“Watch Out, Watch Out” Says Hero Cop


Before he slams a handcuffed man’s head into the concrete:

Victim is probably 100 pounds lighter than the porker.


  1. Never fails. Every time I see videos like this, I understand Don Cooper’s sheer RAGE–and I want to respond.

    If I were there at the wheelchair incident, or the old man kicked to the street, I would.

    But we cannot go on the hunt–it’s what they want so desperately they’re doing everything they can to instigate it.

    Every day we keep pointing out their evil…and every day they keep demonstrating it so ably…is another 0.1% of the population turning against them.

    Der Tag Kommt…

    • “Never fails. Every time I see videos like this, I understand Don Cooper’s sheer RAGE–and I want to respond.”

      Exactly! Me too.

      How-freaking-ever; “But we cannot go on the hunt–it’s what they want so desperately they’re doing everything they can to instigate it.”

      It’s just like in co-ed prison, er I mean, high school, when a bully or rival would try to get you to do something in response to his actions – when the teacher was looking – and only you would get caught and get detention while he got away scot-free and with a snicker.

      The more things change, the more they stay the same. Only the stakes are a bit higher.

    • “If I were there at the wheelchair incident, or the old man kicked to the street, I would.”

      Yes. This is why I stay away from airports. Not even to pick people up. Let alone fly myself. The last time I was inside an airport, waiting for my wife’s sister, I could feel the hate percolating inside my guts. Watching stoop-shouldered sheeple submitting to blue-shirted goons “for their safety.” The sheeple disgusted me, but I still felt pity for them – just as I feel pity for the people in those old photos of the camps. But the white hate I felt toward the capos told me it was time to get out of there before a fuse blew.

      I am not a violent person by nature, but the urge to become a berserker was welling up rapidly.

      • Yes! God I get exactly that feeling too, Eric; it’s like a rising tide, this inexorable “She’s gonna blow!” and I Have To Leave, Right Now.

        I’m a peaceful, easy-going guy in normal circumstances. But the hateful injustice of tyranny; the smirking, fat, slobbering bullying pushes my buttons like nothing else.

        I had my fair share of bullying as a kid, until I learned the miracle of the human nose. Hitting it, that is. Just like prison, public school follows simple rules–find the biggest bully who’s been bothering you and give him your best.

        It stopped the problem, but it wasn’t gratifying–because the underlying evil was still there and it troubled me then. Still does.

        Maybe bullying is a GOOD thing; it breeds a lifelong hate of tyranny and thugism.

    • Of course the pussy cop in Duluth first twists the old guys arm behind his head and when the guy strikes back to make him stop the badged fucker goes ape shit on him. Next he threatens the woman for saying, “hey”… and then this ball-less wonder calls it “assault”. Yeah, I saw assault, and it was conducted by the cop. His ass needs to be fired.


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