QLD Australia outlaws motorcycle clubs


This is unbelievable. The government has made it jailable to hang out and ride motorcycles,
Vicious Lawless Association
Disestablishment Bill 2013


  1. Dear Eric,

    Well, I just finished watching the final episode of Sons of Anarchy.

    I won’t include any spoilers.

    Just want to say it was a great series, and that the end title for the series finale had a quote from Shakespeare.

      • Dear Eric,

        It was an amazing show.

        When I first heard about it, I thought to myself, a show about a biker gang? Gee, how good could that possibly be? The memory of dozens of plotless low budget biker flicks shot in the desert to save money on sets flooded my consciousness.

        Who knew it would turn out to be Shakespeare’s MacBeth and Hamlet in biker gang garb, replete with morality tales about power lust and Oedipal Complexes?

  2. Anonymous Message to Campbell Newman

    Campbell Newman Looks Like A Goomba

    Clive Palmer Seeks Removal of Campbell Newman

    Don’t attack the person attack the idea. My activity really is in ideas and concepts. Governments may come and go, politicians may come and go, but ideas go on forever. Let’s stick with our ideas, that’s what really matters.

    We don’t become happy by complaining. We don’t become happy by being negative. We don’t become happy by trying to take from someone else and give to someone else or feel inadequate of who we are. We only become happy by realizing who we are, being happy with ourselves and then being grateful for what we’ve got and that melts into being happy. Being happy is something important to me.

    I believe we should be creating a bigger pie for all of us to share. I want the best for all Australians.

    China represents a quarter of the world. Are they going to be kept down, stricken with poverty in so many areas, forever? I don’t think so. It’s better to talk than have them come here and fight us for our resources. China is focused on China, it’s not thinking to invade other countries. The Chinese have more economic muscle than America.

    I’ve become happy by being grateful for everything I’ve got, and every Australian can be grateful for the air that we breathe, the sunshine, the place we live, the freedom we have, our partners, our family, our children whatever we are, there’s a lot to be grateful of, you know.

    The best experience in my life is going to bed cuddling up to someone, knowing that I love them at night, knowing that they keep the pillow warm and that I’m relevant to them that’s what’s important to me. It doesn’t matter how much money you’ve got, you can only sleep in one bed at a time. You can try two beds, but it’s not very good if you do. You don’t need much money to live, you only need enough for a meal, somewhere to sleep and having a good partner by your side. With those things you’re basically happy.

    Clive Palmer Quotes

  3. I wonder if Australia has a whole slew of newly built prisons that need filling?
    Seems that way. If so, it all makes perfect sense.

  4. Hmm, it’s not a Ned Kelly that’s needed, it’s a Peter Lalor or a Harry Bridges,

    Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said under the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Bill, bikie club members will be sentenced to an extra 15 years on top of the jail time awarded for the original offence.

    If they are also an office bearer then they will be sentenced to another 10 years on top of that.

    “A vicious lawless associate will be sentenced for the declared offence but will (be sentenced to) a further 15 years’ mandatory imprisonment cumulative to any imprisonment imposed for the declared offence and a further 10 years’ cumulative imprisonment if they are also an office bearer,” Mr Bleijie said.

    “The Bill makes clear that extra punishment is mandatory and cannot be reduced by the sentencing court.

    “Further, parole does not apply to the extra punishment unless the associate co-operates with the law enforcement authorities.”

    here’s the legislation, the altogether Orwellian named “Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Bill”


    and the sinister sounding “Criminal Organisations Disruption”




    Essentially it means that if you are associated with a bikie gang and commit a crime “for the purpose of participating in the affairs of” that organisation you will be declared a ‘vicious lawless associate’ and you get a further 15 years mandatory imprisonment on top of the sentence imposed on you; and if you hold an official position in the organisation you get another 10 years imprisonment on top of the 15 years.

    The manifest horrendous injustice of these proposed laws is borne out by these examples.

    A member of a bikie gang commits a theft by stealing a car. If that person had no prior convictions they might only get three months jail. But the court will have no choice but to impose at least 15 years imprisonment on that person. Similarly in the case of a person who is found in possession of drugs. No magistrate or judge should be asked to participate in such cruel outcomes.

  5. One of the more unbelievable aspects of this proposed legislation (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-10-16/barns-queensland-bikie-laws/5025742) is to be found here: The Attorney General., one Jarrod Bleijjie, a 31 year old ex conveyancer, was, while in opposition, totally against any of the laws he’s just put in!
    Queensland – Parliamentary Debates – Wednesday, 25 November 2009

    Comments from the current Attorney-General, Mr Jarrod Bleijie, on the proposed Criminal Association Bill proposed by the Labor Government. In light of his draconian anti-bikie laws passed early today, 16 October 2013, these quotes make hilarious reading and display this hypocritical man in his true light – keen on misleading the public and back-flipping on fundamental values at a whim and squeeze of his balls.

    http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/docume … WEEKLY.pdf

    “70 per cent of LNP members are on the list to speak.” – AGAINST anti-bikie laws (Page 3619)

    “The fact that there have been so many arrests indicates that existing laws are sufficient without the need to enact laws aimed directly at bikie gangs. We do not need to enact laws aimed directly at bikie gangs or other groups, but we do need to give more resources, more funding and more support to our police officers.” (Page 3621)

    “While I agree that people need to be protected from organised crime, there must also be the protection of personal liberties such as the freedom of association. The Premier and the Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services have stated that people who do the right thing have nothing to fear. I will repeat that: people who do the right thing have nothing to fear. I say to the people of Queensland that, with this government, they do have something to fear. This bill encroaches on their personal freedoms and liberties. A government that tries to remove these freedoms and liberties is a government that is to be feared.” (Page 3621)

    “This bill is an attack on the right of freedom of association. While it is currently intended for motorcycle gangs, once again this bill does not mention the term ‘bikie’ or ‘motorcycle gangs’, and this piece of legislation could be used against any group that may fall into disfavour regardless of the purpose of their gathering.” (Page 3621)

    “Another essential freedom and one that goes to the heart of our legal system is the right to a fair trial. Every person in Queensland, regardless of whether they are part of organised crime, has the right to a fair trial. In effect, this bill removes that right. It removes the rule of evidence. It lowers the standard of the burden of proof that is ordinarily required in criminal proceedings from being beyond reasonable doubt to the standard that is required in civil proceedings. It allows for the employment of people in certain occupations to be refused merely on the reliance of criminal intelligence without them even having a conviction of a criminal offence. This bill denies the rules of natural justice. It introduces anti-association laws.” (Page 3621)

    “We are talking about tampering with people’s rights to associate. That could be broadly interpreted. How can we place control orders on someone who may be innocently associating with others who may be conspiring in a criminal activity and they have no idea, but we are going to punish them?” (Page 3622)

    “Here we have the Labor government trying to enact a bill that will erode the right of freedom of association that could result in the prosecution of people based on race, ethnicity or membership of a social group and that seeks to be a one-size-fits-all, knee-jerk response. That is not the answer to the complex problem of organised crime.” (Page 3622)

    “The issue here should not be about the associations of individuals, it should be about the crimes committed. If I look at all those people I have just mentioned and look across the table here, one could potentially argue that the Queensland Labor Party is a serious criminal organisation because five of its members are in jail, have served jail or are currently before the CMC and there are certainly those on that side of the House who have associated with them.” (Page 3623)

    “I challenge the members opposite to not simply toe the party line but to come on this side and support the right to freedom of association in this state.” (Page 3623)

    Report this post

    • Klavdy, In conclusion, if the opposition wants to know exactly what’s in this bill, they’ll have to vote for it if they want to find out. Now which of you care about your country or your fellow country-men and are ready to pass what we have rightly termed the Patriot Act and which just want to be on the wrong side of the law and let everything in this country go straight to hell??? That small child’s death will be on your conscience.

  6. Campbell Newman is making dictatorial laws. Dictatorship like this is part and parcel of democracy. If you live under democracy, then you live under a dictatorship.

    Campbell Newman – QLD state election 2012

    All 89 seats in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
    Campbell Newman LNP Liberal National 1,214,402
    Anna Bligh ALP Labor 652,092
    Aidan McLindon KAP Katter’s 282,098

    All these rituals are a con. You have no vote in anything that counts. You have no choice in whether these elections take place. You’re a Kunta Kente who is too stupid to realize he’s a Kunta Kente. Your government is taking either your toes or your testicles, cast your vote, that’s your F-ing democracy.

    At least in an outright single authoritarian system, you know who’s to blame for your slavery. Under democratic slavery, it’s often unclear who your master even is.

    Anna Bligh, 52, previous premier has cancer

  7. I get why Campbell is doing this. Aussies are underachievers in performing their UK duty of being quisling queers and femmy faggity fauntleroys.


    Harry Potter On Why British Men ‘Seem Gay’

    “The papers used to say I had a gay face, or a gay voice but it simply wasn’t true,” But when you know a gay guy has a crush on you, it’s the most flattering thing.

    The 23-year-old actor expanded his sexual horizons in the film, “Kill Your Darlings.” by performing a steamy gay sex scene.”

    International Lez Day in Brisbane, QLD

  8. Speaking of violent outlaw biker gangs, check out this post from Judge Andrew Napolitano.

    America the Lawless
    From the Obama administration to the NYPD, government in America refuses to follow the Constitution.
    Andrew Napolitano | October 10, 2013

    “While much of the above was going on in secret, two public spectacles played out on American TV last week. One involved a gang of bikers in New York City who chased a family in a Range Rover at high speeds and eventually pulled the driver from his car and beat and kicked him. Eventually the cops caught the gang, but not all gang members will be prosecuted, as at least three of them are cops — and they did nothing to stop the assault.

    Reminds me of an exchange from Sam Peckinpah’s classic Western, “The Wild Bunch.”

    Q: How bad was it?
    A: Seven of the villagers were killed. Two of them hung. Our horses, cattle and corn, stolen.
    Q: What about the federal troops? Didn’t they protect you?
    A: They were federal troops!

    • Bevin, deja vu, I was thinking of this movie yesterday. Of course it seems like I think of it more as we lose freedoms, esp. to the fed govt.

      • Dear 8SM,

        I saw the film in the theaters, first run, back in 1969 while in college.

        Who knew that 54 years later, ‘Murica would have degenerated into a tinpot dictatorship in which the police brutalize us peons more or less the way they did in that classic movie?

        • 1969 it was but I had to look it up, seemed like it was earlier or maybe I was just waking up(sociologically). Seems like I saw it at the Red Raider Drive-In, same place I saw Easy Rider….and weren’t we outraged? I worked with a guy who could have played the part of the shooter, looked just like him. I could never see him in the same way.

  9. And here I was about to move there, buy a bike and ride to the Pub With No Beer…..choke down some dry bakenettes, the hot ones.

  10. Who does Campbell Newman think he is? Bloody Hell!

    Campbell Newman
    wife Lisa, daughters Rebecca & Sarah

    PO Box 15185. City East. Queensland 4002
    07 3224 4500 in Oz
    +617-3405-0970, (+10 hours UTC) beyond Oz

    Invite Campbell to your community event, meeting or function within the Ashgrove Electorate by emailing ashgrove @ parliament . qld . gov . au





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