office for? Who does he represent? For Christs’ sake he’s 2 years older than my father who’s been retired for 15 years now, and dad’s getting a little senile …and he wasn’t tortured by an “evil commie bastard” he was trying to give the gift of freedom to, either. I can only imagine the hell that is the inside of McCain’s brain.

          Don’t blame the technology, it will always be there. Instead, blame the people wielding it for evil and slap them down when they do.

          • But we have all the tsa employees and employees of companies that make the porno scanners and dont forget the quantity of people’s livelihood tied to the continued occupation of approx 100 nations whether it is the soldiers who want to be there or the contractors with inside connections like haliburton.
            We are taxed so that weapons can be made and used to destroy infrastructure and lives and then taxed further to have those things rebuilt. And we have to do this bc they hate our freedom?
            There are too many vested interests in keeping the status quo, it won’t end by choice or vote. It will end when it collapses onto itself, likely caused by insolvency of the state.
            There is typically little/no choice when voting, southpark represented it best a few years ago with an election between a “turd sandwich” and a “giant douche”

          • “OR, we could all stop voting the “war on terror” congresscritters back in office.”

            Problem is, many – probably a majority – of Americans support the “war on terror.” They buy the lie. They relish the violence against “ragheads” – perhaps as a compensatory lashing out for their own feelings of impotence. Who knows. Bottom line: “Freedom loving” Americans actually hate freedom. And love war.

          • When people regurgitate the same old tired lie about “hating our freedoms” and other rot gut excuses I say, “You still believe that shit?!”

      • It’s really the alternative media that will protect you from your fridge. There are quite a few folks who spend a lot of time looking over software to make sure it doesn’t have sneaky little loopholes in it and they don’t all work for TPTB. When someone finds a vulnerability in, say for example, OpenSSL, they tend to talk about it.

        It’s not a guarantee or anything, but as long as the internet keeps working I’m less inclined to worry about my fridge.

  13. “Private” is a bad word in the collectivist mind.
    In Italian “privato” can be translated as “deprived”; in the sense of: I have deprived someone of something.
    I heard an Italian politician saying that, by definition, the existence of something private means that someone else has been deprived of what it’s rightfully his or hers.
    The battle against collectivism is a quixotic struggle that I’m afraid can’t be won. The only solution is to try to make oneself invisible to the state; with devices like that around, good luck!
    Thanks for the space.

    • Without privacy, without private property, creativity will cease. Few people won’t even bother with the work to learn the existing technology.

      The Eloi don’t even know how it works now. They are unlikely to learn in the future. They will know less and be more dependent on the Morlocks to operate things. The Morlocks who do understand how things work will eventually turn the tables on the Eloi.

        • The Eloi were the ruling class, not the middle class.

          When the book was written there really wasn’t a paid for underclass as there is today. The Morlocks are what became of the working class. This would include today’s working class. Where the modern welfare underclass goes, I am not sure. Given the ideas of eugenics, my guess is dead.

  14. You know, it would be one thing if our country was packed with terrorist and these new technologies were catching them…

    There are no terrorist here, they are expecting the masses (citizens) to revolt!

    • there absolutely are terrorists here, there is a high concetration of them in Washington DC, in every state capital and there is a good chance there are atleast a few of them in your local and state police station.

          • @Dom:

            And then YAAAY we’ll get Romney! And he’ll fix everything and make all the Bad Men go away!

            It seems the Elites are ready to throw their cum-rag Obama under the bus.

            Just as Quigley writes in Tragedy and Hope, we’re going to “throw the bums out” and get Team B in.

            And for the 18th time in the last 100 years, many Americans will clap their fat flappy little hands with glee, certain a new Dear Leader who’s been democratically elected will usher in a new golden age.

            God it’s so depressing it makes me vomit.

            What percentage would ya’ll reckon really understand it’s all Kabuki theatre, and it doesn’t matter “which one wins”?

            • The elites have reason to be contemptuous of the masses. The only difference between us and the elites is that we haven’t got the power-lust sickness. But even so, we (at least me, speaking for one) understand the elites in this key respect. The cattle out there – not everyone, but huge swaths of the public – are just that: cattle. Unthinking beasts driven by their emotions. Easily duped. Violent, dumb, self-absorbed, envy-eaten, mean-minded, small outlook Babbits and much worse besides.

              I have no desire to rule them or harm them. But I do wish I could just get the hell away from them.

          • @Eric:

            I hear you.
            You’ve got to recognize, though, that most of those dumb cattle have been made that way through vicious programs of indoctrination, training, medical poisoning, dietary poisoning, and environmental poisoning.

            The Elites hate humanity, in a way that only someone who deeply hates themselves can. A sociopath is never happy; just as they can’t feel remorse, guilt, or empathy, they can’t feel joy. Joy is different than happiness or pleasure though it has elements of both.

            Try to imagine life devoid of joy; the joy you and I take in putting the final bolt on a cylinder head. The joy I feel when my daughter runs to me yelling “Daddy”. The joy we all take in greeting a friend back from vacation.

            None of that. Only the sick satisfaction of winning.

            So, to “win”, they destroy US. And, having rendered us dumb compliant misshapen crippled cancer-ridden autistic cattle, they feel a fleeting sense of satisfaction in “winning”…but no joy.

            • Agree –

              The question remains, though: How do we recover liberty when so many millions (for whatever reason) are viscerally hostile to it, dependent on government (and like being dependent), easily duped by the most childishly simple emotional demagoguery, etc., etc.?

              There are people who can be reached – but millions who probably can’t be.

              I don’t want to harm these “cattle.” I feel for them in the sense that I wish I could get them to see. I’d be ecstatic if I could (or anyone could) get them to see. But can it be done? I doubt it. So, how do we insulate ourselves from them – since they would do us harm?

      • Dear dom, Willy P,

        The irony is that THESE terrorists really do “hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to … assemble and disagree with each other.”

    • “They are expecting the masses (citizens) to revolt”

      The last UK government was. It had erected five foot high barriers down the centre of the footpath in front of the ministeries in Whitehall.
      They cannot be to stop trucks ramming the buildings, barriers for that don’t need to be so high (or else we’ve wasted a fortune all along the sides of our roads); and they cannot be acting as a blast wall, they are far too low for that. So what are they for? Well, they most resemble the barricades featured in the film “Zulu”.

  15. ‘Artificial intelligence “… can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, …”’

    Sounds like every customer service rep I’ve EVER spoken to on the phone.

  16. Sounds like a DARPA invention probably linked into the Total Information Awareness Agency. Of course these billions don’t do a thing to keep anyone safe. They are however a good tool to keep the masses either cowering in their beds or praising the Godvernment for saving their precious souls, from the evil Mooslems.

    All bow down and praise the all seeing eye!!


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