Flustered Hero


Watch this Hero get increasingly pissed off after a Mundane refuses to play by the Hero’s rules:

A man was hassled by a cop for walking his dog at night. A cop-blocking pedestrian came to offer some accountability by simply walking up with his camera. What happens next would be truly funny if it weren’t for the fact that the bullying tactic often works to harm many Americans.

Full story here:


  1. The person who shot this video is simply heroic!

    It’s such a simple thing, but it takes balls.

    The bastard cop taking the photos seems very creepy. I think he’d be very comfortable in the old Soviet Union. Very.

    The cops intimidation attempts are very run-of-the-mill these days I guess.

    There’s something Very wrong with American society these days.

    …It’s too bad everyone turns a blind eye to it all.

  2. “Your dog’s papers are not in order. He will come with me.”

    Are you ill or maybe frightened? Your papers are not in order.


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