I Just Walked Past a $1,000 Bill


I Just Walked Past a $1,000 bill.

Walking to the grocery store to get some exercise in, I passed a parked black car with heavily- tinted windows, including the windshield. I could barely make out two people sitting in the front (a side glance only–I did not stare). About 20 feet farther on, there was a crumpled $1,000 bill sitting so that I could easily see the number on the bill. It looked genuine. I slowed to look at it, but did not stop, and certainly did not touch it. When I came back that way about 10 minutes later, the bill and the car people were gone.

Were they some local yokels playing a gag? Were they demented journalists looking for a story? Were they you-know-whos hoping to get in a you-know-what? Was there no connection and I just passed up some easy money?

If you come upon a crumpled-up high-denomination bill on a sidewalk, make your own decision–but make it the right one. I recommend not stopping to talk to the car people nearby. I learned a bit of the tradecraft when in the military–that is something that keeps you slightly paranoid the rest of your life.


  1. High denomination bills are getting eliminated to try to turn us into a cashless society. The EU recently eliminated their 500 euro bill. Some countries are banning cash transactions over $10000. And of course the banks will tell on us if we deposit or withdraw that much and the cops will try to seize it without due process. All in the name of ‘protecting’ us which is always the excuse for tyranny.

  2. There is no $1000 bill produced by the bureau of printing and engraving, and hasn’t been since the late 1960s.


    Likely a fake.

    Back when I had a dog that had no concept of weekends when it came to his bladder, I would often find $5, $10, and $20 bills laying on the walk into my apartment building. I figured it was drunk neighbors fumbling for keys dropping cash on the ground and not realizing it. Heck, maybe even the same neighbor. I used to tell the dog he earned his keep that day.


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