I went out for ride today… and found myself behind a Clover.
Actually, several people were caught behind this Clover. A wizened old coot in a silver Taurus held up about half a dozen cars. I was eventually able to pass the old bag:
Notice that even when the road widens and becomes a two lane – and the Clover could (and should) move right to let the cars behind get by – instead the Clover just keeps moseying along. Oblivious – or indifferent – to the vehicular arteriosclerosis it causes.
But eric, such naked ageism and ableism stereotypes depicted herein are prejudicial discriminating criteria. Please consider your dear readers who prefer adhering to mainstream religious conventions, formal social norms, and out and out folderol, rather than observing then discussing the unvarnished troof in plain view.
I have said this often enough and I say it again: Whoever would recognize God and speculate about Him, should look into the crib and take good note of the Virgin Mary’s son, who was born in Bethlehem. See how He lies in His Mother’s lap. See how He is suckled. Such a man will then come to realize who God is. And this realization will soon cease to be terrible, but will be precious and a source of consolation. Therefore you must beware of exalted, high-flown thoughts. Beware of using them to climb into Heaven without this humane ladder, that is, the ladder of Christ’s humanity, as it is so simply described in the Gospel. Hold fast to this and do not allow reason to bring you away from it. This is how you will truly apprehend God. – Martin Luther