Shock: Fox News Airs Bombshell Report On GMO Food


Mikael Thalen
November 3rd, 2013

During Saturday’s “A Healthy You & Carol Alt,” a new half-hour Fox News show covering health and wellness, organic health commentator Max Goldberg joined the program to break down what may be one of the most hard-hitting GMO reports ever aired by the mainstream media.

    “No long-term studies have ever been done on humans, but when you look at the studies that have been done on animals, it’s pretty appalling,” Goldberg said. “You’re talking about liver damage and kidney damage and when they fed it to hamsters, the third generation of hamsters weren’t able to produce babies, so there’s real safety issues.” As mentioned, a 2007 study published in the journal Archives of Environmental Contamination and Technology showed that rats fed Monsanto’s MON863 corn for more than 90 days began to show “signs of toxicity” in the liver and kidneys. In 2010, Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov released the results of a study testing the effects of Monsanto’s genetically modified soy on hamsters. After monitoring three generations over a two year period, third generation hamsters not only lost the ability to reproduce, but even began growing hair inside their mouths. “The real big issue in our country Carol, is that genetically modified food’s are not labeled, so people do not know that they are eating genetically modified foods. Over 60 countries around the world require GMOs to be labeled but the US does not,” Goldberg added. “And why is that? According to the Food & Water Watch, the Ag-Bio tech industry, which owns all these GMOs, has spent $572 million on campaign contributions and lobbying to make sure that they don’t get labeled.”

The report goes on to cover the nation’s 93 percent labeling approval rating, the biotech industry’s defeat of California’s labeling Proposition 37, as well as the current attempt to stop I-522 in Washington state, where a lawsuit by the state’s attorney general just revealed the 34 corporations laundering donation money to hide their opposition to GMO labeling from the public.

Coming from a network that once fired two journalists for attempting to report Canadian studies linking Monsanto’s rBGH-tainted milk to cancer, the move not only represents the public’s continued shift against GMOs, but the media’s desperate attempt to remain relevant to a public hungry for truthful


  1. Everywhere I look Linda, Anthony Gucciardi is listed as a nature-loving alarmist. One of his links contained:

    “The data, however, does not desegregate the region-wise situation, so how many farmers in Vidarbha killed themselves in 2009 can’t be known.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with being nature loving. The facts need to be on the table.

  2. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and reject the above story for lack of hard evidence. I respect everyone’s comments but it sounds like sheer alarmism to me. Similar to the crap they spew about fracking (Gasland – the fakest movie besides Inconvenient Truth), such as methane-saturated water, earthquakes and pollution. No evidence of it except in the minds of alarmist parrots. Technology for fracking has moved forward big leaps in recent years.

    Greenies are opposed to vitamin A rich Golden Rice, a product of GM which is being stopped delivery to poor countries, where normal rice constitutes much of their meagre diet and are Vitamin A deficient. Their complaints are unfounded.

    GM crops are designed to use less pesticides and water. In fact, GM has been going on for thousands of years – crossing different strains of wheat, corn etc. Bees do it every day. Think of everything you eat that has been naturally genetically modified over aeons. The chickens you eat have been purposely cross-bred to be what they are. Big and fat. Not to mention cows.

    Additionally, nobody is going to be able to use or sell anything that puts hair in the mouth of hamsters within 2 years. They don’t want to be jailed.

    Please guys, flame me all you like but look at the bigger picture. Demand evidence before judgement and think laterally, if not logically.

    • Hi Rev,

      Selective breeding is one thing – manipulating an organism at the cellular level by introducing the genetic material of another organism is another.

      I’m not the least bit worried about consuming the eggs laid by a chicken that’s half Rhode Island Red and half Buff Orpington. I am concerned about eating corn that’s had its DNA altered to be poisonous to a certain insect via the introduction of bacillus thuringiensis genetic material.

      • I know what you are saying Eric. This whole GMO thing makes me nervous and itchy all over. Something just seems wrong with using bacteriophages to deliver foreign but spurious DNA into another living organism’s DNA.

        Bacteriophages are viruses BTW. To me it seems rather concerning that they don’t have any exact controls on where this genetic code get inserted int the host cell DNA strand, other than by growing the radonmly attacking with baceriophases the organism in the lab and then manually picking the expression of the gene they want. Its basically a trial and guess game with no clear consensus where the gene will be placed and how that modifies the viability of the host or stability of the new nuclear DNA material. Will the DNA insertion become unstable and disentegrate fragments inside of a new host? There are some people alluding to the fact that UV sensitve DNA markers are appearing in fish that were exposed to GMO food they consumed, basically making them glow in UV like the frog DNA inserted as the DNA marker in their food source. All this happening by induction and not directly modified themselves. And there is also fear that eating corn that had pesticide producing DNA inserted into it, is now getting into the gut cells of people who eat it. Making their own bodies poison factories. And there are numerous other concerns that show that other DNA material of the source is being inserted into the host carrier other than what was targeted. That they are not sure if the bacteriophages in our own stomach (Yes they exist are are healthy flora of our stomach) might not move the same DNA genes as unstable fragments to alter our own stomach cells and the probiotic bacteria inside of us. Making them poision generators as well, just like the GMO corn.

        As an electrical engineer I can attest that all engineering is a learn as you go discipline. We learned more about thermodynamics from the steam engine then the other way around. I can’t tell you how many expensive lessons I have had learning the hard way how things really work, before gaining mastery over a subject. I don’t think food is something that should be modified as we play, until the genetical engineering field has become much more mature. Let them play all they want in their labs, but do not sell the food items that have been tampered and played with by disguising it to consumers as safe with government guarding their backsides of the liability. And it is massive liability!

        When they can not only map the entire structure of the food and be able to show what every gene mean exactly in expression. When they can take nightshade for example and map its entire DNA code and then remove the poison from it making new edible foods (instead of adding posions to our food items). And when they eat nightshade like tomatoes due to their own diligence and engineering, I might be tempted to let them modify the edible stuff I eat now. Until then please keep the expensive experiments in their own labs, because I know better than to believe man can control such complex things w ithout an occasional disaster in learning the hard way the first 100 times of gaining expertise.

        • Morning, HR!

          This portion of your post completely reflects my own thinking on the subject:

          “I don’t think food is something that should be modified as we play, until the genetic engineering field has become much more mature. Let them play all they want in their labs, but do not sell the food items that have been tampered and played with by disguising it to consumers as safe with government guarding their backsides of the liability. And it is massive liability!”

          Italics added for emphasis.


      • Eric & Dom,

        The only corn I’ll eat these days is popcorn. Supposedly no popcorn has ever been genetically modified to date. We avoid all corn meal and processed foods including corn chips and tortillas. Just had a taco salad with spinach and lettuce yesterday and it was hard noticing that the corn was missing. Though, it sucks really as corn is one of the finest grain foods of mankind thanks to wisdom of S. and Latin American natives and years of carefull selection by all of humanity thereafter. But all that is trashed with a few years of careless and worthless government in bed with big Ag. Even if you aren’t trying to grow GMO corn most likely you are hybridizing with it, its a gone food.

        I’m trying my best to eat healthy along with my wife, but between irradiated Fukishima Pacific fish, to Aresenic chicken, to GMO’s, chemtrails, and flouride. I’m thinking it really is getting harder to avoid the snares. Also I don’t trust corporations at all, “Organic” please don’t make me laugh. Some people I’m sure take it very seriously, but with the profit margin there are a whole lot of cheaters and fraud in “Organic” I am guaranteeing it. God help us all as this group of people maybe more than alot of others should be the survivors of the man made holocaust coming, simply because we are probably some of the higher IQ’s in the world. I’d like to keep it that way, so do as we do and walk the talk.

        Hot Rod

        • No corn for me, either!

          Or at least, as little of it as possible.

          I never buy anything sweetened with HFC. I pretty much never eat store bought frozen/processed foods.

          I’ve also almost completely stopped eating refined/complex carbs – and dropped almost 30 pounds without curtailing my consumption of meat or (my last vice) chocolate/sugary strong coffee.

          It’s become pretty obvious to me – just by looking around – that, whether it’s deliberate or accidental, the population is being systematically slow-poisoned by the food it consumes.

          Anecdote: I was watching something about John Belushi the other day. He was considered a fatty back in the ’70s. But by today’s standards, he’s just husky – a few pounds over. Compared with the grossly/morbidly obese people one sees routinely these days, he was a piker.

    • rev, this is something you’ll want to educate yourself on. I can’t go into in depth right now, sneezing fits but I do Monsanto wants to own the world food supply and is doing it in this country. There are even “Monsanto” laws on the books now due to crooked judges.

    • The problem isn’t the tinkering, per se;
      There’s always been selective breeding and genetic refinements like cross-breeds.

      The problem here is, they’re using genetic mutation and wholescale gene splicing.
      Examples: Human DNA in Corn and Beets.
      And it’s inserted via a virus, which doesn’t die – it resides in the food we eat after it’s “used”.

      That means it can affect US, once we consume it.

      THAT is BAD. It can splice OUR genes, and not in a good way. We won’t likely turn into Elves, Orcs, Goblins, etc.
      But we’ll develop cancerous growths, tumors, and other related problems: ALS, Parkinson’s, mental disorders (much as I feel most of Psychotherapy is quackery, SOME of it is REAL – Bi-Polar disorder, PTSD, schizophrenia, etc. Problem is, there’s MONEY to be made in TREATING the symptoms – NOT in curing the disease. As I have said to others: You need to learn to think like an evil man.) will get you started; it’s a light-hearted take on things.
      But the “consulting” demotivator is REAL: There’s money to be made in suppressing symptoms (prolonging the problem).
      If you’re a guru in Linux, say – there’s no money to be made in running around fixing systems. Not much to be made in massive conversions, either (too much push-back from entrenched systems).
      The quick buck is to come in to “fix” their performance problems, and nest in new problems. Too general, maybe.
      So, if the performance issue is REALLY a result of overloaded CPU, but you can persuade the CEO that the problem is solved by “cloud” or “virtualization” – you can keep that problem (and associated money) flowing to you for a LONG time. You have Server X running a Pentium 5 dual-core, and the CPU is at 50%? Idiot CEO thinks that means there’s 50% more to exploit.
      Don’t work that way: It’s dual-cored. At 50%, one core is (potentially) PEGGED at full-utilization. But if you can sell “cloud computing” or “virtualization” to the CEO, he’ll ignore what HIS people tell him, and force the changeover – so now the could is burning with 500 servers running at 50%+ – those dual-cored systems are STILL pegged, only now there are people making money out of obfuscating it. Maintaining the servers. Marketing the remaining 50% of CPU to someone ELSE, at the same time – it’s all “virtual” and doesn’t affect anyone else, of course. (Bullshit, BTW.)

      The correct SOLUTION is to find out what process(es) are causing the full utilization of a core, and never completing. But that’s a complex problem… Better to throw money at it and avoid the REAL problem of THINKING.
      It’s Cloverism, just not what we’re thinking of normally.

      Splicing genes is a problem. Ugly example: Blacks are prone to sickle-cell anemia. The sickle-cell shape of those mutant red blood cells blocks capillaries, causing damage to the tissues. HOWEVER: It also stops the Malaria parasite. White man has no such genetic protection.
      It’s a trade-off.

      In this case, there’s no malaria – we’re looking to stop a bug from eating product (profits). We’re looking to sell more weed killer – and thus we want our crop (product/profits) protected against our weed killer (product/profit.)
      We make our crops resist the toxic effects of the weedkiller by splicing in genes which are from a mouse, say. We take Gene X and slap it into the corn. Nothing could go wrong, right?

      Problem 1: The regulation of the expression of the toxic effects is performed by Ribosome 24 on Gene 15 of a different allele completely. IE, it’s not even CONSIDERED when we make our little pathogenic gene-delivery system. We’re not aware of the gene’s interactions with our desired effect.
      BUT, once it’s in the corn – the gene makes it roundup-resistant, sure. It also changes how the corn grows – because there’s no toxic suppression gene in corn, it’s only in mice? The toxin-blocking effect WRT Roundup results in a massive toxicity of Lead. See, the toxins used in roundup (in this hypothetical, I’m pulling it out of the air) bond in the same ways as lead. So, in order to not succumb to the roundup, the plant is now absorbing huge amounts of lead.

      Plants don’t HAVE (much) lead in them – there’s no reason to test them for lead content, because the lead is toxic to the plant, too. (It is however LESS toxic than roundup – trade-off, remember?)

      So, Gen 1 – corn is fed to animals. G1 is monitored. Neither plant nor animal is tested for lead as a toxin. Animals are slaughtered and delivered to people as food.

      Gen 2 – Corn is “normal feed” now. Lead is WAY up, but no one is aware yet.
      Animals are sick, but profits are up. Animals make it to slaughterhouse OK. New gen has been bred already, though there were a few defects here and there. Three legs, maybe, or intersex animals. Tastes good either way, right?
      Humans buy the G2 meat as food, and it’s still humans-Gen-1: so the lead is accumulating at the Human level.
      Humans are breeding, too. A few humans are still-born, or have defects. March of Dimes collects more that year. (decade, more like.)

      G3, corn is still normal. the damaged offspring of G2 is showing a few behavioral anomalies: Running into fences and fenceposts, repeatedly. Death for unknown causes, like apparrent heart attacks. Brain damage here and there. 90% or so still make it to slaughterhouse. FDA and EPA sign off on the study indicating GMO corn is safe for animals. Human trials start…

      G4 animals, much like G3 – a few more stillbirths, a few more defects, more animals die as they mature, animals are sickly overall. They mature less, mature less well, stay more juvenile longer.
      HG1 (Huamns-Gen1) are still breeding. Downs syndrome on the rise, as well as other signs of damage: fragile bones, retardation, liver toxicity and cancer, kidney damage. Some of HG1 die off; HG2 still growing up and maturing.
      GMO corn products on the market. Made from same roundup-resistant corn as feed corn, it’s cheap and it’s everwhere. As an added benefit, it tastes more like normal corn, making the harder corn kernel cover (indigestible to humans) less of a concern, especially in processed foods – like corn chips, cheetos, HFCS, etc.

      G4 – G5 – G6 – etc.

      G7: HG1 is old now; mental diseases are confining the survivors to old-age hospice. They are suffering alzheimers, ALS, cancer, liver and kidney failure on a massive scale. Canot control emotions, bodies, bowels.
      HG2 has had a higher-than-average pattern of emotional and mental deficiencies; they don’t understand complex concepts, cannot or will not mature into adulthood. More than “normal” have cancers or turn out toxic. Lead paint from earlier generations is blamed.

      G8 – G9 – G10 – etc. Who knows how many, I’m making this up as we go to show the progression. Probably moving too fast.

      HG2 is suffering major mental issues. HG3 is mostly dead, or so old no one listens anyway – and with their vagueness and the drugs they’re on, no one knows how to relate to them anyway.
      But HG2 – they’re popping pills like crazy. Health care and drugs are booming.
      Meantime, costs of farming are RIDICULOUS. Vets are on 24/7 standby, corporate farming has emerged as a necessity. Large famrs pool resources to try to keep afloat – and the price of meat is going through the roof, because of four viable animals born only 1 or 2 live long enough to get to market. Drugs (such as steroids and antibiotics) are used to keep these animals “healthy.” It increases costs, driving meat prices higher yet.
      Meantime, the demand for processed corn goods has driven the feed corn price higher as well (more cost to farmer, higher meat prices). Only so much corn can be grown. And there’s a push to profiteer at the grain farmer’s end, too.

      By HG4? People are almost sterile; many are mental cases, whether visibly or not. Their bodies are warped and damaged, and no one knows why. The human genome looks weakened; there are fewer births, fewer still viable births (includes birth defects). People are going to fertility specialists to try and ensure what offspring they CAN have, are in fact worthwhile, will be healthy.

      This has taken probably 50 years. HG5 is out of control, mutated, sickly… the worst of genetics has likly survived, as only the most aggressive strains survive cataclysms.

      But no one thinks to go look at the corn.
      And I presumed there was no cross-pollination, spreading these transgenic breeds across the plant kingdom. I assumed there was no infection of humans, from eating a virus that would alter their DNA. (though AIDS does come to mind as an easy example.)

      If we are too cautious, waiting for evidence – given that the evidence is, in fact, being shoved down our THROAT, LITERALLY – well, maybe we’ll be dead by the time the jury is in.
      I have a problem with that.

      And I have other examples that are easy for perusal.
      I don’t smoke; my father does.
      So we’ve had some good chats about the situation of freedom WRT smoking.
      Also about the BS involved; e.g., they called cigarettes “coffin nails” when HE was a child, there’s no excuse to think that smoking is HEALTHY. Not then, not now.
      But people do it anyway.

      Here’s the rub: the research? It’s all SKEWED. BOGUS. Second-hand smoke was axaggerated even worse, to demonize those who would engage in the EVILS of Tobacco….

      Like those who engage in the EVILS of DEMON RUM…. (Prohibition)

      Don’t you know, we’re all just sex-crazed animals, out of control?
      All Men are brutes who should be neutered! That way there will be an END TO RAPE!!!

      Etc, etc, etc.

      At least with the later examples, we can get some information fairly quickly.

      With GMO foods, it could take GENERATIONS just to udnerstand what’s going on – and that’s assuming people think of where to look. If you’re looking for the origins of life, and assume life is spontaneously generated, you’ll never even think to isolate two pieces of meat, sealing one off, and leaving the other open to the air.
      If you only believe in what you can see, you’ll never try to find the Atomos, or believe in electricity, or ponder life’s greater mysteries.

      We need time and controlled (transparent) studies to understand what’s happening, what the costs are. The diseases of civilization are only the start; Soylent Green isn’t the end game, but the first quarter.

      The truly evil don’t care WHAT happens to them – provided it happens to YOU, FIRST. Tomorrow? They’ll worry about it tomorrow, not today – when they could change the problems tomorrow would bring.

      See also immunizations (Compare Polio to Chickenpox). See also Christopher Columbus and “the Earth is Flat.” See also Inquisition, and Gallileo WRT Heliocentrism.

      Things change, especially when you’re given garbage data from the start: Garbage in, Garbage out – but someone will BUY that garbage, because it’s ALL THEY CAN GET…
      And tomorrow, they’ll pay the price – but that’s a different person (the brain actually sees the future you as a different person.)

      We’re being lied to, same as the laws are for our “Safety” (red light cameras, DUI, safety belts, etc.)

      You cannot remove the human factors from the equation. And most of humanity? Think “Twins,” Schwarzeneger/DeVito. Most of us, like it or not – are DeVito, not Schwarzeneger.
      But most of humanity is SATISFIED to be DeVito (and with all that characters flaws, too). They won’t even try to imitate Schwarzeneger. Won’t take that risk. Better to be a venal, worthless, cowardly human, than try to improve one’s status and state. Can’t overcome genetics / I’m big boned / I’ve always been heavy / I can’t run, I have asthma / I’m stupid, I’ll never pass this test (grade)…

      Do things the normal way, or not at all, in this case. Things can get WAY out of control WAY too fast. Cross-breed? Sure. Tinker with the genes? A little wallpaper hanger in Berlin thought he could do that, too. Didn’t work then, it’ll be worse now.

      /rant. 😛

      • I know corporations lie, cheat and steal. Regardless how much money’s in the scam, the truth will eventually be known. So far, how many have been proven to die from GM food? Selective breeding IS gene splicing. Any company, Monsanto or otherwise (Masterfoods is huge – blame them too?) creating something that kills people will be discovered and eventually hanged, similar to asbestos (a natural mineral) and many court hearings currently under way.

        I remember working for a company, that was getting removed supposed asbestos material from the roof. The area was curtained off. I needed a piss, so as I walked to the toilet, past the curtain, the guy in charge of the asbestos removal, NOT wearing any protective gear, frantically waved me away. What a load of crap. Shit – I can hold my breath for over 2 minutes, but this guy reckoned I’d be dead in 10 seconds the way he carried on.

        Won’t be long before glass fibres are banned from insulation, marine, auto body and other works. Think about it. Panic makes money go around, just like global warming bullshit – over 100Bn US bucks in the US alone, so far.

        Some years ago a certain form of milk was discredited and banned from the shelves because it wasn’t milk at all. At the time it was just trendy to fuck with milk and make it “light”, “skim” or something else.

        My high fat, high protein diet would shock many in the medical trade. The leading cause of death is birth. Until my raw steak crawls its way across my counter as in Poltergeist I’ll live until I die – I do not care when.

        I’m not gonna buy into the GM food scare until the evidence presents itself.

        • GMO is NOT selective breeding. GMO is genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified, not selective breeding. If all the term “GMO” meant, was a fancy term for selective breeding, it would simply be called “selective breeding”. Non-GMO plants and animals die or get very sick when attempted to be propagated in the same soils/waters that GMO food gets.

          GMO plants, specifically the ones Monsanto creates, are genetically modified to be able to handle otherwise lethal doses of the pesticide Roundup. This pesticide is absorbed by the plant, and the plant then puts out the pesticide into its fruits… of course the government is telling everyone this food is “safe”, and is getting away with it because there isn’t enough evidence to back it up.

          I almost puked typing that, because where do you think record levels of disease and mental illness are coming from? Answer: flouride (and other chemicals) in the water supply, and GMO foods.

          And yes, GMO foods can be grown organically and not give out these disgusting pesticides, but GMO foods are proven to have far less nutrional value than natural, or selectively bred, plants with no GMO in their genes.

          Not flaming you, I totally understand your point of view because I used to be right there with you.

    • @ Rev: I’ll respond to this one, heh.

      I respect your opinion and understand that if proof isn’t presented, you probably don’t want to believe something. Personally, despite the fact I can’t find anything to back up my claim that “there is a loophole in organic/free range/cage free labeling that allows farmers to simply have chickens see one hour of sunlight a day to be able to get the labeling” I still believe it. I have learned that a lot of negative things I come across, with no proof at the time to back them up, later turn out to be true.

      I don’t believe in global warming. But that doesn’t change the fact that the answer to the problem is “be a farmer that lives in direct conjunction with the earth, as sustainably as possible (permaculture)” not “carbon tax” or “make the government solve the problem, with regulations and/or taxes”. Whether global warming is real or not, being a permaculture farmer is what should be done, by everyone. Or at the very least, everyone should support permaculture farms.

      If you can’t name what/where/when/how your food and water came to be, well, there is probably a lot of nasty stuff going on that you’re not aware of… because the people doing the nasty stuff are going to make it as hard as possible for anyone to expose what they’re doing. And to dovetail this back in with the article we’re all commenting under, the FDA doesn’t give two shits about actual safety or health, just generating revenue and finding excuses to make their existence continue.

      And although you didn’t exactly say this, I agree with you that greenie weenies are totally full of shit (unless they are actual successful permaculture farmers, then they can preach to me all day long).

    • Shit, not sure what is happening. I just sorted another issue we had with posts a few minutes ago. I’ll check and see if settings have been adjust, but I didn’t change anything. Somehow “hotmail” got added to the blacklist keywords. You should be okay now.

  3. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and reject the above story for lack of hard evidence. I respect everyone’s comments but it sounds like sheer alarmism to me. Similar to the crap they spew about fracking (Gasland – the fakest movie besides Inconvenient Truth), such as methane-saturated water, earthquakes and pollution. No evidence of it except in the minds of alarmist parrots. Technology for fracking has moved forward big leaps in recent years.

    It’s easy to “report” something. Gain some fame and fortune for 15 minutes.

    Greenies are opposed to vitamin A rich Golden Rice, a product of GM which is being stopped delivery to poor countries, where normal rice constitutes much of their meagre diet and are Vitamin A deficient. Their complaints are unfounded.

    GM crops are designed to use less pesticides and water. In fact, GM has been going on for thousands of years – crossing different strains of wheat, corn etc. Bees do it every day. Think of everything you eat that has been naturally genetically modified over aeons. The chickens you eat have been purposely cross-bred to be what they are. Big and fat. Not to mention cows.

    Additionally, nobody is going to be able to use or sell anything that puts hair in the mouth of hamsters within 2 years. They don’t want to be jailed.

    Please guys, flame me all you like but look at the bigger picture. Demand evidence before judgement and think laterally, if not logically.

  4. I dunno if this’ll appear twice – internet gone stupid here 😉

    I’m gonna go out on a limb here and reject the above story for lack of hard evidence. I respect everyone’s comments but it sounds like sheer alarmism to me. Similar to the crap they spew about fracking (Gasland – the fakest movie besides Inconvenient Truth), such as methane-saturated water, earthquakes and pollution. No evidence of it except in the minds of alarmist parrots. Technology for fracking has moved forward big leaps in recent years.

    Greenies are opposed to vitamin A rich Golden Rice, a product of GM which is being stopped delivery to poor countries, where normal rice constitutes much of their meagre diet and are Vitamin A deficient. Their complaints are unfounded.

    GM crops are designed to use less pesticides and water. In fact, GM has been going on for thousands of years – crossing different strains of wheat, corn etc. Bees do it every day. Think of everything you eat that has been naturally genetically modified over aeons. The chickens you eat have been purposely cross-bred to be what they are. Big and fat. Not to mention cows.

    Additionally, nobody is going to be able to use or sell anything that puts hair in the mouth of hamsters within 2 years. They don’t want to be jailed.

    Please guys, flame me all you like but look at the bigger picture. Demand evidence before judgement and think laterally, if not logically.

  5. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and reject the above story for lack of hard evidence. I respect everyone’s comments but it sounds like sheer alarmism to me. Similar to the crap they spew about fracking (Gasland – the fakest movie besides Inconvenient Truth), such as methane-saturated water, earthquakes and pollution. No evidence of it except in the minds of alarmist parrots. Technology for fracking has moved forward big leaps in recent years.

    Greenies are opposed to vitamin A rich Golden Rice, a product of GM which is being stopped delivery to poor countries, where normal rice constitutes much of their meagre diet and are Vitamin A deficient. Their complaints are unfounded.

    GM crops are designed to use less pesticides and water. In fact, GM has been going on for thousands of years – crossing different strains of wheat, corn etc. Bees do it every day. Think of everything you eat that has been naturally genetically modified over aeons. The chickens you eat have been cross-bred to be what they are. Big and fat.

    Please guys, flame me all you like but look at the bigger picture. Demand evidence before judgement.

  6. This news is out on the mainstream media because ‘they’ Want GMO labeling.
    Imagine the increase in food inspections and other requirements that would come about if food had to be verified as GMO or not. The cost would crush small farms and be a giant barrier for anyone wishing to enter a business producing food in any way, shape or form.

    It’s a government wet dream to have GMO labeling.

    A Shakespeare line comes to mind for some reason in regards to Monsanto and others fighting against GMO labeling, “Methinks thou doth protest too much.”

    See also:

    How to play into Monsanto’s hands: label GMOs

    • Ah, excellent point.

      Not to mention, I’m sure “they” will leave huge loopholes in the labeling, like they do with so-called “organic” food. For example, I just noticed the brown chicken eggs with the “organic” label I had been buying also say the chickens are “100% vegetarian fed”…. to all who don’t know, chickens are omnivores and need meat for proper nutrition. And speaking of chickens, there is a huge loophole in the whole “free range” and “cage free” labeling where as long as the chickens are allowed to see sunlight for an hour a day, they get the “cage free” or “free range” labeling. That is, see the sunlight, not be exposed to it, but as long as they are allowed to look out a window they get the bullshit labeling… So disgusting.

      • Hey Jacob,

        We have chickens – and they do indeed eat pretty much everything (just like us). Ours get free run of our 16 acres; they eat whatever they want – supplemented with scratch and table leftovers. The really like spaghetti, by the way!

        • Ha. I was going to add, I wish I could raise me some chickens. but I didn’t think it’d fit here.
          …Maybe get me a chicken tractor. Ta protect ’em from the chicken hawks and other varmints.

          Varmints are everywhere, and always trying to get what you have.

          How do you keep chicken hawks and other varmints from stealing your free range chickens? …Just have a lot of chickens and hope they don’t take too many?

          • Roth,
            There are many “varmints” trying to steal what we all have.

            I suggest a good varmint rifle, I suggest something like a 308 Winchester, 300 Win Mag or 338 Lapua because some “varmints” are bigger than others.

          • @harry p November 4, 2013 at 2:27 pm

            I’d like to get my hands on a .50 BMG.
            I figure that’ll dissuade the varmint, and the varmint’s compatriots, from getting too close when not encased in massive metal coffins called “tanks”… AKA “Bomb Magnet.”
            And I do intend to find out how loud they can scream as they cook, at this point.

        • Huh, I never would have thought chickens would like spaghetti. Now that I think about it, I suppose it resembles worms pretty well.

      • Where did you learn about the huge loophole in the whole “free range” and “cage free” labeling?

        That is sneaky stuff, one hour of sunlight. Yeesh.

        We buy our eggs directly from a farmer we trust, so a label is not required.
        Or sometimes from an Amish brand in the store, I can’t imagine the Amish being sneaky like that. But I suppose it’s possible.

        • Pretty sure I learned that loophole from (permaculture website with a bunch of people who know their stuff) but I just tried googling for the loophole and couldn’t find anything. Either way I believe it, and still have the goal of raising my own chickens after I sell my current home.

          That’s really good that you buy your eggs directly from a trusted farmer. You are amongst a very small percentage of people who do so. I can’t name the farms where any of my food comes from, which is yet another reason I plan on raising my own food.

          • We get our beef from him, as well. Anti-biotic and GMO free.

            He has said many times, the red tape is too great to enable him to sell us chickens, and I KNOW fresher is WAY better than store bought.

            I discovered acorn squash while buying from him.
            That stuff is amazing.
            And easy to cook.
            Just cut in half and bake.
            Maybe add butter.
            I’d bet chickens would like the outside part you don’t eat.

            I never thought I’d like something called squash, not in a million years. …But here we are.

            Also, thanks for the reply about the chickens.

    • The corporate food machine does not want GMO labeling. The result is market collapse for GMO.

      If people could be convinced of the goodness of GMO then food would already proudly proclaim it was made with GMO. Many of the things that came from the labs that turned out not to be good for us were proudly labeled and advertised without any requirement to do so except as an ingredient in the fine print. But not GMO. For some reason GMO is supposed to be anonymous.

      • Excellent observation, Brent. I think you’re exactly right.

        Same as regards HFC. If it were so good for us, they’d tout it rather than try to hide it.

        • Monsanto will be happy when the last person on earth pays them for every bite of food he eats. At that point they and many others(of course it’s a dog eat dog world)will be making sure every person pays one of them for every drop of water they get. That is where it’s going. I know 31 cotton farmers who got sued by Monsanto for contract violations, too long to tell about here.

        • Eric – I am now convinced that my temporary round of hypertension last year was induced by GMO grains and even more so by HFCS. I’ve recently read articles where studies are clearly linking High Fructose Corn Syrup to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and on and on. It seems that HFCS strains your liver beyond capacity at which point uric acid levels go sky high running your blood pressure up. After cutting all bread, cake, cookies, pasta, corn and other grain based foods as well as most sugars, especially anything with HFCS, out of my diet, my blood pressure is back to normal. We eat a lot of local farm raised meat, eggs from my own henhouse and raw vegetables now. I still indulge in red wine and dark chocolate, but that’s it for “sweets.” I feel better now at 54 than I did when I was 25.

          Amerikans put away GMO grains like there’s no tomorrow. They consume massive quantities of white rice, white potatoes, white flour and Exxon Valdez portions of soda pop. They stuff themselves with tons upon tons of processed “fast foods”, many of which cannot be visually identified as real foodstuffs and might even defy laboratory analysis. Then Boobus Amerikanus wonders why the nation is plagued with myriad health problems. And the whole time Boobus is literally dying from consuming this crap, Monsanto, ADM, Bayer and Dupont along with a whole host of others rake in train loads of profit from it. Next, the Amerikan “healthcare industry” is in line for their cut by giving everyone a pill or cutting something off of them in a vain attempt to “cure” poor lifestyle and diet choices. It’s enough to make a thinking man’s head swim.

  7. Like the last line states, I guarantee “they” are doing this in an attempt to keep the sheeple asleep. “See? We actually care about you!”… That said, here’s hoping the general public wakes the hell up to the horrors of GMO foods.


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