I Now Know Why I Moved To Missouri


When I first moved from Virginia to Missouri, even though I had several good reasons, I never understood the compulsion I felt to move 1100 miles from my birthplace. Virginia was my home. Most of my family and my wife’s family are there.  Sure, there was about 10% less government and taxes were noticeably lower back then but that wasn’t it. Wide open spaces, fewer state actors to get in your business, all true. Yet that didn’t explain my compulsion. Then shortly after we moved here, the “Castle Doctrine” was passed into law. The Legislature recognized our right to carry loaded firearms in our vehicles without a permit of any kind. I’d have thought that Massachusetts should have been at the forefront of gun rights activism, considering their stance back on April 19, 1775. Or maybe even my former home state Virginia would be, considering that she was both the Colonial Capitol as well as the Capitol of the Confederacy. Sic Semper Tyrannus indeed.  But no! The Missouri Legislature has really taken a stand for our individual right to keep and bear arms. And in the process they poked Leviathan squarely in its regulatory eye.   Whether the governor likes it or not, all federal firearms laws are null and void in my adopted state!  Now I know why I moved here!  Here’s the scoop: http://www.rightsidenews.com/2013050932519/us/homeland-security/missouri-legislature-nullifies-all-federal-gun-control-measures-by-a-veto-proof-majority.html


  1. I bought land in MO and will be relocation in the next ten years, for a few reasons: Low taxes and no building codes or zoning laws (in my country anyway).

    Thanks for informing me of another good reason to look forward to retiring there.

  2. Boothe, Missouri is also the setting for a fine writer’s work. Daniel Woodrell writes on themes from Missouri’s guerilla war history, “Woe To Live On”, which was the basis for the film, “Ride With The Devil”, as well as the novel of contemporary Missouri, “Winter’s Bone”, made into the film of the same name.

    Woodrell has written quite a few novels, and all of them show the reckless disregard of a Missouri underclass for authority of any stripe.

    Missouri was known as the Mother of Outlaws, during the military occupation called “reconstruction”. That was mainly due to the existence of the James-Younger gang of robbers, but also in reference to the number of Missouri born outlaws in Texas and other western states after the war. I can see how you’d want to move there.

    Hope you don’t have to go to bushwhackin’ there, but if you do you’ll have good historical precedent on your side.

  3. Awesome! Now, if only Australians were far less panic-merchant about guns we could protect ourselves again.

    • “less panic-merchant about guns”

      The terrible film, Judge Dredge came to mind. Guns were outlawed, as I recall. I imagine having to come closer to the edge is what it will take for Australia and everywhere else to come to terms with reality. Much the the same way Stallone did, from Wiki:

      “Stallone later explained that he had done the film out of desperation after being evicted from his apartment and finding himself homeless for several days. He has also said that he slept three weeks in the New York City Port Authority bus station prior to seeing a casting notice for the film. In the actor’s words, “it was either do that movie or rob someone, because I was at the end – the very end – of my rope”.”

      • At the time of judge dred stallon was a big star so I looked this up… wrong film.
        This condition was in 1970 and for the movie “The Party at Kitty and Stud’s”

        • It did seem like I was tying the two together.

          What I mean to tie together was Stallone’s beginnings with that of The People in general having to come closer to the edge is what it will take for Australia and everywhere else to come to terms with reality.

          That point, is about halfway into the Judge Dredge film.

  4. I really liked that. It’s tempting. I wonder if they are one of those states that has the vampire prick. You know, they reserve the right to prick you with a needle and take your blood if they want because they suspect you’re an ‘impaired’ driver. Is Mo. one of those states?

    And, will the Empire crush the rebellion?
    I’ve heard there are those (especially in the East) who say, just go ahead a nuke those states that want to Secede. Serious professionals say that. That’s how bad things are. They have no concept of liberty:

    The Constitutional Right of Secession


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