EP on The Bill Meyer Show


Here’s a link to my appearance last Friday on the Bill Meyer Show. We talked about the Cadillac ELR and other automotive inanities.

I should be on the Kate Dalley show this coming week.

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  1. Hi Eric,

    I renewed my auto registrations yesterday and in the process, received new license plates for each vehicle. In Texas, you must replace the plates every 5 years or so. We also must affix a sticker on the inside of our windshield that denotes the month and year that the registration expires.

    On my new plates there appears to be imbedded a 2 reflective “hologram” in the center of the plate stacked vertically on top of one another. To the left and right of the center there are two “confetti” type hologram lines that go from the top to the bottom of the plate. All of the symbols are very shimmery and difficult to see by the naked eye unless you are holding the plates up to a light and reflecting it like you would a mirror.

    Have you seen anything like this before? I have been told that these are used to “flag” your license plate for the plate readers installed in police cars and to help radar detector beams register on your car.

    Incidentally, these plates are very pretty. Wouldn’t nail polish help protect from rock chips? I live in Texas and we have a tremendous amount of oil field and gravel trucks on the roads.


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