FeaturesNews/Other StuffOff TopicRadio Interviews Border Heroes Smash Car Window/Cuff Driver By eric - July 11, 2013 1 2004 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Makes you proud to be an American, where at least you know you’re freeeeeeeeeeeeee…. Related posts: Trucker Owns Border Pigs Hulk Smash! Obama Supporter Chimps on Romney Sign $12,700 For Illinois Toll Road Authority Clerical Error Buffalo, NY Heroes Execute Man’s Dog … After Raiding Wrong Apartment
It appears that the US boarder is about 15-20 miles wide. Although probably a lost cause, the driver should sue for damages. Reply
It appears that the US boarder is about 15-20 miles wide.
Although probably a lost cause, the driver should sue for damages.