Indiana Hero Assaults Cripple in Wheelchair


Nicholas Kincade is dumped out of his wheelchair by Lafayette Officer Tom Davidson.

Here’s a hero who attacks a cripple – and (drumroll) keeps his job and faces no repercussions for his act. He’s out there still, “keeping people safe.” Enjoy:


  1. I hear you eightsouth. What good would it do if everyone was forced to say I’m follicly challenged. Or that every year I succumb more fully to a fatal case of attractiveness deficit disorder.

    why do you think?

    please hold

    hell toupe

    Thing is we’re all aging, and will face increasing challenges every year. Best thing to do, is to talk openly and honestly about it, while not demanding anyone else respond to what we reveal in a forced or unnatural manner. He’re two issues we might face, or know someone who will.

    Diabetic (Charcot) Foot – 6% have diabetes / some of these will have problems with their extremities

    Leukemia – 1.4% will be diagnosed with it

    Are we really going to sit around worrying about abstract issues like global warming and peak oil, or should we be more concerned about our own looming demise just a few clockface phases away now?

  2. If you’re genuinely offended, then by all means, make some kind of sarcastic and insulting comment to whoever parks in the sacred spot. Or look them straight in the eye and say come on mang, go park somewhere else. And then move along.

    But the wankers who turn all red and get all fire and brimstone about the blessed sign of their almighty state. Who maybe start fantasizing about contacting security or authority and being some kind of avenging angel of the public order. Screw them. May their system screw them good and hard.

    family planning advice

    pram 4 manly dads

    kill me

    pram 4 anarchist’s kid

  3. “The entire Lafayette, Indiana Police Department command staff recommended that Lt. Tom Davidson be fired”

    “will keep his job despite a recommendation that he be fired. he was given a 30-day unpaid suspension, demoted and placed on probation for a year”

    LPD releases video of wheelchair-shoving

    Indiana Lieutenant Tom Davidson was caught on film pushing Nicholas Kincade from his wheelchair

    POS Lafayette Indiana cops abuse man in wheelchair

        • No nothing wrong. I didn’t notice Eric used it in the title til now. Kudos for that as well.

          Thanks about the pig pic.

          GBJK for tolerance and understanding

          An example of political correctness is the changing terminology used to described handicapped people. In the past the term “crippled” was perfectly acceptable and not considered offensive. At some point, Americans like Senate Republican leader Bob Dole decided “crippled” was degrading and the preferred term changed to “handicapped.”

          This, too, was eventually deemed offensive and “disabled” became the preferred term. Today, even “disabled” is considered degrading to some and “differently abled” and “physically challenged” are used by those people.

          The same can be said for the changing uses of terms for Black Americans: “Negro” and “colored,” once perfectly acceptable terms, became offensive during the 1970s and “Afro-American” and “Black” came into use, which in turn gave way to “African-American,” and in broader usage, “people of color.”

          One perceived problem with “Negro” is that many persons, especially Southerners, seemed to have trouble pronouncing it, enunciating it as “nigra.”

          The question of politically correct language has spilled over from the use of racially descriptive words and affected the use of traditional language.

          Disability Etiqueette

          United Spinal Guide Disability Etiqueete

          Terminology Tips
          pUT The perSon fIrST. Say “person with a disability” rather than “disabled
          Say “people with disabilities” rather than “the disabled.”
          For specific disabilities, saying “person with Tourette syndrome” or “person who
          has cerebral palsy” is usually a safe bet.

          Still, individuals do have their own
          preferences. If you are not sure what words to use, ask.

          Avoid outdated terms like “handicapped”, “crippled”, or “retarded.” Be
          aware that many people with disabilities dislike jargony, euphemistic terms like “physically challenged” and “differently abled.” Say “person who uses a wheelchair” rather than “confined to a wheelchair” or “wheelchair bound.”

          The wheelchair is what enables the person to get around and participate in society; it’s liberating, not confining.

          Don’t push or touch a person’s wheelchair; it’s part of her personal space. If you help someone down a curb without waiting for instructions, you
          may dump her out of the chair. You may detach the chair’s parts if you lift it by the handles or the footrest. Keep the ramps and wheelchair-accessible doors to your building unlocked and unblocked. Under the ADA, displays should not be in front of entrances, wastebaskets should not be in the middle of aisles, and boxes should not be stored on ramps.

          With any disability, avoid negative, disempowering words, like “victim” or “sufferer.” Say “person with AIDS” instead of “AIDS victim” or “person who suffers from AIDS.

          – Bob Dole Is Differently Doled Bob Dole is Dolicious. Bob Doooooooollllllle.


          Heaven: Not Wheelchair Accessible

          • I’ll have to let my wife know she and I both aren’t crippled. We don’t really speak of it but we know we’re both gimps, hence the word Gimpy in my email address. I should demand wheelchair access when I get out of a big rig…..or hell, a system to lower me to the ground. That’s 4 great big steps up into one and it hurts getting there and out both. I think I’ll demand a hand brake, an auto tranny, a grip fuel feed, a mouth controlled trailer brake and a joy stick instead of a steering wheel. When my door opens electrically, my air ride wheelchair lowers to the ground and I hit the motor switch to take me to the nearest wheelchair enabled porta potty, we’ll know the oilfield has changed……a lot.

          • Whenever I need to park in a “disabled” spot for a minute (they’re rarely ever taken), as far as I’m concerned the moment the key’s outta the ignition, it’s disabled.

            Some twat once chided me for parking in a “parent-with-pram” spot (yeh – “guy-with-nuthin” spots don’t exist). I told him I have a pram – at home..

            ¯\ (ツ) /¯

            • Hey Rev,

              That “stork parking” thing drives me batty. A non-obese pregnant woman should have no difficulty walking from a normal parking spot to the store and back. These “stork parking” slots are in fact for entitle-moos… invariably fat, disgusting stretch pants-wearing sows.

          • Currently those spots do not give anyone any paying paper. (at least in NJ)

            If I’ll be in for under 15-20 minutes I have no issue with using the space.

            I think it is nice pr from the store. The public can think that the store cares about some of their customers.


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