Newborns’ Blood Being “Databased”


After years of denying that blood samples were taken at birth, bioethicists are arguing for the State’s right to seize newborns’ blood samples for global database:


  1. Dr. Joel Hoffman

    In the original Hebrew, the 10th Commandment prohibits taking, not coveting. Thus, it is in 100% agreement with what we call the NAP as regards private property.

    The biblical Jubilee year is named for an animal’s horn and has nothing to do with jubilation. (a Jubilee year occurs every 50th year, in which slaves and prisoners are freed, debts are forgiven and the mercies of Nature’s God are made explicitly manifest.)

    The pregnant woman in Isaiah 7:14(Mary young mother, not virgin) is never called a virgin. Psalm 23 opens with an image of God’s might and power, not shepherding. And the romantic Song of Solomon offers a surprisingly modern message.

    But most people who read the Bible don’t know these things, because extensive mistranslations conceal the Bible’s original meaning.

    The mistakes stem from five flawed translation techniques: etymology, internal structure, cognates, old mistranslations, and misunderstood metaphor.

    The tenth Commandment, commonly but wrongly translated as “thou shalt not covet,” illustrates how internal structure or etymology can be misleading. Like the English “host” and “hostile” that share a root but don’t mean the same thing, the words for “desirable” and “take” in Hebrew come from the same root. It’s the second word, “take,” that appears in the Ten Commandments. Translators use related words that mean different things in this way, and took the Hebrew and wrongly translated the text as “thou shalt not covet” for what should have been “thou shalt not take.”

    The translation “Jubilee year” results from a mistaken application of cognates (similar words in different languages). In the original Hebrew, the year was called the “year of the horn,” or, in Hebrew, “the year of the yovel.” The Latin for yovel is iobileus, which just happens to sound like the Latin word iubileus, connected to the verb iubilare, “to celebrate.” The English “Jubilee year” comes from the Latin. (A similar Latin coincidence gave rise to the notion that the fruit in the Garden of Eden was an apple – instead of a quince.)

    Starting about 2,300 years ago, the Hebrew Bible was translated into a Greek version now known as the Septuagint. One shortcoming of that translation is its inattention to near synonyms. For instance, the Hebrew words for “love,” “mercy” and “compassion” are frequently mixed up, because they mean nearly the same thing. Likewise, because most young women in antiquity were virgins and most virgins were young women, the Septuagint wasn’t careful to distinguish the words for “virgin” and “young woman” in translation.

    This is how the Hebrew in Isaiah 7:14 — which describes a young woman giving birth to a boy who will be named Emmanuel — ended up in Greek as a virgin giving birth. Though these facts about Greek and Hebrew are generally undisputed among scholars, the translation error remains, both because people are usually unwilling to give up familiar translations, and also perhaps because the Gospel of Matthew describes the virgin birth of Jesus by quoting the mistaken Greek translation of Isaiah 7:14.

    Metaphors are particularly difficult to translate, because words have different metaphoric meanings in different cultures. Shepherds in the Bible were symbols of might, ferocity and royalty, whereas now they generally represent peaceful guidance and oversight. So the image of the Lord as shepherd in Psalm 23 originally meant that the Lord was mighty, fierce and royal. The impact was roughly the same as “the Lord is a man of constant battles.” But in most English-speaking cultures, “the Lord is my shepherd” conveys a wholly different, and therefore inaccurate, image.

    Similarly, kinship terms like “father,” “brother,” “sister,” etc. were used in the Bible specifically to indicate power structure. This is why the romantic Song of Solomon — the Bible’s only full length treatise on relationships — says “my sister, my bride” or “my sister, my spouse.” On its face, that English translation is not only unromantic but in fact incestuous. The original point, however, was that the woman in this relationship should be the man’s equal.

    In these and many other instances, improved translation techniques have brought scholars much closer to the original intent of the Bible. Like a newly restored work of art, the Bible’s original beauty shines the brighter for it, for those willing to go the extra mile to find the outside the mainstream accurate translation.
    – – – – –

    Another of the 84 videos of that same YouTube account. Ridiculous lies and superstition mongering about what Joshua[sic. Jesus] is doing right now.

    Friend of a wounded heart

    The slick traditions of charlatanism in these churches perverts something that should enlighten and uplift into something that exacerbates irrational mysticism and cripples the parishioners ability to reason correctly.

  2. Ever watch Buck Rogers? Part of the interest for Earth in having Buck join their team is that he is undocumented. Everyone else in society is cataloged in “enemy” and “friendly” databases.

    I am sure that this will be done for the best of motives and the information will never be misused against anyone by anyone. (At least officially.)

    • There was a Twiki in Buck Rogers. Was there a Twila too?

      The sadder part may be, most social interactions, even here, mainly serve to catalog and document each others’ data to better serve the emerging new database organized under libertarian principles.

      -What’s your name, where are you from, what do you do for a living, just what do you think you are doing, this is highly irregular, my circuits indicate your name is not actually Dave as you have claimed, you are not really a programmer, you are a short order chef and you don’t even own a Jaguar, like you claimed, I checked your blog and in this blog, you admitted you only own a bike. I am opening the blog bay doors now, I’m afraid we have to jettison you now, and I think you know why we have to do that. We need to know your identity and vital statistics to accomplish our shared objectives. The mission is too important for us to allow you to post here under dishonest pseudonyms while lying about material facts of your employment and residency status…

      Buck Rogers Opening Theme

      Buck Rogers – Planet Outlaws

      • The TV show was pretty awful, but had glimmers of poignancy every now and then.

        Buck was a species of once-typical American who hated Authority and also the meanness that inheres in collectivism – the submerging of the individual’s everything for the “greater good.”

        I watched it as a kid and felt for Buck, thinking to myself: Future World sucks.

        • What I remember of it, the best writing part of it, was that the archeologist always had what an artifact was wrong.

          It seems that TV and movies and other forms of entertainment are conditioning tools more so than warnings/predictions. Conditioning us to accept, even want the changes the powers that be have in mind.

        • Eric,

          The tv (79-80 ) show was not that good. I enjoyed watching it when younger. Even now I could probably watch it a get a few laughs.

          Among other things, from BR I learned that:
          »NASA astronauts were well versed in unarmed combat.
          »digital clocks are not good lawyers.
          »the Rolling Stones were wrong. Everything will be painted white.


          The archaeologist was a funny clip. I could not find the clip, but I did find the part about cataloging.

          There is a reference to the archaeologist at about 4:32 in the same clip.

          The BW serial from the 30’s was more enjoyable to me. In many respects, those were simpler times.

      • Yeah New Zealand did a good job of writing that script. I commend all 4,479,883 of them still living, as last calculated by the NZ gov population clock on Wednesday, 28 Aug 2013 at 05:10:40 pm.

        It is a boon for the many who want such a society. The problem arises, when it is made mandatory for the unwilling few by fatwa.

        Andrew Niccol – writer of Gattaca script.

        is the New Zealander most to be commended for this collective achievement. Andrew is a screenwriter, producer, and director. He wrote and directed Gattaca, S1m0ne, In Time, and Lord of War. He also wrote and co-produced The Truman Show, much of his work views societal or political issues through a fantasy-science fiction lens. Whether that’s by choice, or by sponsors’ and financiers’ command is unknown.

      • Dang, Mithrandir. I read just a bit of the entry, and I had to stop.

        I’m sooo not missing cable/satellite TV. It seems to me most cable and satellite TV are all just fascist acceptance programming. [a.k.a. brainwashing] as if people are computers in need of a program to guide them.

        Other than the freedomista’s of the world, … [and sometimes even then] I’m so disappointed in my fellow humans. …It’s all quite sad.

        Things could have been so much better right now, wtf?

        • I should add, I imagine there’s probably some great take-away from that TV show. …I’m just not getting it.

          Front and center for me tonight is, the unitedstate blob said it’s terrible that 300 or so people had to die in Syria. So in response, the unitedstate blob will kill thousands, perhaps millions.

          …I’ve decided most of the world has gone plumb freaking mad.

          Especially after seeing this:

    • A fairly recurrent sci-fi thread that always attracts me is the reverse Buck Rogers scenario. Traveling back in time. Or, better yet, to a different reality (as per Heinlein or PK Dick).

      Even with full awareness of the consequences of living in a world (and time) without, say, dentistry, I often find myself imagining the exhilaration – the sense of being free – that would accompany (as an example) piloting the Golden Hind somewhere out in the vastness of the Pacific…


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