Texas Heroes Beat Woman Up


A southeast Texas town with a history of racial unrest on Monday fired two white police officers recently captured on video slamming a black woman’s head into a countertop and wrestling her to the ground.

“The amount of force used was abominable,” the woman’s attorney, Cade Bernsen, told Yahoo News.

The incident was captured by security cameras at the Jasper, Texas, police headquarters.

Keyarika “Shea” Diggles, 25, was brought to the jail on May 5 for an unpaid fine, according to Bernsen. He said she was was on the phone with her mother trying to arrange to get the $100 owed when Officer Ricky Grissom cut off the call.

There’s no audio on the video, but Diggles and Grissom were apparently arguing when Officer Ryan Cunningham comes in behind Diggles and attempts to handcuff her. When she appears to raise her hand, Cunningham grabs Diggles by the hair and slams her head into a countertop. The officers wrestle Diggles to the ground before dragging her by her ankles into a jail cell.

“She got her hair pulled out, broke a tooth, braces got knocked off … it was brutal,” Bernsen said.

Diggles was charged with resisting arrest for arguing with the officers, a charge dropped on Monday, according to Bernsen.

Cunningham, reached by phone Monday afternoon, hung up on a Yahoo News reporter. A message left for Grissom was not immediately returned.

After terminating the officers on Monday, the council requested that the pair be investigated for possible criminal charges. Bernsen said he hopes that probe is done by the FBI or state police.

“I don’t trust the Police Department as far as you can throw them,” he said.



  1. We Are Legion – The Story of the Hacktivists

    Arrest of Keyarika Diggles – 49:46 min

    Jasper TX = Population 8,000 – 50 miles north of Beaumont

    Jasper County Sheriff Mitchell Newman
    101 Burch Street Jasper, TX 75951 Phone: 409-384-5417
    87 prisoners currently held in the Jasper Cty jail at taxpayer expense

    Ricky Grissom – Photo On Right
    Ryan Cunningham – Photo On Left

    Jasper Police Station
    555 S Main St Jasper, TX 75951
    (409) 384-3471

  2. These are some real, no shit hero cops, roughing up a woman. Guess they’ll just drift over the county line and get hired by another PD. That’s what usually happens. Now, if they were convicted of assault and got some jail time, at least we’d be rid of them as Poe Lease. They’d probably run for office, though. That public tit addiction is hard to kick.


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