Baby Steps For Kleptoholics Anonymous


I’ve always been a book thief. Growing up in daycare, me and this other kid would ride our bikes to the library all the time.

Libraries are socialist institutions where people read books they didn’t pay for, because somehow that’s okay, when it’s done in this special venue.

It was a real nice one. A Carnegie library. Many times I just grabbed the books I liked and walked down the stares and out the door with them. No one ever said anything about it.

I always returned them when I was finished, but I’ve never had much tolerance for standing in lines or having to do anything just because someone else told me.

Starting in first grade, me and another friend would go to the grocery store to read all the magazines there. Especially National Lampoon.

Sometimes we bought something, but lots of times we didn’t and read them for free. One day I figured out I could get Playboys and other magazines even at my young age by just concealing them on my person and brazenly walking out the door with them.

I did this many dozens of times over the years, and never thought much of it. No one else was especially impressed or concerned about it either. I guess things weren’t so tight then, and these losses weren’t a big issue to anyone.

A few years later I started going to the University library. There I read all kinds of things from all over the world. And never paid a dime.

Eventually there were computer terminals put in, and I found all kinds of free stuff on those. And used them for free to teach myself Unix and then to explore other computers with the terminal.

I came to think of the whole world as my library. I’ve never felt it rude to ask anything of anyone. If left alone and knew I wouldn’t be caught. I’d read whatever I wanted in anyone’s home. In this way, it came to pass I knew all kinds of things no one else knew.

Once the internet came into being, I went all out and learned all kinds of ways to access all kinds of data whether for public consumption or not.

I never did anything that harmed anyone as far as I know. But I never much concerned myself one way or another with what they would have said or done about it, had they known.

I just made the whole world my library and continue to do so. As long as there is no threat of violence or confrontation, I’ll continue to take anything I like.

I suppose this sort of attitude makes me a kleptoholic. Since it’s something I want or need, and it is conflict with sane legal behavior as most people understand things. Sane meaning in compliance with society’s customs and mores.

I admit to myself I choose to remain powerless over kleptohol—that my life becomes less than I’d like it without accessing all the information I desire, and indeed would be most unmanageable without it.

I have not yet come to believe that any power greater than myself could restore me to sanity and moral compliance.

It’s something I’ve done long enough and without any complications that it is as much a part of me as is breathing or drinking water.

This is my message. This is my first baby step towards Kleptoholics Anonymous.

<a href=””> The Book Thief </A>



  1. WordPress design and development

    Non- Paid WordPress/Webdesign Internship

    WordPress Support Needed – E-commerce

    Experienced PM with coding skills to consult on a website

    Seeking DC-area WordPress whiz with Photoshop skills

    It seems like the market still exists. But it’s so sparse and lean now. I miss how flush everyone was, and how freeflowing the money was.

    You likely have a website that’s worth $40,000 – $800,000, depending on who’s buying, and how much support you’re willing to offer and at what price going forward.

    Why not sell the website to someone, and then offer to continue on as an employee/consultant afterwards. Can you use brokers to sell websites. Why not find some sales shill, and set a price? Let him try to sell it as is. And let him at least tell you how much this thing is worth right now?

    • “Why not sell the website to someone, and then offer to continue on as an employee/consultant afterwards?”

      The ugly truth is that I’d seriously consider it, if such an offer came along.

      I’m tired of beating my head against the wall.

      • I recently learned I post a lot of things to the internet. Just on your site, I’ve posted 1,116,950 million words. If only each of my words were worth a dollar to you. You wouldn’t be in this mess.

        What about this. Schedule an AMA on reddit. Which is an ask me anything.

        Say I’m a webmaster. A former mainstream writer trying to make it as an independent. I’m a libertarian webmaster. Whatever seems best.

        As of today Reddit is Globally ranked 49th site in traffic.

        Rank in the United States is 17th.

        See what responses you get, and rethink what business you’re really in. I’d say its something closer to a touchstone. A voice of sanity. A mental uncomplicater. An explainer and an advocate of civilization.

        Maybe it’s not writing about cars, motorcycles, collapse of America, libertarian politics, or any of that which is your true destiny.

        You joking said you’re a clown. I’d counter that you’re some kind of exceptional anti-clown really.

        There’s a time and a place for joking around. And whistling in the graveyard and all that. But you seem to have a rooted seriousness that is able to withstand all manner of onslaughts.

        The antics of Clover and Gil did nothing to you. I think its that sick feeling you get when you realize that the people who enjoy your writing. And care about you.

        Are restrained from doing the small gesture that is necessary for you to continue at such a low price. It reminds me of something long ago.

        I remember the sister of this girl I used to work with. My work friend was okay looking. But her sister was unbelievable attractive.

        She was married to some farmer and every year she’d host this elaborate Haunted House at Halloween. I think everyone assumed it was professional, because of how much effort she put into it and how great it was.

        She was usually a nurse. Or a french maid or something. Her husband had a modified chainsaw he’d fire up and chase her around with. And then he’d put the blade to someone and all kinds of fake blood would come squirting out. It was very real, especially when you saw it the first time.

        The haunted house was packed the entire time it was open. She did it as a labor of love and never collected a penny from anyone.

        One year things started going bad on the farm. Her husband had a bad temper. They started having financial trouble. One of her daughters was in a high school party that got raided by the cops. She died while in a hospital under police supervision, under suspicious circumstances.

        I remember talking to her and her saying she couldn’t afford to do the haunted house. But her friends and I talked her into doing it anyway. We put up a donation box and I came in my Frankenstein mask as I did every year and we put on the scariest event ever.

        When it was all over, she took the padlock off the donation box and looked in there. And there was some one dollar bills. And a few napkins and scraps of paper. And it added up to a huge insult.

        And that really knocked the wind out of her, but good. She didn’t get out much after that. One time her husband came and tore up her sister’s house looking for her.

        And then the farm got put up for auction. And her kids got sent far away to some other relative. She kind of disappeared. Her husband ended up getting shot and killed along with his teenage girlfriend in some kind of drug house altercation.

        I mean these were two of the best looking and richest people from where I grew up. And there’s nothing left of them. They never had to lock their door. They were like royalty everywhere they went. But then they went to shit.

        Really I hate going back home. Everythings turned to shit. There’s red light cameras everywhere. And there’s flooding of all the downtown businesses because no one deals with the river anymore.

        They’re all a bunch of bushmen. You can’t fight nature they say. Sometimes rivers flood, what can you do. We’re talking Zulu tribesmen level mindsets.

        The main drag where all the kids hung out every night and especially Friday and Saturday night are empty. Except for a few cop cars keeping everyone safe. Pulling everyone over left and right. Anyone who’s dumb enough to be out driving after business hours.

        It’s just like the life of a star. A nation is. Unless you bring a lot of skill and science that is.

        Left on its own a star burns bright then fades, then eats up all its fuel. I think America is on course to become like a neutron star. It will continue on. But with no protons or neutrons. Just a superdense supercompact mass no longer producing nuclear fusion. With no outward pressure from fusion to counterbalance gravity’s inward pull, the American star condenses and collapses in upon itself.

        Despite their small diameters—about 12.5 miles—neutron stars like America boast nearly 1.5 times the mass of our sun, and are thus incredibly dense. Just a sugar cube of neutron star matter would weigh about one hundred million tons on Earth.

        A neutron star’s almost incomprehensible density causes protons and electrons to combine into neutrons—the process that gives such stars their name.

        Neutron stars pack an extremely strong gravitational pull, much greater than Earth’s. This gravitational strength is particularly impressive because of the stars’ small size.

        Soon America won’t grow or change at all the way we still remember it once did. Unless some breakthrough solutions are found and applied. Without these, America will remain impressive. Just not in the way and for the reasons Americans once hoped it would.

        • Thanks for the thoughts, Tor – as always!

          I think part of my problem is I’m a two-trick pony. I can write; I can wrench. But I don’t know how to sell – and worse, I’m constitutionally not a salesman. It’s difficult to do what you’re not made to do – no matter how hard you might try to force it. And you’ll likely never do it well.

          I suppose many (all?) of us have to deal with a moment in life when life passes us by without our noticing and – suddenly – we are like a ship that’s lost power in rough swells.

          What to do?

          I honestly have no idea.

  2. Most copyright holders are individuals; most infringers are businesses. Things are broken.

    One answer, would be to create and participate in a separate internet, where copyright is technologically protected. Then only post your things there, if you want to retain full ownership.

    As things stand now, who’s to say my watching movies on the internet for free isn’t being part of the resistance. It’s a broken system, and the studios are forced to be part of MPAA, and forced to participate in the destruction of the internet itself.

    I’d rather give my money face to face, to real people I can see and touch. That I know aren’t engaged in anything so destructive.

    Last two times I visited the movies, there’s been some guy with an IPAD recording the thing. If you take your kids to a concert, half the kids are busy recording the thing rather than actually enjoying the performance.

    In the case of movies, there’s a giant government goliath, and a giant corporate goliath between me and anyone who writes a movie, acts in a movie, and so forth.

    To pretend I have some mechanism to actually reward the actual content producers for their labor, just doesn’t seem valid.

    I can give money to some giant behemoth. Or find a way not to give money to some giant behemoth. Who knows where the money goes then. As far as the things I am pirating, those are the two options.

    • Hi Tor,

      Yeah, but what about the not-behemoths trying to survive?

      I’m at the point now that I’m considering going back to MSM work. Because it effing pays.

      Who can afford to work for free? Or even for a fraction of what they could make elsewhere?

      It’s not what I want to do.

      But it may be the thing I have to do.

      This month, we’ve just barely covered expenses. I’m “this” far from not being able to pay Dom. And I’m effectively working for free.

      I’m tired, mang.

      It’s getting old.

      People apparently want MSM media; it’s what they’re willing to support with their pocketbooks.

      Well, so be it.

      I’ve tried. I really have.

  3. I think Ayn Rand is of far greater importance than of being a simple cult leader. She is one of the great Rabbis of all time. I wish the Jews of Israel and New York City the best of luck with their endeavors, but they seem far too statist for my tastes on the whole. I would call myself an Objectivist Liberal Reform Jew if asked for a fitting label.

    I think we are the new flock of freedom followers. We are the chosen people. And the fact that we have chosen ourselves makes the whole thing that much more miraculous.

    Encyclopedic entry for Rabbi

    List of Rabbis

    A History of Women’s Ordination as Rabbis

    Sexiest Rabbis Of 2013 Announced By Jewrotica

    The Rabbi Has No Beard

    The Seven Laws of Noah – a version of these applies to the world’s 2.3 billion Christians, 1.7 billion Muslims, and 18 million Jews. They are the de facto Universal Morality for the present, but I believe we have chosen ourselves to improve them and to remove force and violence from there application so much as is possible to bring in a better future for all.

    • Rand was – is – a big influence on my writing/intellectual development. I owe her a debt.

      Now, it’s a valid criticism that many of her ideas were not original. She borrowed from many (as I have). But her brilliance – and her importance – derives from the way she presented and popularized those ideas. The way she systematized them.

      Her articulation of the conceptual vs. the anti-conceptual mentality, for instance.

      Her Achilles Heel, in my opinion, was her insistence on adherence to an almost robotic code of personal life choices; as for example her insistence on conformity within her circle. She never parsed out her code of individualism to allow for human individualism. For differences in personal tastes, desires and so on. She expected – demanded – that everyone admire the same artists, architecture, etc. – else one had a defective soul/mind.

      Her world thus had a quality of Stalinistic sterility about it. All the same. Dreary, cold. Like the many of the characters in her novels.

      This defect in her personality – manifested in her writing – put off a lot of people who might otherwise have been receptive to the core ideas expressed.

      It’s up to others to pick up the ball and carry it farther down the field.

      • I wonder if hers is just the way of a Russian Princess.(& Jewish Princess)

        Especially one that got knocked down so many pegs after starting out in the bourgeois.

        Her ideas (with much derivation from Victor Hugo and Yevgeny Zamyatin) I would say were fantastic. Yet her prose was sorely lacking in fantasy. It was just matter-of-factly stated, almost in the manner of a screenplay treatment and not of a finished novel.

        Your take on her confirms my own that she was some kind of belief and right conduct proselytizer. A strict Orthodox Objectivist. Quite similar to an Orthodox Rabbi but of a literary and philosophical shtetl, not a village.

        Her social science was solid, and probably largely original work. It’s her sense of fantasy that was almost totally absent. As well as her tolerance for individual variation and preference.

        I’ve been wondering if there’s a way to systematize subjective values and fantasy in some fashion. And systematize belief as well. There might be a place for these in liberation science.

        But it needs to be a rational and BOUNDED place that doesn’t intrude into hard cut and dried logic. Ayn Rand often went outside of normal bounds and imposed a cult of personality of some kind. Probably to the degree that she’d be considered having symptoms of narcissistic sociopathy.

        The funny thing about the word sociopathy, is it actually a label for something subjective and of questionable foundations itself. There really isn’t a rational objective way to talk about her “shortcomings.”

        This seems to be yet another area to develop boundaries and rational class analysis for. A lot of science has a lot of art that’s been smuggled in. A lot of common sense is just consensus reality that has survived the test of time. But is likely not the only possible legitimate consensus reality.

  4. Gentlemen,
    Why so glum. The noocracy is transporting the burden of your existence for you on your behalf. The unelected uneffected assets are carrying your loads. Let go and let flow the: The Aristocracy of Pull The Aristocracy of the Wise

    Your future use of the World Aristocracy’s Roads is being determined for you this November in Geneva as always. You can’t help but marvel at how so much murdering-caging mayhem, can be distilled into such dry emotionless fact-of-the-matter discussion of the various terms of your incarcerations and tax enslavements.

    There is nothing wrong with your lives. Do not attempt to adjust your picture. They are controlling transmission. If they wish to make it louder, they will bring up the volume. If they wish to make it softer, they will tune it to a whisper.

    They will control the horizontal. They will control the vertical. They will control the administrative, and they will control the temporal. They can roll the image; make it flutter. They can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For their entire average earthly lifespan of 86 years male, 94 years female(same as Monaco), sit quietly and they will control all that you see and hear.

    Repeat: there is nothing wrong with your lives. You continue to participate in a great adventure. You continue to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the innermost neurons of the PTB hive mind to each of your individual minds at their outer limits.

    United Nations /1111
    Economic and Social Council Distr.: General
    3 August 2014

    Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee

    World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
    164th session: Geneva, 11-14 November 2014
    Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement
    42nd session: Geneva, 12-13 November 2014
    Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement
    58th session: Geneva, 12 November 2014
    Administrative Committee of the 1997 Agreement
    9th session: Geneva, 13 November 2014
    Annotated provisional agenda for the 164th session of the World Forum, to be held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 11 November 2014
    I. Provisional agendas
    A. World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29)
    1. Adoption of the agenda.
    2. Coordination and organization of work:
    2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2);
    2.2. Programme of work, documentation and calendar of sessions for the year 2015;
    2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems;
    2.4. Autonomous vehicles.
    3. Consideration of the reports of the Working Parties (GRs) subsidiary to WP.29:
    3.1 Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Seventy-first session, 31 March-3 April 2014);
    3.2. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (106th session, 5-9 May 2014);
    3.3. Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (Fifty-fifth session, 19-23 May 2014);
    3.4. Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (Sixty-ninth session, 3-6 June 2014);
    3.5. Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (Seventy-seventh session, 26 June 2014).
    3.6. Highlights of the recent sessions:
    3.6.1. Working Party on Noise (GRB) (Sixtieth session, 1-3 September 2014);
    3.6.2. Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (Seventy-eighth session, 16-19 September 2014);
    3.6.3. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (107th session, 30 September-3 October 2014);
    3.6.4. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Seventy-second session, 20-22 October 2014).
    4. 1958 Agreement.
    4.1. Status of the Agreement and of the annexed Regulations;
    4.2. Guidance requested by the Working Parties on matters related to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement:
    4.2.1. Reproduction and reference to private standards in Regulations, Global Technical Regulations and Rules;
    4.2.2. Guidance on amendments to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement;
    4.2.3. Guidance on the additional application of national provisions.
    4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system;
    4.4. Consideration of draft Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement;
    4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA);
    4.6. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRE:
    4.6.1. Proposal for Supplement 18 to Regulation No. 4 (Rear registration plate lamps);
    4.6.2. Proposal for Supplement 26 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6 (Direction indicators);
    4.6.3. Proposal for Supplement 43 to the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 37 (Filament lamps);
    4.6.4. Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices);
    4.6.5. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices);
    4.6.6. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices);
    4.6.7. Proposal for Supplement 16 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles);
    4.6.8. Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 70 (Rear marking plates for heavy and long vehicles);
    4.6.9. Proposal for Supplement 8 to Regulation No. 104 (Retro-reflective markings);
    4.6.10. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam);
    4.6.11. Proposal for Supplement 3 to Regulation No. 128 (LED light sources).
    4.7. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRSG:
    4.7.1. Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 34 (Prevention of fire risks);
    4.7.2. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing);
    4.7.3. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing);
    4.7.4. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 105 (ADR vehicles);
    4.7.5. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles);
    4.7.6. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles).
    4.8. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRSP:
    4.8.1. Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 11 (Door latches and hinges);
    4.8.2. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 25 (Head restraints);
    4.8.3. Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 44 (Child Restraint Systems).
    4.9. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRPE:
    4.9.1. Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines);
    4.9.2. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 96 (Diesel emission (agricultural tractors)).
    4.10. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRE after reconsideration of the proposals referred back by WP.29 at its November 2013 and March 2014 sessions:
    4.10.1. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 19 (Front fog lamps);
    4.10.2. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 98 (Headlamps with gas-discharge light sources);
    4.10.3. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 112 (Headlamps emitting and asymmetrical passing-beam);
    4.10.4. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam).
    4.11. Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing Regulations submitted by the secretariat, if any;
    4.12. Consideration of pending proposals for amendments to existing Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum:
    4.12.1. Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking);
    4.12.2. Proposal for Supplement 16 to Regulation No. 13-H (Brakes of M1 and N1 vehicles);
    4.12.3. Proposal for Supplement 11 to Regulation No. 106 (Tyres for agricultural vehicles);
    4.12.4. Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators).
    4.13. Consideration of proposals for new Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum:
    4.13.1. Proposal for a new Regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles (HFCV);
    4.13.2. Proposal for a new Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI);
    4.13.3. Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI).
    4.14. Consideration of proposals for amendments to existing Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to WP.29 for consideration at its March 2015 session:
    4.14.1. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles);
    4.14.2. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles).
    5. 1998 Agreement:
    5.1. Status of the Agreement, including the implementation of paragraph 7.1 of the Agreement;
    5.2. Consideration of draft gtrs and/or draft amendments to established gtrs:
    5.2.1. Proposal for a new gtr on tyres;
    5.2.2. Proposal for Amendment 3 to gtr No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty Certification procedure (WHDC)).
    5.3. Consideration of draft amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1);
    5.4. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for gtrs, if any;
    5.5. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft gtrs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any;
    5.6. Implementation of the 1998 Agreement Programme of Work by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum.
    6. Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established Regulations and/or gtrs into national/regional law.
    7. 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections):
    7.1. Status of the Agreement;
    7.2. Update of Rules Nos. 1 and 2.
    8. Other business:
    8.1. Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems;
    8.2. Consistency between the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of Regulations and gtrs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements;
    8.3. Proposal for Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide;
    8.4. Proposal for amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1);
    8.5. Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS);
    8.6. Election of officers for the year 2015.
    9. Adoption of the report.
    B. Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1)
    10. Establishment of the Committee AC.1.
    11. Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing Regulations and for new Regulations – Voting by AC.1.
    C. Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3)
    12. Establishment of the Executive Committee AC.3.
    13. Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement: Reports of the Contracting Parties on the transposition of gtrs and their amendments into their national/regional law.
    14. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft gtrs and/or draft amendments to established gtrs:
    14.1. Proposal for a new draft gtr on tyres;
    14.2. Proposal for Amendment 3 to gtr No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty Certification procedure (WHDC)).
    15. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1).
    16. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for gtrs, if any.
    17. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft gtrs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any:
    Development of a new gtr on onboard diagnostic (OBD) requirements for L-category vehicles.
    18. Progress on the development of new gtrs and of amendments to established gtrs:
    18.1. Gtr No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle emission Test Cycle (WMTC)) and other gtrs on environmental and propulsion unit requirements for L category of vehicles;
    18.2. Gtr No. 3 (Motorcycle braking);
    18.3. Gtr No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty Certification procedure (WHDC));
    18.4. Gtr No. 7 (Head restraints);
    18.5. Gtr No. 9 (Pedestrian safety);
    18.6. Gtr No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 1(b));
    18.7. Draft gtr on Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS);
    18.8. Draft gtr on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV).
    19. Items on which the exchange of views and data should continue or begin:
    19.1. Vehicle crash compatibility;
    19.2. Intelligent Transport Systems;
    19.3. Road illumination technologies;
    19.4. Harmonization of side impact;
    19.5. Electric vehicles and the environment;
    19.6. Specifications for the 3-D H point machine;
    19.7. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) (Gtr No. 13) – Phase 2;
    19.8. New technologies not yet regulated.
    20. Proposals to develop new gtrs and/or amendments to established gtrs, not included under agenda items 18 and 19, if any.
    21. Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work.
    22. Other business.
    D. Administrative Committee of the 1997 Agreement (AC.4)
    23. Establishment of the Committee AC.4 and election of officers for the year 2014.
    24. Amendments to Rules Nos. 1 and 2.
    25. Other business.
    II. Annotations and list of documents
    A. World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29)
    1. Adoption of the agenda In accordance with Chapter III, Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) the first item on the provisional agenda is the adoption of the agenda.

    1111 Annotated provisional agenda for the 164th session
    2. Coordination and organization of work
    2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)
    The Chair of the Administrative Committee (WP.29/AC.2) will report on the discussions held during its 116th session and submit the recommendations of the Administrative Committee to the World Forum for consideration and adoption.
    2.2. Programme of work, documentation and calendar of sessions for the year 2015
    The World Forum may wish to consider the revised programme of work, including the list of documents and the list of informal working groups (IWGs). A calendar of sessions for the year 2015 will be submitted by the secretariat for its consideration. The secretariat will report on the outcome of the UNECE special session on air pollution and transport held on 2 July 2014 (/1110, paras. 10 and 12).

    /2014/1/Rev.2 Revised programme of work
    WP.29-164-01 Calendar of sessions for the year 2015
    2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems
    The World Forum may wish to be informed about the development of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). WP.29 may wish to continue consideration of the future of the IWG on ITS regarding its frequency and venue (/1110, para. 15). The IWG on ITS is expected to meet on Tuesday morning, from 9.30-10.30 a.m. to consider its revised Terms of References.
    2.4. Autonomous vehicles
    The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of this matter. WP.29 is expected to consider the possible regulatory development for autonomous vehicles in the legal framework of both the 1958 and 1998 Agreements (/1110, para. 16).
    3. Consideration of the reports of the Working Parties (GRs) subsidiary to WP.29
    The World Forum is expected to consider and approve the reports of the Working Parties on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE), General Safety (GRSG), Passive Safety (GRSP), Pollution and Energy (GRPE) and Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF).
    3.1. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE)
    (Seventy-first session, 31 March – 3 April 2014)

    /GRE/71 Report of the seventy-first session of GRE
    3.2. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG)
    (106th session, 5-9 May 2014)

    /GRSG/85 Report of the 106th session of GRSG
    3.3. Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP)
    (Fifty-fifth session, 19-23 May 2014)

    /GRSP/55 Report of the fifty-fifth session of GRSP
    3.4. Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE)
    (Sixty-ninth session, 3-6 June 2014)

    /GRPE/69/Add.2 Report of the sixty-ninth session of GRPE
    3.5 Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF)
    (Seventy-seventh session, 26 June 2014)

    /GRRF/77 Report of the seventy-seventh session of GRRF
    3.6. Highlights of the recent sessions
    3.6.1. Working Party on Noise (GRB)
    (Sixtieth session, 1-3 September 2014)
    The Chair of GRB will report orally on the highlights of the session.
    3.6.2. Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF)
    (Seventy-eighth session, 16-19 September 2014)
    The Chair of GRRF will report orally on the highlights of the session.
    3.6.3. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG)
    (107th session, 30 September-3 October 2014)
    The Chair of GRSG will report orally on the highlights of the session.
    3.6.4. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE)
    (Seventy-second session, 20-22 October 2014)
    The Chair of GRE will report orally on the highlights of the session.
    4. 1958 Agreement
    4.1. Status of the Agreement and of the annexed Regulations
    The secretariat will present the status of the Agreement and of the annexed Regulations on the basis of an updated version of /343/Rev.22, which contains all information received by secretariat up to 27 October 2014. The modifications to the original status document will be available in the document “informal updated version of /343/Rev.22”. The documents will be available at the WP.29 website (
    4.2. Guidance requested by the Working Parties on matters related to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
    The World Forum may wish to consider and to provide guidance on any matter related to the 1958 Agreement at the request of the Chairs of the Working Parties subsidiary to WP.29.
    4.2.1. Reproduction and reference to private standards in Regulations, Global Technical Regulations and Rules
    The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of this issue.
    4.2.2. Guidance on amendments to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
    The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of this issue affecting both the current version of the 1958 Agreement as well as its future Revision 3. WP.29 requested the secretariat to revise the draft guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations for consideration at the November 2014 session (/1110, para. 39).
    4.2.3. Guidance on the additional application of national provisions
    The World Forum invited the representative of Japan to prepare a document on national provisions not covered by the scope of a UN Regulation for consideration at the November 2014 session (/1110, paras. 9 and 28).
    4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system
    The Chair of the Informal Working Group on IWVTA will report on the work progress made during the meetings of informal group on IWVTA and of the subgroup on UN Regulation No. 0.
    4.4. Consideration of draft Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
    The World Forum agreed to resume consideration of the final proposal for Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement, including a proposal by the secretariat to reintroduce the provisions of the equal authenticity of English, French and Russian language texts.

    /2014/82 Proposal for Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
    4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)
    The secretariat will report on the hosting of DETA by UNECE.
    4.6. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRE
    The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on their adoption by vote.

    4.6.1. /2014/54 Proposal for Supplement 18 to Regulation No. 4 (Rear registration plate lamps)
    (/GRE/71, para. 55, based on /GRE/2014/12, not amended)
    4.6.2. /2014/55 Proposal for Supplement 26 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6 (Direction indicators)
    (/GRE/71, para. 56, based on /GRE/2014/4, not amended)
    4.6.3. /2014/56 Proposal for Supplement 43 to the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 37 (Filament lamps)
    (/GRE/71, para. 8, based on GRE-71-06, not amended)
    4.6.4. /2014/57 Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
    (/GRE/71, para. 10, based on /GRE/2014/6, not amended,
    /GRE/71, para. 62, based on /GRE/2014/13, as amended by Annex III to the report,
    /GRE/71, para. 12, based on GRE-71-18, para. 5.18.4., not amended)
    4.6.5. /2014/58 Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
    (/GRE/71, para. 10, based on/GRE/2014/6, not amended,
    /GRE/71, para. 62, based on /GRE/2014/13, as amended by Annex III to the report,
    /GRE/71, para. 12, based on GRE-71-18, para. 5.18.4., not amended)
    4.6.6. /2014/59 Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
    (/GRE/71, para. 10, based on /GRE/2014/6, not amended,
    /GRE/71, para. 62, based on /GRE/2014/13, as amended by Annex III to the report,
    /GRE/71, para. 32, based on /GRE/2013/60 not amended
    4.6.7. /2014/60 Proposal for Supplement 16 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)
    (/GRE/71, para. 59, based on /GRE/2014/9 as amended by Annex II to the report)
    4.6.8. /2014/61 Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 70 (Rear marking plates for heavy and long vehicles)
    (/GRE/71, para. 61, based on /GRE/2013/64/Rev.1, not amended)
    4.6.9. /2014/62 Proposal for Supplement 8 to Regulation No. 104 (Retro-reflective markings)
    (/GRE/71, para. 61, based on /GRE/2013/65/Rev.1 not amended)
    4.6.10. /2014/63 Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam)
    (/GRE/71, para. 60, based on /GRE/2014/10, not amended)
    4.6.11. /2014/64 Proposal for Supplement 3 to Regulation No. 128 (LED light sources)
    (/GRE/71, para. 8, based on GRE-71-07 not amended)
    4.7. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRSG
    The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on their adoption by vote.

    4.7.1. /2014/65 Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 34 (Prevention of fire risks)
    (/GRSG/85, para. 15, based on /GRSG/2014/16 as reproduced in Annex III to the report)
    4.7.2. /2014/66 Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing)
    (/GRSG/85, paras. 17 and 20, based on /GRSG/2014/9 as amended by para. 17 of the report and /GRSG/2014/15)
    4.7.3. /2014/67 Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing)
    (/GRSG/85, para. 19, based on /GRSG/2014/14)
    4.7.4. /2014/68 Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 105 (ADR vehicles)
    (/GRSG/85, para. 49, based on /GRSG/2014/20)
    4.7.5. /2014/69 Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)
    (/GRSG/85, paras. 5, 6, 8, and 9, based on /GRSG/2013/14, /GRSG/2014/2, /GRSG/2014/4, /GRSG/2014/5 as amended by paras. 5, 6, 8, and 9 of the report)
    4.7.6. /2014/70 Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)
    (/GRSG/85, paras. 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 14, based on /GRSG/2013/14, /GRSG/2014/2, /GRSG/2014/4, /GRSG/2014/5, as amended by 5, 6, 8, 9 as well as GRSG-106-18, and /GRSG/2014/19 as reproduced in Annex II of the report)
    4.8. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRSP
    The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit it to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on their adoption by vote.

    4.8.1. /2014/71 Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 11 (Door latches and hinges)
    (/GRSP/55, para. 15, based on /GRSP/2014/13, as amended by Annex II to the report)
    4.8.2. /2014/72 Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 25 (Head restraints)
    (/GRSP/55, para. 22, based on /GRSP/2014/3 as amended by Annex III to the report).
    4.8.3. /2014/73 Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 44 (Child Restraint Systems)
    (/GRSP/55, para. 24, based on GRSP-55-01-Rev.1, GRSP-55-02 and GRSP-55-33, as reproduced in Annex IV to the report)
    4.9. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRPE
    The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on their adoption by vote.

    4.9.1. /2014/74 Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)
    (/GRPE/69, para. 20 based on Addendum 1 to the report)
    4.9.2. /2014/75 Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 96 (Diesel emission (agricultural tractors))
    (/GRPE/69, para. 24, based on /GRPE/2014/15, not amended)
    4.10. Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRE after reconsideration of the proposals referred back by WP.29 at its November 2013 and March 2014 sessions
    The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on their adoption by vote.

    4.10.1. /2013/75/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 19 (Front fog lamps)
    (/GRE/71, para. 66, based on /2013/75. The proposal shall be revised by GRE at its October 2014 session)
    4.10.2. /2013/90/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 98 (Headlamps with gas-discharge light sources)
    (/GRE/71, para. 66, based on /2013/90. The proposal shall be revised by GRE at its October 2014 session)
    4.10.3. /2013/92/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 112 (Headlamps emitting and asymmetrical passing-beam)
    (/GRE/71, para. 66, based on /2013/92. The proposal shall be revised by GRE at its October 2014 session)
    4.10.4. /2013/93/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam)
    (/GRE/71, para. 66, based on /2013/93. The proposal shall be revised by GRE at its October 2014 session)
    4.11. Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing Regulations submitted by the secretariat, if any
    4.12. Consideration of pending proposals for amendments to existing Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum
    WP.29 agreed to defer consideration of these proposals to its November 2014 session (/1110, para. 60)

    4.12.1. /2014/45/Rev.1
    Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking)
    (/GRRF/76, para. 11, based on /GRRF/2014/7 as amended by GRRF-76-20 and reproduced in Annex II to the report and on WP.29-163-08)
    4.12.2. /2014/46/Rev.1
    Proposal for Supplement 16 to Regulation No. 13‑H (Brakes of M1 and N1 vehicles)
    (/GRRF/76, para. 12 based on /GRRF/2014/16 as amended by GRRF-76-30 and reproduced in Annex III to the report and on WP.29-163-09)
    4.12.3. /2014/50/Rev.1
    Proposal for Supplement 11 to Regulation No. 106 (Tyres for agricultural vehicles)
    (/GRRF/75, para. 34, based on /GRRF/2013/23, not amended and /GRRF/76, para. 27 based on /GRRF/2014/2, as amended by GRRF-76-41 and reproduced in Annex V to the report and /GRRF/2014/15, not amended and on WP.29-163-04)
    4.12.4. /2012/30

    /2012/30/Corr.1 Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators)
    (/GRSG/80, para. 24, based on /GRSG/2010/20, as amended by Annex IV to the report
    /GRSG/84, para. 45, based on GRSG-105-30, as reproduced in Annex IV to the report)
    4.13. Consideration of proposals for new Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum

    4.13.1. /2014/78 Proposal for a new Regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles (HFCV)
    (/GRSP/55, para. 33, based on /GRSP/2014/8 as amended by Annex VI to the report)
    4.13.2. /2014/79 Proposal for a new Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
    (/GRSP/55, para. 35, based on /GRSP/2014/9, as amended by Annex VII to the report)
    4.13.3. /2014/80 Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
    (/GRSP/55, para. 35, based on /GRSP/2014/12, not amended)
    Note by the secretariat: The UN Office of Legal Affairs will not initiate the legal procedure for adoption of the 01 series of amendments until the Regulation on PSI enters into force.
    4.14. Consideration of proposals for amendments to existing Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to WP.29 for consideration at its March 2015 session

    4.14.1. /2014/76 Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)
    (/GRSG/85, para. 7, based on /GRSG/2014/3, as reproduced in para. 7 of the report)
    4.14.2. /2014/77 Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)
    (/GRSG/85, para. 7, based on /GRSG/2014/3, as reproduced in para. 7 of the report)
    5. 1998 Agreement
    5.1. Status of the Agreement, including the implementation of paragraph 7.1 of the Agreement
    The secretariat will present an updated list of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement, the adopted UN Global Technical Regulations (GTRs), the technical regulations listed in the Compendium of Candidates and the status of the 1998 Agreement incorporating the comments received. A list of the priorities and items, which the World Forum and its subsidiary bodies are considering as exchanges of view, will also be presented, including the most recent information.

    /1073/Rev.11 Status of the 1998 Agreement
    5.2.-5.6. The World Forum may take note of agenda items 5.2 to 5.5 and may wish to decide that they be considered in detail by the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3).
    6. Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established Regulations and/or gtrs into national/regional law
    The World Forum agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting additional presentations.
    7. 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)
    7.1. Status of the Agreement
    The secretariat will present an updated document with the status of the Agreement including the status of the UN Rules annexed to the Agreement, the list of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement and of their Administrative Departments.

    /1074/Rev.5/Add.1 Status of the 1997 Agreement
    7.2. Update of Rules Nos. 1 and 2
    The World Forum agreed to resume consideration of the proposals for amendment of UN Rules Nos. 1 and 2 for their possible adoption by AC.4 by voting. WP.29 may wish to consider the proposal by GRSG experts to develop new requirements for the periodical technical inspection of odometers (see report /GRSG/85, para. 42). WP.29 also agreed to consider the future of the 1997 Agreement on the basis of the results of investigations by the representative of the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), if available (/1110, paras. 70 and 71).

    /2013/132/Rev.1 Proposal for amendments to Rule No. 1
    /1110, para. 70, based on WP.29-163-17
    /2013/133/Rev.1 Proposal for amendments to Rule No. 2
    /1110, para. 70, based on WP.29-163-17
    8. Other business
    8.1. Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems
    The World Forum may wish to be informed about any development of the work of the IWG. The IWG will hold its fourth session in the afternoon of 13 November 2014 (/1108, para. 66).
    8.2. Consistency between the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of Regulations and gtrs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
    The World Forum may wish to be informed by the secretariat of the Working Party on Road Safety (WP.1) about any decision taken by WP.1 at its March 2014 session (/1110, para. 73).
    8.3. Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide

    /2014/81 Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide
    (/GRPE/69, para. 35, based on /GRPE/2014/13, not amended)
    8.4. Proposal for amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1)

    /2014/89 Proposal for amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1) — Draft Addendum 2
    (/1110, paras. 41-44)
    8.5. Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS)
    The World Forum agreed to keep this item on the agenda to resume consideration of the new UN Regulation on AECS and the possibility to include provisions on communication network protocols (/1110, para. 78).
    8.6. Election of officers for the year 2015
    In accordance with the terms of reference and rules of procedure, the World Forum shall elect the Chair and Vice-Chair for the year 2015.
    9. Adoption of the report
    In accordance with established practice, the World Forum will adopt the report on its 164th session on the basis of a draft prepared by the secretariat.
    The report shall also include sections on the:
    (a) Fifty-eighth session of the Administrative Committee (AC.1) of the 1958 Agreement;
    (b) Forty-second session of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement;
    (c) Ninth session of the Administrative Committee (AC.4) of the 1997 Agreement.
    B. Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1)
    10. Establishment of the Committee AC.1
    The Administrative Committee shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Appendix 1 of the 1958 Agreement (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2, Article 1, para. 2).
    11. Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing Regulations and for new Regulations – Voting by AC.1
    The Administrative Committee, according to the procedure indicated in Appendix 1, shall establish new Regulations and amendments to Regulations. Proposed Regulations and amendments to Regulations shall be voted on. Each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement applying the Regulation, shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties applying the Regulation is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries, which apply the Regulation. Draft amendments to Regulations shall be established by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting (Article 12 and Appendix 1).
    Contracting Parties experiencing difficulties in attending the sessions of AC.1 may, exceptionally, be allowed to express their views on items considered in writing, or by delegation of their vote to other Contracting Parties attending the session (TRANS/WP.29/482, para. 11).
    If all Contracting Parties to the Agreement agree, any Regulation adopted under the terms of the unamended Agreement may be treated as though it were a Regulation adopted under the terms of the amended Agreement (Article 15, para. 3).
    AC.1 will vote on the proposed amendments and corrigenda to existing Regulations of agenda items 4.6 to 4.13, taking into account the recommendations of the World Forum.
    C. Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3)
    12. Establishment of the Executive Committee AC.3
    The Executive Committee shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Annex B of the 1998 Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1).
    13. Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement: Reports of the Contracting Parties on the transposition of gtrs and their amendments into their national/regional law
    AC.3 agreed to continue consideration of this matter. Contracting Parties to the Agreement were invited to use the notification system developed by the secretariat for the annual reports on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments. Contracting Parties can use as a model the examples provided by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America (/1102, paras. 96 and 97). The secretariat will contact the head of the delegations of the Contracting Parties with pending notifications to facilitate the notification process (/1108, para. 78).

    /1073/Rev.11 Status of the 1998 Agreement, including the mandatory notifications by Contracting Parties to the secretariat in accordance with article 7 of the Agreement. This document was developed for the first time in 2007 by the secretariat as the tool for monitoring the Agreement.
    14. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft gtrs and/or draft amendments to established gtrs
    The Contracting Parties shall establish, through an Executive Committee consisting of all the Contracting Parties in conformity with the rules of procedure set out in Annex B and on the basis of the following articles and paragraphs, UN GTRs on safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency, and anti-theft performance of wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles (Article 1, para. 1.1.1).
    Proposed new UN GTRs, as well as proposed amendments to established UN GTRs, shall be put to vote. Each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement, shall have one vote. A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations and its member States being Contracting Parties to the Agreement shall be counted as one Contracting Party. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries that are Contracting Parties to the Agreement (Annex B, Articles 3 and 5). New draft UN GTRs, as well as draft amendments to established UN GTRs, shall be established by a consensus vote of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement present and voting (Annex B, Article 7.2.).
    14.1. Proposal for a new draft gtr on tyres

    /AC.3/15 Proposal for a new gtr on tyres
    Adopted amendments to the draft gtr on tyres
    Final technical report
    Authorization to develop the gtr
    14.2. Proposal for Amendment 3 to gtr No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty Certification procedure (WHDC))

    /AC.3/29 Proposal for Amendment 3 to gtr No. 4
    Final technical report
    Authorization to develop the amendment
    15. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1)

    /2014/89 Proposal for amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1) — Draft Addendum 2
    (/1110, paras. 41-44)
    16. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for gtrs, if any
    The Executive Committee should, at the request of any Contracting Party, vote on the listing in the Compendium of Candidates of any national or regional technical regulation, in accordance with the procedure set up in paragraph 7 of Annex B to the Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1). A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement is required for the purpose of taking a vote (Annex B, Article 5).
    17. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft gtrs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
    WP.29 and AC.3 agreed to give guidance by consensus on pending issues of the draft UN GTRs and to its amendments to which the corresponding Working Party has been unable to find a solution (/1085, para. 78).
    Development of a new gtr on onboard diagnostic (OBD) requirements for L-category vehicles.
    AC.3 agreed to resume consideration on this issue at its March 2015 session (/1110, para. 91). AC.3 may wish to consider developing the OBD requirements for L-category vehicles as a new UN GTR or as an amendment to UN GTR No. 5.
    18. Progress on the development of new gtrs and of amendments to established gtrs
    The Executive Committee may wish to review the work progress of the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum on proposals for new UN GTRs and on the development of established UN GTRs listed in the programme of work (/1106, paras. 95-106 and Annex IV). Only the documents of the provisional agenda that are not in brackets require consideration and possible adoption by AC.3. The documents of the provisional agenda in brackets are mentioned as reference documents and, therefore, do not require consideration by the Executive Committee (AC.3).
    18.1. Gtr No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle emission Test Cycle (WMTC)) and other gtrs on environmental and propulsion unit requirements for L category of vehicles

    (/AC.3/36) Authorization to develop amendments to gtr No. 2
    18.2. Gtr No. 3 (Motorcycle braking)

    (/AC.3/37) Authorization to develop amendments to gtr No. 3
    18.3. Gtr No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty Certification procedure (WHDC))

    (/AC.3/29) Authorization for the extension of the scope of the mandate to the GRPE Informal Group on Heavy-Duty Hybrids for the alignment between gtr No. 4 and gtr No. 11
    Authorization to develop either amendments to gtr No. 4 or a new gtr
    18.4. Gtr No. 7 (Head restraints)

    (/AC.3/25/Rev.1) Fourth progress report
    Third progress report
    Second progress report
    First progress report
    Authorization to develop the amendment
    Revised authorization to develop the amendment
    18.5. Gtr No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)
    AC.3 agreed that GRSP should continue consideration of the proposal for Amendment 2 to UN GTR No. 9 (/1108, paras. 91 and 92). AC.3 also agreed to defer the decision on extending the mandate of the IWG to its November 2014 session (/1110, para. 96).

    (/AC.3/24) Proposal for Amendment 2 to gtr No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)
    /GRSP/54, para. 8 based on /GRSP/2013/25 as amended by Annex II to the report
    Draft report on Phase 2 of gtr No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)
    (/GRSP/54, para. 8, based on GRSP-54-34-Rev.1 as reproduced in Annex II to the report)
    Authorization to develop Phase 2 of gtr No. 9
    (/AC.3/31) Authorization to develop amendments to gtr No. 9 (Pedestrian safety): Clarification of the text of Phases 1 and 2 to avoid misinterpretation
    18.6. Gtr No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) –
    Phase 1(b)).

    (/AC.3/39) Authorization to develop Phase 1(b) of the gtr
    18.7. Draft gtr on Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS)

    (/AC.3/32) Second progress report
    First progress report
    Terms of Reference of the IWG
    Authorization to develop the gtr
    18.8. Draft gtr on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV)

    (/AC.3/33) Authorization to develop the gtr
    19. Items on which the exchange of views and data should continue or begin
    AC.3 will be informed about the development of other priorities included in the programme of work (/1106, paras. 107-115 and Annex IV). AC.3 noted the European Union statement that, due to the high number of priorities listed under agenda item 17, no new priorities should be incorporated into the programme of work (/1108, para. 101).
    19.1. Vehicle crash compatibility
    19.2. Intelligent Transport Systems
    19.3. Road illumination technologies
    19.4. Harmonization of side impact
    (a) Pole side dummies
    (b) Pole side impact
    19.5. Electric vehicles and the environment

    /2014/81 Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide
    /2014/88 Authorization to conduct research and develop new regulations on environmental requirements for electric vehicles
    (/AC.3/32) Authorization to establish an informal working group to develop a regulatory reference guide on electric vehicle technologies
    19.6. Specifications for the 3-D H point machine
    19.7. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) (Gtr No. 13) – Phase 2

    (/AC.3/17) Authorization to develop the gtr
    19.8. New technologies not yet regulated

    20. Proposals to develop new gtrs and/or amendments to established gtrs, not included under agenda items 18 and 19, if any
    The Executive Committee may wish to consider proposals to develop new UN GTRs or to amend existing UN GTRs included in the Global Registry.
    21. Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work
    Before taking any decision on the development of a new UN GTR on Vehicle Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ), the Executive Committee proposed to clarify, at its November 2014 session, the mandate of GRPE and to investigate, at the January 2015 session of GRPE, the development of a recommendation to be annexed to the R.E.3 and/or Special Resolution No. 1 or a new GTR on VIAQ (/1110, para. 106).
    22. Other business
    D. Administrative Committee of the 1997 Agreement (AC.4)
    23. Establishment of the Committee AC.4 and election of officers for the year 2014
    AC.4 should be convened if the Contracting Parties to the Agreement so require for adopting decisions regarding the Agreement and or the UN Rules annexed to it. AC.4 shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Appendix 1 of the 1997 Agreement (ECE/RCTE/CONF/4). A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties is required for the purposes of taking decisions (Article 5 of Appendix 1 to the Agreement). At its first session, AC.4 should elect the officials for the year.
    24. Amendments to Rules Nos. 1 and 2

    WP.29 agreed to continue consideration of the proposals for amendments to UN Rules Nos. 1 and 2 before deciding to transmit them to AC.4 for consideration and adoption by vote (/1110, paras. 6, 70 and 71). Proposed amendments to Rules shall be put to the vote. Each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement applying the Rule shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties applying the Rule is required for the purposes of taking decisions. For the determination of the quorum, regional economic integration organizations, being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States.

    The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of those of its constituent sovereign countries which apply the UN Rule. Draft amendments to UN Rules shall be established by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting (Appendix 1, Article 6 of the 1997 Agreement). Contracting Parties to the Agreement are invited to be represented either by their representatives from the capitals or from their Missions in Geneva). If WP.29 recommends voting on the proposals, the vote is expected to take place on Thursday, 13 November 2014 at the end of the morning session.

      • Thanks DR!

        I just noticed the word farce. A TDF is exactly what I was aiming for.

        Thursday was the last day to post for that P-3 Mechanical Engineer (Transport Policy) job in Geneva, Switzerland, a chance to work on this very thing.

        Job Opening number:14-ENG-ECE-35525-R-GENEVA looks like a sweet gig if you have the United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity.

        And really, who doesn’t these days?

        LIke most ME’s, be sure you have these:

        1 Overall knowledge of transport and climate change and, particularly, knowledge of the international motor vehicle regulatory activities of WP.29 and of fuel technical specifications is considered essential.
        2 Ability to develop and analyze models for the assessment of transport policies and advances in motor vehicle fleets, particularly as they relate to vehicle emissions and safety. Ability to manage projects.
        3 Demonstrated ability in providing expert advice and guidance to expert meetings.
        4 Shows pride in work and in achievements.
        5 Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges.
        6 Remains calm in stressful situations.

        I mean especially number 4. If you can’t feel pride doing this kind of tour de farce mechanical engineering “work”, well when can you feel pride I ask?

        Here’s an old version of TRANS/WP.29. (not unlike Agenda 21 I imagine). It’s from 1999, a simpler time when they didn’t code everything as PDF files and carefully hide them from search engine results.

        Here’s the wiki entry on WFHVR – World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations

        North America

        The most notable non-signatory to the 1958 Agreement is the United States, which has its own Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and does not recognise UN type approvals.

        However, both the United States and Canada are parties to the 1998 Agreement. UN-specification vehicles and components which do not also comply with the US regulations therefore cannot be imported to the US without extensive modifications.

        Canada has its own Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, broadly similar to the US FMVSS, but Canada does also accept UN-compliant headlamps and bumpers.

        It should be noted, however, that the impending Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union (likely to be ratified in 2015) could see Canada recognise more UN Regulations as acceptable alternatives to the Canadian regulations.

        Canada currently applies 14 of the 17 ECE main standards as allowable alternatives – the exceptions at this point relate to motorcycle controls and displays, motorcycle mirrors, and electronic stability control for passenger cars. These three remaining groups will be allowed in Canada by the time the ratification of the trade deal occurs.


    Pilot – “Bang! You’re Dead!”
    A little girl takes her visiting uncle’s .38 caliber revolver and goes around pointing it at people throughout the town and yelling “bang”.
    She eventually loads it with real bullets. At the end she confronts some boys who reneged on their promise to let her play with them if she can find a real enough looking gun. She fires off a single bullet before her family can stop her.

  6. Baby steps for podcasting… Make a single free podcast. Get it included in this sites RSS feed, or secondary iTunes RSS Feed if necessary. Make sure it works and is of good quality.

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    • Thanks, Tor –

      I will check into it.

      It’s a long haul, though. I’m a guy who doesn’t even know what an “RSS feed” is.

      I hate computers, mang.

  7. More Liberty Now Domain’s RSS Feed, with two podcasts

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  8. I think its very important for libertarian libertines NOT to flaunt their libertinism. Respect the concerns of social conservatives (note that this is very different than POLITICAL conservatives even though there is often overlap) and make sure its very clear that one can have conservative views on culture without wanting to control others with violence.

    • Assuming for argument’s sake, a healthy spectrum of libertinism is to be located somewhere in Rothbardian Libertarian sites, I wonder where and how it might best be located and depending on the site owner, conveniently segregated if that is determined to be worth while.

      In small town video stores, there used to be an 8X11 three ring binder with the racy libertine video boxes and The Faces of Death series flattened and kept between clear photo album sheets. A separate card in a pouch could be removed and you gave it to the clerk.

      I think later, a whole corner was devoted to this, and it had the swinging saloon doors and an adult’s only sign on the doors to discourage the wrong eyes and to warn those not wishing to be shocked about anything.

      It used to be the case, that things that weren’t for kids were placed on a high shelf. Sometimes so high, you’d need a stool that was in a locked closet to get up there (to the liquor bottles, etc.) Any kid that touched anything up there would eventually get caught, and would not have a good day on that day. Also the guns and what not were locked in that same closet that only adults had a key for.

      In the old west movies. At the saloon, there was the stairs, and then the second floor open hallway with a railing. Might be some girls up there sometimes. Always a poker table somewhere in a corner. Sometimes another game somewhere in the back behind closed doors.

      This was all hush hush legal most areas of the US until Bobbie Kennedy started a crusade and got a federal law passed against all of these things everywhere to please his Catholic donors I imagine.

      Mexicans often have three generations of people kids thru grandkids piled in a two bedroom place. Maybe a dozen in there, yet they make it all work. Things are not discussed, and there’s no moving about after a certain time.

      To be forced to live for others is the antithesis of freedom. It’s not a valid libertarian position to force all libertarians to conform to the dictates of the lowest common denominator and most easily offended subspecies. There has to be some means to promote tolerance, and to encourage the greatest practical spectrum of libertine and conservative views and ways of living.

      Pahrump NV, in Nye County has several libertine things legalized that aren’t legal in many other US cities. Except for the word casino, and the brighter than average lights there’s nothing going on outdoors from the major streets and highways that would seem out of place anywhere else.

      Brothels are far out on the edge of town, and you’d have to know where they are and go looking for them. There’s no way you’d end up there unless you were looking to be there.

      There’s legal wrangling. Lots of the time, there’s no billboards for them, or at most one single billboard that just has some matter of fact text on it saying what road to turn down and the number of miles there. The names aren’t very subtle, so if they’re listed, the cathouse is outta the bag as it were.

  9. Welcome to the guide for live events on YouTube! [just need webcam and google acct to livestream]

    If your channel is in good standing (no strikes), you can enable live events from your Account Features page. [you’ll have to provide a cell number. have a code message called in or texted to it and then enter the text code in your acct]

    Once your channel is enabled for live events, you’ll see a “Live Events” option in your Video Manager.

  10. libertine (noun.)
    1 late 14c., “a freedman, an emancipated slave,” from Latin libertinus “member of a class of freedmen,” from libertus “one’s freedmen,” from liber “free” (see liberal).

    2 Sense of “freethinker” is first recorded 1560s, from French libertin (1540s) originally the name given to certain Protestant sects in France and the Low Countries.

    3 Meaning “dissolute or licentious person” first recorded 1590s; the darkening of meaning being perhaps due to misunderstanding of Latin libertinus in Acts vi:9.

    4 As an adjective by 1570s.

    I’m thinking eric meant the word libertine as closer to sense 1 or 2. Remember that the english language isn’t something you only consult state or oligarch authority on.

    He likely means libertine in the sense of Leonard Reed, I’m almost sure. LR referred to it as ANYTHING PEACEFUL. Anything being a pretty inexhaustible territory to wrap your mind around. ANYTHING indeed. What are you thinking about doing?

    • Thanks, Tor –
      Have you ever noticed how ‘negative’ laws are much less restrictive than positive ones? I.e., “Thou shalt not …” leaves you a lot more leeway than “Thou shalt …”
      One the one hand, you are allowed anything other than the proscribed behavior, while on the other, you must perform as designated.

  11. I don’t see this as dialectical. And I do take your words to heart, and was rather agitated by this for awhile before I decided to present my coalescing new altered path, but not as altered as you’d like to see I imagine.

    Perhaps this is where you exceed my abilities. I never got much out of Ayn Rand’s perceived requirements of making moral discernments. Of choosing X and rejecting Y.

    I can’t stop you from believing there is an objective black and white here. Perhaps I will agree with you in time. I can’t stop you anymore than I can stop David from believing in his church’s sky Daddy. And really I have no desire to do so. For now, I don’t see your religion as having any more coherence or substance than David’s really. Nor mine.

    As Tom Woods, a firm Catholic cogently observed: “Eric comes from a fairly conventional conservative background.” You have much new growth as you’ve matured, but a lot of what you write seems still infused by your roots. One thing don’t belong to is the Stephen Kinsella libertarian camp that claims to debunk IP property such as you’re assert philosophically.

    Possibly humanity is never going to rise above these types of religious loggerheads. Before the religious zealots burned the library of Alexandria, every book and scroll from every ship that came to an Egyptian port was taken by force if necessary to be hand copied and then returned to the ship.

    You seem like rather an unemployed typewriter maker trying to take on the entire world Goliath of word processors, computers, and smart devices, but who am I to say you won’t prevail?

    Maybe there is something of a benefit to the anarchists and maybe even socialists. Who say everything that exists that you can take safely into your own hands is a part of nature. Whether created by someone else or not. Whether anyone has a piece of paper claiming title to it or not being immaterial. You seem only to want to cage and control people for a different subset of rules. Not place men’s lives above mere property and customs in all cases without exception.

    Perhaps owning excess property at some point does become violence. Especially when so much land is Crown land used by no-one and yet reserved only to the Aristocracy of Pull. You say you’re not to blame for the violence inherent in the roads. But if you are truly your lands owner. And likewise your neighbors. And you allow the roads easements the way the murdering caging PTB intend. Who else but you can be blamed?
    Again, at some level of wealth and control, you have to begin including the individual owners and controllers of wealth as part of the barriers to freedom, just as the anarchists have always claimed. Otherwise, if things continue, some Michael Bloomberg type oligarch will end up with title to everything there is on this planet, and all of us will be slaves to his monopolies and have no hope of freedom at all.

    I do limit my library theory of knowledge to not causing any violence, suffering, or privations. Not as an aspiration. But as a necessary condition of it being legitimate. So if my type of leeching were to ever to injure someone, as opposed to merely muddying the waters of what some see as a clear matter of property ownership. Then I would agree that I have engaged in a NAP violating aggression and should be made to desist.

    • correction:
      One splinter group I don’t belong to is the Stephen Kinsella libertarian camp that claims to debunk IP property such as you’re asserting philosophically. I find Stephen’s whole line of thinking interesting but not really rooted in any kind of reality. He’s a gifted lawyer and wordsmith who packages freedom sounding groupthinkings, but is not any sort of individual freedomista in my eyes.

      Rothbard, Rockwell, Ron Paul, et. al. are themselves institutional guys, and for me a necessarily lesser breed than your lone single philosophical mavericks such as yourself.

      Libraries are often institutions. But I only have sympathy and affection for libraries held by individuals or related groups. I’d happily see the world’s largest British Library, Library of Congress, Vatican Library, Smithsonian and all such “public agglomerations begin allowed only to copy what they have and then be made to distribute everything to living breathing people.

      Libraries are far more evil than spammers and leechers, because they are a part of the carrot portion of the carrot and stick military control cage ruling apparatus. The one that kills 260 million thru democide. And causes all the actual war casualties on top of that number. You know the drill on them.

      • Oh, agreed!

        I did not mean to imply a defense of “free” libraries. As you correctly note, they are part of the con. The illusion of “free” stuff.

    • Hi Tor,

      I’m actually a libertine, in addition to being a Libertarian!

      Meaning: I enjoy pleasure – and do not object to what others find pleasurable. I might not partake myself, but who am I to tell them no?

      But as I see it there is an objective ethical line crossed when one knowingly freeloads. Because harm is caused – and the “harmer” is aware he has caused harm.

      Hence, culpability.

      In a moral-ethical sense, anyhow.

      We each must live with ourselves and what we do.

      • Eric – I think there is a difference between libertarians and libertines. I may be wrong on the distinction, but I know libertarians live by the creed of doing no harm, but libertines are out for their own pleasure, who cares if someone else is hurt in the pursuit.
        I am open to being educated on this point.

        • Hi Phillip,

          What Tor wrote is the meaning I intended.

          So long as it’s peaceful and no one’s hurt, I respect a person’s right to do it.

          That doesn’t mean, as an example, that I approve of bukkakke orgies… but hey, if it floats your boat.

  12. Hi Tor,

    Well, a “public” library is very much of a piece with “public” roads – right? That is, we’re forced to pay for them – so they’re hardly “free.”

    In re the rest: There is an important distinction to be made between a library (where specific individual payment is not expected or even accepted) and knowingly freeloading/taking what you’re well-aware someone worked hard to produce in order to earn his living.


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