America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See


Mac Slavo
January 5th, 2013

What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality.

According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Government, firearms related homicides are minuscule in comparison to other the other “big killers” in the United States.

If we look at homicide statistics in the United States it’s clear that more murders are committed with knives, bats, hammers and poisons than with firearms. As Kurt Nimmo recently noted, “ the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outpaces the number of murders committed with a rifle.”

The facts, not the drivel being spewed by the anti-gun propaganda machine, leave us wondering why some State and Federal lawmakers are so adamant about restricting the sale and ownership of handguns and rifles, especially since the majority of gun owners – close to 99% – have never committed a violent crime in their lives, let alone used a gun to do so.

Here is the chart they never want you to see:


The chart above proves that politicians and those who would disarm Americans by going so far as to call for a repeal of the 2nd Amendment have ulterior motives – or they’re completely ignorant of the facts.

Perhaps their goal is to trigger a revolution in an effort to implement a total police state over the American people.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a government has tried something like this.


  1. I like how almost 4 times as many people that died in 9/11, die EVERY YEAR from gun crime, and this article tries to belittle that is unimportant because there are worse killers.Clover

    • CB,

      Among other things, a large percentage of those killed by “gun violence” self-administered; i.e., suicide. Which is every man’s right. But it is not right to take away my rights because someone else chose to exit this life using a gun.

      Nor because someone else misused a gun in some other way. Do you also believe martial arts training and weight-lifting should be illegal because some martial artists and big dudes assault people? Tat everyone should be required to be soft and weak, so that everyone is “safe”?

      You repeat the tedious, tiresome argument that guns “kill” when in fact it is the thugs who do. Let me hip you to something which you may be unaware of, being a Brit. In places where decent people are not debarred the possession of firearms, “gun crime” is always lower. A fact. I live in a rural area where, I assure you, every home has several guns – and people versed in their use. Yet “gun crime” is essentially nil. Compare this with, say, New York City or any other place where guns are illegal or very hard to possess legally, if you are a decent person… but where thugs possess them in abundance.

      Finally: It’s funny you are a “concerned” Brit… given that in Britain it’s illegal to express “concerns” if they aren’t approved by the same government that took away your right to defend yourself.

  2. “Unless you live in a gun-free inner city dominated by gangs, chances are that you never see any violence outside of your television. The only shootings we ever have here in Fort Collins are when the police execute someone before they arrest them.

    You are 100 times more likely to be killed by a car than by a rifle. Does CNN devote three weeks of air time to every one of the 10 million auto accidents which occur every year in the US? Do people obsess endlessly over auto accidents?”

      • Hi CB,

        The most effective “safety” device is a skilled, attentive driver. Instead of encouraging the development of skill – and the expectation of attentiveness – a general dumbing-down has enveloped the land, leading to even less-skilled and more-inattentive driving. Which then becomes the pretext for more “safety” technology.

  3. We are America’s Biggest Killers, through our cowardice. We who sit idly by while the Old subjugate and silence the Young, and we do little or nothing to stop it.

    When you buy something from a store, tell the young man or woman to cut the crap. They do not have to put on a fake veneer for your sake. Are they under surveillance? Tell them to live free anyway, to be owners of their world now, and not to wait. Inspire and educate them, get them thinking that they are the owner, because if enough of us empower them, they will be help create the better society we all want to live in.

    Demand that children and young people look you in the eye, and act as your equal. Don’t be the ugly boor clover who thinks everyone needs to cater to his vanity and ego. Insult the little brat, make they talk some shit about your old senile ass as well.

    Be inappropriate and provocative in a small measure, in order to get to the truth of yourself and those around you. We know it is from the revelation of the truth that all else follows. That our civilization is only as strong as its ideas are true.

    When our buildings are erected by the corrupt. When their cement is cut with dirt. When pristine steel is replaced by scrap – our buildings are not safe to live in. When everyone feels the need to lie about how great their lives are, nothing is real any longer. Most things are awful. It is healthy to point this to anyone who will listen. Feelings need to be hurt, if we are to become more robust and less sickly.

    When our media is corrupt. When our academics are timid. When our minds and our history are filled with half truths and lies. Our civilization can never be just. Our art will never be great. Our science and industry will never reach the sky.

    The societies we inhabit are intellectual shanty towns. Our beliefs about the world and each other have been created by the same ancient livestock system engineers that have lied us into repeated wars and pointless divisions that pointless kill millions every year.

    You can’t build a sky scraper out of plasticine. And you can’t build a just and satisfying civilization out of ignorance and lies.

    We have to create new wealth and value and unleash it on the Earth. We must educate each other. We have to celebrate those who reveal the truth and denounce those who poison our ability to comprehend the world we live in.

    The quality of our discourse is the limit of our civilization.
    A new generation is coming to its feet and are revolutionizing the way we see the world, if we can only look. We Old Vanguards must man the outer boundaries and protect the new ascendant Young and free minds of tomorrow.

    Memo from Julian Assange after 6 months in Ecuadorian Embassy

    Jeremy Hammond – Faces Life in USSA Gulag for Victimless Crime

    Gottfrid Warg – Co-Founder of The Pirate Bay extradited

  4. Chomsky mentions “Centuries ago, there used to be something called presumption of innocence. If you apprehend a suspect, he’s a suspect until proven guilty. He should be brought to trial. It’s a core part of American law. You can trace it back to Magna Carta.”

    Actually you can trace it back to the third millennium BCE, to the ‘Code of Hammurabi’ of ancient Babylon.

    Yes, Islamic/Arabic law is based on the ‘presumption of innocence’ and the right to present evidence by both sides.

    • Hi Tre,

      Yup – and it’s been thrown in the woods by the government (and accepted by all-too-many “freedom loving” Americans).

      I’ve long held that the DUI checkpoints, which first appeared in the ’80s IIRC, set the stage for the disaster that is today. There is also the older but less well-known presumption of guilt practiced by the IRS. They don’t have to prove anything before they act. They can just seize your bank account (and so on) and it’s up to you to prove you’re innocent.

      • Don’t forget ‘Mandatory’ drug testing. When we didn’t stand up against that, it opened the door and we went down hill from there, and 9-11 finished us off.

        In 83′ an older friend of mine, a straight shooter, and one of the most principled men I have ever known, quit the railroad over mandatory drug testing. He told them, that if his word and his record as an engineer, wasn’t good enough, they could find somebody else. he stepped into the ‘Burn Line’. It is something I have never forgotten, and I stand with that principle today. That they have no right, and we do.

        As an employer, I have never demanded a drug test. It is simply not needed. There is plenty of other ‘obvious’ evidence, that there is a problem, and usually, it is alcohol.

        • Morning, Tre!

          Amen to that.

          I recently had a conversation with a guy who is involved with our local volunteer fire department. At one time, I expressed interest in becoming involved. Then I found out they require a piss test. Mind – as a condition of me volunteering to give them several hours of my time each week, gratis. So I explained to the guy – when he asked why I hadn’t pursued it – that in the first place, I don’t “do” arbitrarily illegal drugs – but even if I did, that would be my business if done on my time. I added that only if a person gives an employer reason to believe he’s addled by drugs (legal or illegal) during work hours or such that it’s affecting his ability to work should this business even come up. That it’s outrageous and demeaning to demand that a grown man with a good reputation and no reason to suspect otherwise be “asked” to pee in a cup as a condition of employment, as if he were a recently paroled felon or halfway house inmate.

  5. That chart, concocted by CDC, FBI, US, is of the scientific value of something of early Maoist, Stalinist era. Painfully obvious that it advances agendas and only secondarily contains evidence to support the agendas of Big Litigation.
    “Smokers”, for instance, as a cohort. are socioeconomically inclined to die earlier based on their status, independent of their use of tobacco.

    Yet even with their own skewed data, it is undeniable that guns are a tiny miniscule fraction of “untimely” deaths.

    World Life Expectancy At Birth 70 years. USSA 78 years.

    WHO Cause of Death Percent of total
    1. Ischemic heart disease 12.6
    2. Cerebrovascular diseases 9.7
    3. Lower respiratory infections (e.g., pneumonia) 6.8
    4. HIV/AIDS 4.9
    5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4.8
    6. Diarrheal diseases 3.2
    7. Tuberculosis 2.7
    8. Malaria (tied) 2.2
    9. Cancer of trachea/bronchus/lung (tied) 2.2
    10. Road traffic accidents 2.1
    11. Childhood diseases 2.0
    12. other unintentional injuries (tied) 1.6
    13. Hypertensive heart disease (tied) 1.6
    14. Suicide (tied) 1.5
    15. Stomach cancer (tied) 1.5
    16. All other causes 42.0

    The world data is questionable in regards to HIV/AIDS, it’s a catchall for death due to various unhealthy lifestyles that affect blood health.

    In this era of rising B.S., Libertarianism has a great opportunity to be a vanguard of new metascientific, metalogical, metalanguage, & metamathematical tell-it-like-it-is argumentation that gets to the truth of matters, pulls no punches, and indulges in no “storks bring the baby” prettying up of just how far or close the shit is really getting to the fan.

    • Unfortuantly you are preaching to the choir, all others outside of the church have their fingers in their ears singing “kum-by-ya, kum-by-ya!” That’s what’s so sad about the US now days. You cannot fix the stupid, brain-washed and lazy !

  6. Dear Tre Deuce,

    I watched this Lawless America video

    What a nightmare! Talk about disillusionment.

    All the rhetoric about “freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.” All bullshit.

    Straight out of Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.”

  7. Heck guns owners would agree – pass a 28th Amendment that negates the 2nd Amendment but also makes it clear that individuals’ guns and others weapons are free from all government regulation (local, state & federal) whatsoever and are free to be used for any purpose whatsoever without no mention of the “well-regulated militias” or “free States”.

  8. And yet I still want to know out of those firearm homicides how many were the result of someone killing their assailant in self defense and those others a result of gang on gang?

    • I was thinking the same thing. “We” should base laws on feelings, emotions, and stories (not even good stories). Can I get a hell yeah, clover? I think good ole clover is running out of ammo. I haven’t had any of his posts to delete in a few days now.


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