US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection


Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
August 9, 2012

In 2010, the US Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 was published and explains how armed forces in the US and overseas will behave in the future. Specific tactical operations, special “theater”, and organized forces are outlined along with the capabilities and priorities of the US armed divisions.

In simple terms: a full spectrum operations manual that details stratagems both domestic and foreign.

Presidential administrative National Security Strategy documents explain how to defend the Republic within domestic borders with suggested scenarios where a group of political reactionaries commandeer a prominent area of a town or city which requires that the US Army support local law enforcement in conjunction with state officials – including local government representatives.

In times of domestic insurrection, the Executive Branch can enforce armed support to state governments and local police departments with or without their approval because the continuity of government is the endgame and must be preserved. In this event, domestic intelligence gathering become paramount to maintain a clear chain of military command to be able to stop the home-grown insurgency. This would empower the Department of Homeland Security with the approval of the President, to enact the Insurrection Act and deploy armed troops with in the US to stop rebellion, insurrection, and lawlessness. While the initial powers are reserved for the state and local governments, and Posse Comitatus (PCA) restricts and delays the Executive Branch in enforcement, the current presidential administration with the aid of the Pentagon is seeking to rescind the PCA in order to facilitate control over domestic terrorism.

The Federal Protective Service (FPS) has been given the responsibility to protecting federally owned property while preparing for civilian led riots expected in the near future. And part of the preparatory measures was an order of 150 sets of riot gear that was requested to be filled exponentially.

The FPS is anticipating that police or military wearing the gear would encounter “blunt force trauma” to the upper torso, as well as potential beatings with “blunt objects”.

In June of this year, the US Army requested bids for riot gear that was answered by A2Z Supply Corp, in which specified equipment was to be delivered to West Point Academy in New York.

The purpose of these patrol units was to aid “with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack” and provide “coordinate defense support of civil authorities” under NORTHCOM and other commands including federal homeland defense efforts.

As outlined in the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) processes are defined by operational environments in regard to battle space, effects, evaluation of threats and adversaries while determining the course of action. In regard to civil situations, and to maintain intelligence and operational purposes, preparations with regard to terrain are inconsequential.

Enabled by an executive order from 1982, which states that intelligence gathering abroad could be used domestically and on American citizens, permanent resident aliens which are categorized as American persons.

According to the RAND Corporation document , Street Smart: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for Urban Operations, the use of IPB in urban areas will alleviate some of the anticipated “analytic difficulties posed by urbanized areas.”

By training in American cities, the armed forces can realize maneuvers and special considerations that are needed to control urban infrastructure in the case of civil disturbance and insurrection. Having foreknowledge of the people living in the specified cities that are marked for control assist in the “critical operational success” of not only “knowing the enemy” but also the ability to retain a level of concealment and surprise.

When the US Army is “called upon to operate in villages, towns, and cities their directive will be to “neutralize American citizen’s technological capabilities” using “sophisticated intelligence equipment” and advanced tactical training.

The Marine Corp has created a law-enforcement battalion (ELB) consisting of specialized military police officers (SMP) will take the role of current street cops while still remaining part of the Marine Corp.

SMPs would be deployed to assist in any event of civil disturbance, handling of detainees, use biometrics to identify suspects and conduct forensic work. Their assistance is not limited to conducting DUIs and writing speeding tickets in an effort to re-brand the Marine Corps as being more involved with average work now allocated to local law enforcement.

The Marine Corp Intelligence Requirements Handbooks presents new methodology to combat civilian rebellions and is meant to inspire intelligence professionals working on computer-based intelligence efforts.

The tactical operations, combined with the current training exercises being observed across our nation were laid out in documents like this. And the evidence that this is real and is being planned for are coming in eye witness reports at a staggering rate.

National Guard has been witnessed in Virginia conducting “wellness checks” and patrolling residential neighborhoods as well as downtown city areas.

One of the numerous reports of preparations for martial law that are happening across the nation is taking place now until August 17th in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin where a training exercise with M1117 armored security military vehicles that were used in Afghanistan to hunt for insurgents.

The US Army Reserve “wanted to alert the public to the training dates so residents are not alarmed when a pack of heavily armored military vehicles is driving around the county.”

Captain William Gedddes commented that the drills were conducted to make sure the officers remain alert and do not become “rusty” in their training with the M1117s.

While the Sheboygan County police department had no foreknowledge of the drill, Geddes commented that locals should not “create safety hazards” on the roads be drawing attention to the vehicles.

The US Army, wanting to control the public perception of their drills, claimed that they were training on civilian roadways and wanted to make this known to the public so as to not insight speculation as to their presence.

The Pentagon, decrying the false flag assertion of increased use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in the US, is asking Congress to lay aside Posse Comitatus (PCA) in an effort to increase their use of military on the streets of America.

According to Section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act: “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

While specialized military police are currently working with local law enforcement, the Pentagon is attempting to alleviate “legal restrictions on the activities of US armed forces” by convincing Congress that the PCA is unnecessary.

Law-enforcement battalions , consisting of specialized military police officers (SMP), are being set up to work with local police while remaining part of the Marine Corp.

SMPs would be deployed to assist in any event of civil disturbance, handling of detainees, use biometrics to identify suspects and conduct forensic work. Their assistance is not limited to conducting DUIs and writing speeding tickets in an effort to re-brand the Marine Corps as being more involved with average work now allocated to local law enforcement.

Citing James Holmes’ apartment and use of home-made bombs, Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero told Congress that the threat “from both homegrown terrorists and global threat networks is real and presents a significant security challenge for the United States and our international partners.”

Furthermore, USNORTHCOM and Leon Panetta, US Secretary of Defense, has readily admitted that US armed forces will collaborate with local law enforcement “if called upon”.

The US Army has put out a solicitation for riot gear in preparation for civilian unrest in the US. On their official government website, the call for non-lethal equipment coincides with requests from DHS for allocation of riot shields, face masks, polycarbonate batons and body armor.

In collaboration with an executive order signed in 2001 by former President George W. Bush, DHS will “coordinate the executive branch’s efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States.”

Contained within the US Army Military Police training manual for Civil Disturbance Operations are outlines describing how the US military will use the arsenal at their disposal to quell domestic riots, confiscate firearms and kill Americans during times of mass civil unrest.

The explicit use of “deadly force” when confronting “dissidents” is clearly stated with the refusal of a “warning shot” and the directives toward weapons that rioters or demonstrators will experience in the name of continuity of government.

Many citizens are witnessing movement of military equipment from the East and the West coasts of America. In plain sight, a train carrying tanks was seen come through Burbank, California.

The globalist Fascists who are turning our free nation in to a Dictatorship view this probable fact as a threat and are preparing to quash it right now. Because of this infiltrated takeover of our country, we are all in grave danger.


  1. “The Pentagon, decrying the false flag assertion of increased use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in the US, is asking Congress to lay aside Posse Comitatus (PCA) in an effort to increase their use of military on the streets of America.”

    Of course I was thinking what IED’s in Amerika…and then I read this:

    “Citing James Holmes’ apartment and use of home-made bombs, Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero told Congress that the threat “from both homegrown terrorists and global threat networks is real and presents a significant security challenge for the United States and our international partners.”

    Which of course spells FBI-CIA-NSA prop stunt with lots of dead countrymen to prove their point that they are indeed terrorist in the government orchestrating all the nonexistant terrorism without them. Operation Northwoods and USMC Gomer Pile combine forces in the heartland of USSA to protect us from themselves. Give me a break!

    • “Contained within the US Army Military Police training manual for Civil Disturbance Operations are outlines describing how the US military will use the arsenal at their disposal to quell domestic riots, confiscate firearms and kill Americans during times of mass civil unrest.”

      Confiscate firearms…You know what I’ve been saying bury what you don’t need now. But, when you do that consider leaving this country. I’ve always thought that USSA sucked for all the right reasons of lack of freedom. Singapore, Taiwan, and even China have more freedom and they pay a lot less taxes. Beings we now will have the only right that the Supreme scotus threw us a bone a few years back, taken back by the almighty god of USSA. Why exactly should I stay here? I can’t think of none. Exodus of a Moses Like and a parting of the pacific ocean is coming and all the smart people will be led away from this militant progressive wreck of a nation. Anyway, thanks again Dom…I also want to say the GIS U.S. time machine all watching eye is watching you so that if there is an real terrorist event, they will know how, when, and where the perpetrators went. Gone from loving this country to Atlas Shrugged in 5 years now that is quite the government accomplishment for me. THIS COUNTRY SUCKS and more everyday!!

      • Morning, HR (dunno whether it’s a good morning)…

        I wanted to comment on: “Why exactly should I stay here? I can’t think of none.”

        Brent (I think it was) made a really good point a few days ago, that while we have more technical freedoms (the Constitution still technically guarantees various rights) in practice, in fact, we have none. At least, none that can’t be taken away at any time, for any reason. In other countries, there may be fewer technical freedoms/protections, but the governments are less organized, less rapacious and not as well-funded, so in practice, you’re actually more free there than here.

        • Not me… maybe the other Brent that’s on here. Still true though. My line is that everything is selectively enforced to the point where if those in government want to take something from us they can. From the smallest bit of cash or a possession all the way to our lives. It’s like free-range slavery.

          • Well said the both of you. I have nothing to add to those arguments as they are both on the mark. Toast to the mark of the beast and its number that has been tatooed to my head by all the rapacious threats and laws or something like like that actually.

            You know though actually its American’s themselves that have to be blamed for this fiasco. Every American has been taught that good American’s don’t break laws, even when said law is immoral or invalidates their god given rights. Because of this it makes it so much easier to pick out the freedom, morality dissenters. Which only reinforces the stigma that the government will smack down anyone who opposes its laws always and effectively. I seriously doubt American people will ever revolt by peacefull civil disobedience (just ignoring the law), because there are too many people that love the beast/machine more than their rights. They instead will have aspirations of becoming a general in the next God and fighting with bullets so that the next government will be fair (ho hum).

            That leaves those of peaceful dissonance views always easily picked off by the ingrained statist or the ones wanting a new form of it. Further, because statism is so ingrained into the American family, you’d be lucky to be outspoken and not have say your brother/father/mother (Judas) turn you in for dissent against immoral laws in these states. Whats most hopeless in America is the American people themselves. I’ve talked to family about the government and it will never sink in. Doesn’t matter that I’m not a aggresive terrorist looking guy, or that I’m actually quite educated. I can never persuade logic in the illogical.

            How can I be a minority amongst a group of people that have nearly the same genetical heredity, I can only say that I’m a throwback to cave man dwelling Flinstones or something, because there is no way I’m related to people who worship a beast of this nature but yet I am. The worst part is that they deny anything is wrong at all, and when I bring up the problems they always say something must be worth salvaging in it. Sigh! Maybe another reason to leave U.S. is to leave behind the troublesome American family and friends that will backstab a person for a merit badge and never think critically about how enslaved they really have become.

            • “Further, because statism is so ingrained into the American family, you’d be lucky to be outspoken and not have say your brother/father/mother (Judas) turn you in for dissent against immoral laws in these states. Whats most hopeless in America is the American people themselves. I’ve talked to family about the government and it will never sink in. Doesn’t matter that I’m not an aggressive terrorist looking guy, or that I’m actually quite educated. I can never persuade logic in the illogical.”


              Same here.

              I know people – family members – who are personable, nice – “decent” folks. Yet these same people support actions, done via the vote and by government, that they would immediately denounce as outrageous and evil if done by some random person. They do not see the irony – or the hypocrisy – in this.

              And I’ll never be able to convince them, either.

        • Actually I’d like to condense my previous ramble to one coherent statement. The reason U.S. is a worse place to live in addition to those stated by Eric and Brent is because in the past we had a law somewhat based on natural law. This made American citizens believe with conviction that written law was synonymous with (God) natural law. Now that the republic framed around natural law has been reduced to ashes, the people are even more dangerous than in those nations that never recognized any such rights. Because in those nations they actually have a history of abuse by government so entire families and civilization has its defiance shields already up.

          Here however we have a society of cowed down compliant sleeping masses that follows dictates of the state. Again its the same point both you made but turned back to the quality of citizen who have created this beast in their image. Politicians are just what the people have chosen, because they reflect that type of citizens.

          I seriously doubt anything less than Armageddon and hell on this nation will bring people back to God and natural law and away from their dieties of current worship. Its why I’m so adamant that people don’t pick up their guns to fight “for our freedoms” because the real problem is the people who elect these morons. Carlin said its best when he said its never going to get better than this and I agree based on the people themselves.

          Even so if there is any hope to change this reprobrate blob it will be by educating the truth. Maybe just maybe 20% of the people that amount to 80% of the accomplishments in this nation can somehow be reached? God help us all.

  2. “Having foreknowledge of the people living in the specified cities that are marked for control assist in the “critical operational success” of not only “knowing the enemy” but also the ability to retain a level of concealment and surprise.”

    This country is almost washed up, thinking of flying this coup literally. I’m about to puke listening to this militant dictatorship want to be. Is there any place on this earth that a majority of inhabitants aren’t retarded? I really need to know so I can go there and live in peace from these cainnites.


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