Alex Jones Discusses Downfall of Dinosaur Media on Jesse Ventura’s New Show

February 5, 2014

Alex joins former Minn. Governor and author Jesse Ventura on his new show Off The Grid to discuss the rise of truth through the alternative media and the dwindling influence of mainstream, state-run media outlets.

The interview can be seen on


    • He has my sympathy. I have a soft spot for F. Domesticus also. Our house runs amok with them. And would not be the same without them.

  1. See Larken Rose for free tonight in Missouri

    1) TUESDAY night (Feb 11th), starting at 7:00 p.m. at

    Kirkwood Community Center,
    111 S. Geyer Road (Room 302)
    Kirkwood, MO (west side of St. Louis).

    2) THURSDAY night (Feb 13th), starting at 7:00 p.m., at

    Papa Felipe’s
    9800 Menaul Blvd NE,
    Albuquerque, NM 87112

    3) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th (starting at 7:00 p.m.) at

    NC State University
    Riddick Hall (Room 315)
    2401 Stinson Drive.
    Raleigh, North Carolina

    Details subject to change, check the video for changes.

  2. Dinosaur Media has become fossilized. Comically so.

    Once you turn your mind into a universal magnet that randomly picks up iron, wood, bits of paper, cigarette butts, orange peels, leaves, sand, mice, sugar, and shoes, it doesn’t matter what new media mind-control techniques they attempt to use on you. You’ve managed to scuttle your own brain and spite them all.

    The NonSeq is a self-administered mind defense that turns your synapses into tar pits no Dinosaur can conquer.

    Mind Control and Mind Chaos – Jon Rappoport

    – Nope. No non-sequitir videos this time. Watch the off the grid videos. Read the article by Jon Rappoport. No escape into NonSeq this time. Except for the Dinosaur Comics Media linked to above.

  3. Letting Go of the God of the Gaps

    The Southern Baptist congregations that helped raise me in Alabama prioritized faith and relationship over critical thinking and scholarship. When I got to my Baptist college, I took a class that I may credit with my ongoing faith. It was there I learned for the first time, about the people who most likely actually wrote the Bible.

    I learned the scholarship behind the texts, how the books came together. One lesson we learned in that class that I’ll never forget is to let go of the “God of the Gaps.” Mis-attributing random events as supernatural is adaptive. Religious leaders have found it effective to use unexplained natural phenomena to “prove” God exists. Who else causes the sun to rise and set?

    The problem with a God of the gaps in our knowledge, is that, inevitably, the gaps close. We now know what causes the sun to rise and set And as these knowledge gaps narrow, so too does that God.

    “Proving” the existence of God is a fool’s errand. The best we can do is observe and report phenomena, and compare our findings with that of others. The best way to convince others of the existence of a divine creator is to show his love to them.

    The great chasms of what we cannot explain have narrowed into gaps. Instead of looking for God in those crevices, we must as Christians give people the chance to experience what might be God by showering those who do not yet know him with his love.

  4. Let’s Stay Home For the Next 10 Years – Daniel the Ottawan

    Now as you look around the round world today, you see this country spurned. You see backs turned on this country.

    Well people, I’m gonna tell you something, this continent, North America, is the stronghold! This is where we’re gonna make our stand in this decade!

    Yeah, people, I’ve got something to say to the State Department. I say take that archaic Monroe Doctrine, and that Marshall Plan that says we’re supposed to police force the world, and throw ’em out!

    Let’s stay home for the next ten years people! Right here in North America and enjoy the music and culture that is ours. Yeah, I got one more thing to say.

    I’m just talking about the music, people, and what it does to me. And that is, as you look around the round world, you go to the Soviet Union or Great Britain or France, you name it, any country.

    Everybody is doing flips and twists just to get into a genuine pair of American blue jeans! And to hear this music and we got it all here in America, the land of the Chrysler 440 cubic inch engine!

    Green Onions – Blues Brothers – Cover Version


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