Hero Cop Rapes Three Year old


thug copWichita KS police officer Officer Joseph T. McGill, 28, was convicted today of committing a sexual act on a 3-month-old child and a 1-year-old child. Officer McGill pleaded guilty in January 2012 in an unrelated case to sexual battery while on duty as a police officer and was sentenced to three years probation. Those charges stemmed from separate incidents in November 2010 and February 2011. The judge set sentencing for March 1.





  1. So what is this? Like the 50th case in the past couple years (that has made it to the press) about cops or ex cops molesting children? And in every single one of these cases, the cop gets some completely mundane sentence. 3 YEARS PROBATION FOR RAPING TODDLERS?! It’s shit like this that reaffirms my opinion that “if you’re not awake yet, you most likely don’t deserve to be.” Big shout out to all the boot licking pieces of shit that blindly support cops, because of bootlickers like you I wonder how many more children will suffer because it’s more convenient for you to be a sheep than stand against this type of shit.

  2. McGill pleaded guilty in January 2012 in an unrelated case to sexual battery while on duty as a police officer and was sentenced to three years probation.

    Wanna bet that this piece of shit will get no more than that for raping two toddlers? Wanna bet too that his fellow swine will continue to (or even now still) defend him?

  3. … incriminating statements that McGill made to his wife, a counselor and a polygraph examiner.”

    Let me get this straight: This professionally-trained liar is married to a F…KING LIE-DETECTOR OPERATOR??!?!?

    I swear, you seriously can not make this stuff up!

    I sincerely hope that the judge (effectively) put this scumbag back out on the streets with the intent that some dad will do what the courts can’t and permanently chlorinate his gene pool.

    “Indecent liberties with a child” – give me a break. Had the same act been perpetrated by a mere mundane, the prosecutors would have opened with an entirely different tune, such as a “sexual abuse of a minor”, followed by an encore of “10-20 years imprisonment”.

    • And: Because he was a cop, I would bet they keep him separately confined in prison. Away from justice, that is.

      It’s a perk cops and ex-cops enjoy.

      • Not a guaranteed perk, though. I have no doubt that more than a few incarcerated former swine, who thought that they were safe out of GenPop and in protective custody, have met up with the wrong end of a shank.

  4. I apologize Eric.

    This does not make any sense to me. What kind of animal abuses children? This animal does not deserve to be unleashed to the public at large.


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