EP on “What’s Next” with Bill Meyer


Here’s the audio clip of my latest radio appearance as a guest on Bill Meyer’s HD radio show:


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  1. Mang, four percent with a quarter of the month already over.

    Is there anybody else out there? Anyone who’s listened to this and is willing to comment on it?

    The name Eric is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Eric is: Ever or eternal ruler. Island ruler.

    The name Brent is an Old English baby name. In Old English the meaning of the name Brent is: Hilltop, high place, steep hill, or burnt.

    The name Rich is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Rich is: Powerful ruler. Wealthy.

    The name Philip is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Philip is: Loves horses.

    The name Mike is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Mike is: Who is like God? Gift from God.
    In the Hebrew Scriptures, he is a “prince of the first rank”, who during the “Time of the End” will arise and protect the chosen people.

    Hey You.

    Would you help me to carry the stone? I’m just one out of position knight here, really would help to have more pawns, bishops, rooks, queens, and kings join in the battle.
    Open your heart, I’m coming home.

    I mean, I’m watching Emily Blunt play Kate Macer in Sicario, and I’m slipping. There’s lots of good Heimat and military jobs around here, and if someone like her is going to be there too, I might just finally go full statist retard here.

    Hey you. Out beyond the cloudflare wall. Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help us? Hey you Don’t tell me against googuhl there’s no hope at all. Together we stand, divided we fall.


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