

Imagine there’s no heaven. No aliens and oracles in the sky.
No hell or monsters below us. No grave markers when you die.
Imagine all the people, living for tonight and today.

Imagine all the Beatles. Yoko, Linda, Julian too. Making the anthem that there could be. Include a verse from me and you. Imagine all the people, singing of life in peace.

Imagine there’s no countries. No kings or legislators too. No ministers or soldiers. No church or council, just me and you. Imagine all the people, choosing freely night and day.

Imagine more possessions. Surplus of wealth for everyman. Free trade and no regulations. Free access and harvest of all unsettled land. Nothing to kill or die for. No artificial lines in the sand. Imagine all the people, working all the land.

Imagine there’s no prison. No punishers to rule the land. The violent takers in a salvation navy. Set sail to work in a foreign land. Imagine all the people free to live in peace.

Imagine no forced obligations. Just leave your baby on the neighbors stairs. Take a teenage mistress, start growing coca. Keep to yourself, nobody cares. Imagine all the morons, dying young night and day.

Imagine no restrictions. Go where you want and change your name. No one to save you or make you moral. Follow your own rules, play your game. Shit your bed, then lie down in the same. Imagine all the people. Evolving and extincting in peace.

You can’t say I’m a dreamer. Shit’s gonna happen that way or this one. Dr. Jesus and Uncle Allah can’t conjoin us. Despite the electro-pablum diarama, the world ain’t never gonna live as one.


  1. I like Frank Castle. What would NYC be without him? You forgot to mention Aslan and Tash.

    All kidding aside, you did another fine job as a wordsmith.

    Imagine no forced obligations. Just leave your baby on the neighbors stairs. Take a teenage mistress, start growing coca. Keep to yourself, nobody cares. Imagine all the morons, dying young night and day.

    While this could theoretically happen, I do not think everyone will act in this fashion. Even without laws or morals there will be some group of people that will act in a lawful manner or with a set of morals.

    • Aslan – Turkish for lion. Spirit animal of Great Britain. Tash – Turkish for stone. A vulture headed demon with four talon like arms and skeletal body. Spirit Animal of Germany and America.

      Tash is Ashlan. The english are the angle-ish. Germanic tribes who immigrated to the island and then evolved to better adapt there.

      English German Dutch Afrikaans. We are linguitically one people. Anthropologically as well. The Vienna circle and logical science culture can be restored. To hell with comparative interfaith magical thinking and pathetic national religiosity.

      In the Civil War the North was tricked by Brits to attack themselves, the South. In WWI & WWII the USA again was tricked to attack the germans, again to attack themselves.

      Same case with Japanese being descendants of china and yet attacking themselves. Zionists are tricky manipulators. Brits are as well, perhaps more so.

      Americans are Narnian muppets, whose strings are easily pulled by a talking lion. Shrewdly, the lion plays second fiddle, but in reality uses the Fabius Maximus trick of being just about to but never quite actually going to war.

      The lion keeps the producer nations of Germany & USA in states of perpetual war, while shrewdly mooching off them and profitting by pretending to be their ally and concentrating on peacetime trade with the rest of the world.


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