Heroes in Oregon Stage “No Refusal” Weekend


Field sobriety test

Refuse that roadside Breathalyzler test in Oregon and Heroes will do more than merely arrest you and rescind your conditional privilege to travel. Now, they’ve announced they’ll literally throw you down on the hood of their squad cars and forcibly extract blood – with “judges” issuing warrants-on-demand to gussy it all up, nice and legal-like.

Here is local TV coverage of Oregon’s “No Refusal” weekend – which is ironically being staged on Independence Day.


  1. The Power of the Powerless

    2,600 years ago, Lao Tzu identified the world’s biggest problem. Individuals viewed themselves as powerless. The burden of impotence made them resent others and fear life, which, in turn, led them to seek power through controlling others.

    The quest was not an expression of authority, but one of aggression. Lao Tzu rooted most of social problems in the individual’s sense of paralysis.


  2. The “logic” of this ever tightening control is pointing only one way.

    It is pointing toward encapsulating everyone from birth in the modules depicted in “The Matrix.”

    I wish I was engaging in hyperbole, but I’m not. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from observing political evolution, it’s that insane premises have a perverse logic of their own. They eventually, given enough time, result in actual implementation in the real world.

    The premises of the post-9/11 national security state were floated long ago, during the Cold War, and even before.

    Ideas have consequences. And conversely, consequences are always the consequences of ideas.

    • RE: “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from observing political evolution, it’s that insane premises have a perverse logic of their own. They eventually, given enough time, result in actual implementation in the real world.”

      I’ll second that powerful observation.

      I never thought it was possible when I saw the film in the 1970’s that we would be living in anything close to, ‘Westworld’, but here we are. How Bizarre.

      • Dear helot,

        It shows that in a perverse way, human beings do value consistency.

        Even sociopathic champions of government coercion, like the deranged serial killers depicted in film and TV, seek to impose a kind of diseased “order” of their own making.

  3. If they tried to take my blood I’d be compelled to return the favor and take some of their’s. Great irony for the farce of July.

    • They’d charge you with recklessly endangering the LEO’s (highly valued life, by the state aka gloverment, that is. No peace loving sane person gives a rat’s ass about the LEO’s thuggish on duty life. Yes, I just stated clearly that Clover is insane…) with Swine Aids (assault and battery with a bacteriological weapon). Which at that point justifies (in their 1 month old developed brain) shooting you dead.

      Jus sayin….

      P.S. Gloverment=The iron fist inside the velvet glove.

  4. Basically they are telling the public — If you do not wish to risk having your blood taken (by the vampirical state) then do not drive.

    Appropriate that it is done on 4th de Julio.


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