Will We Make It?


A quick (and big) thanks to Alan, John G and EPautos’ stalwart supporter, SafeRide. We just crested the halfway mark.

But we’re still far from out of the red – and it’s not looking good. This may be the first “red” month for the site in about six months. It’s a bear month all around, it seems.

I’m still hopeful. I’ve been pleasantly surprised before. I do my very best to keep this corner of the Internet kicking (and hopefully, interesting) and you guys (and gals) have always come through on your end.

Fingers crossed, we’ll get there again this time!

As you can see from the pie chart (on the main page, top right column) we’re way low at the moment. Please help, if you can. 

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer to avoid PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079



  1. Burt Bacharach Performs the song he co-authored: “What the World Needs Now is Love” – at the White House – after receiving the Gershwin Prize from Barack Obama.

    I don’t mean to voice this in sing-songy mocking tones like a clover.

    But something tells me Clovers would believe he and Hal David wrote this tune under the 1965 Gershwin Protocols 3.0, and thus their creative input can be fully chalked up to government regimen, and not to their individual effort and ability.
    – – – –

    I’m fairly confident, no statist authoritarian can appreciate or experience jazz. Which is some minor consolation, though not as much as I’d like.

    Stanley Turrentine – What The World Needs Now – 1966
    – – – –

    I’m even more confident, no statist authoritarian can appreciate the beauty of the world, or the bottomless loves and forebearances of a good woman. Which is a major consolation, and helps sustain me as I navigate their various banshee gauntlets of their insipid crimes and safety caging and killing field con-games.

    What the world needs now – (HQ-HD) – Stacey Kent

  2. Still 4/25ths to go…

    Who Declared War On Who?

    Harris County District Attorney says open warfare has been declared on law enforcement, but in truth, it is law enforcement which wages war on society, not the other way around.

    When we, or our loved ones, are threatened, extorted, kidnapped, and murdered by the costumed heroes, it brings us no comfort for your office to inform us it was legal.

    It only tells us that our problem is the law and the system itself. It matters not how many cops you prosecute for breaking the “laws”, our problem is with the police who enforce them.
    – – –

    Reality as a Prerequisite of Liberty

    One may suffer a profound disconnection from reality and still call themselves a libertarian, but the maintenance of liberty requires adherence to reality.
    – – –

    Courts have ruled over and over again, that police have no duty to protect you. But did you know that 44 US States have laws requiring YOU to protect cops?

    You might have heard that police have no duty to protect you. It might come as a surprise though, that you have a legal duty to protect them.

  3. So close to being Back in the Black

    Russian Seal Team

    From ic .org …

    Acorn Community Farm. Louisa County, Virginia, We are an anarchist, secular, egalitarian community of 30 folks, visitors welcome

    ACF is also Autonomous, Food Sovereignty, Sustainable, Cooperative
    – – –

    Some more Voluntarist Anarchist communities found on ic .org…

    Yubia Permanent Autonomous Zone – The Non-Aggression Principle, Voluntary Transactions, Personal Responsibility, Mutual Aid, Ecological Stewardship

    CRIChouse – Egalitarian Anarchist Homesteaders…

    Walden Ecovillage – humanism, education, atheist, anarchist, communist, science, behaviorism, permaculture, sociocracy

    FIREWEED UNIVERSE CITY – Permaculture, Anarchist, Radical, Evolution, Eco-village

    Finney Farm – We are anarchists/socialists/discordians who are into both DIY living AND community.

    Struggle Mountain – anarchist-pacifist

  4. We will make it. Because others have made it. Where there are honest moneys, respectful interactions, and equitable exchanges, there are freedoms, prosperities, and peaceful enjoyments.

    Street Parade 2015 – Best of – Streetparade 2015 – Zürich – Lovemobile – Party

    Street Parade 2015 von oben – Luftaufnahmen – Zürich

    Geographic Distribution of Languages In Zurich

    • We didn’t!

      This is the first month the site has not cleared the threshold – and ended in the red.

      One factor is that “EPautos” (domain/URL) is offline. I have been desperately trying to get Dom to give me the info I need to get it back online. Hopefully, today.

      • Only 16 hours remain to collect the final 7/18th required as a bare minimum, you’re absolutely right.

        Then, perhaps a V Dare splash page until you’re back on track $wise.

        Fold up the tent and prepare for bugout. Prepare to just post your videos, and radio interviews on a revamped epautos that is now only a free wordpress platform with a custom domain and write your articles only as a hired gun on someone else’s website.

        It doesn’t really add up financially, maybe this is it, the final salvo. I know there’s all these bloggers here, and they maybe have 0.001% of your audience combined. But they won’t partner up with you and abandon their inkstained masturbation sessions.

        If today doesn’t improve, sell your remaining inventory of books at a discount. Sell downloads of your radio interviews.

        Read an audio version of your books and articles and record them, make them available for sale.

        Keep bringing down the prices on these newly quantized products until you clear the market.

        You’re a highly successful and beloved author, but an extremely unsuccessful monetizer of your success.

        I write this stuff in the hopes that others here also of more ability like you see them and plant their seeds of inspiration somewhere near your neighborhood, because sometimes the obviousness and the obliviousness needs a Captain.


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