People Who Like to Boss Other People


People who like to tell other people what to do (aka, Clovers) are an interesting study.bossy people 1

Well, they’re odd at any rate.

Perhaps disjointed is the better word.

They will, for example, talk sententiously about “choice”… provided it’s a choice they approve of, such as abortion. Or forcing people to associate.

But only with certain people.

You know – the people they demand others associate with.

Ask them about whether you (an already born actual human being) have the right to choose whether to buckle up for safety. Or buy an air bag. See what sort of response you get.

I’ve written before about the way they deny all of us the right to choose the type of car that meets our needs and wants rather than what they insist we need and must have. We are not allowed, for example, to buy serviceable, inexpensive A to B transportation like the Renault Kwid (see here for more about that) that sells for less than $5,000 brand-new in Asia and India, or even the very high-mileage diesel-powered cars available in Western European countries such as Germany – because the people who like to tell others what to do (and buy) cannot abide such freely made choices.bossy 2

It is why America is coming unglued.

There is next-to-nothing in this world more enraging than to be micromanaged by other people – usually personally very unappealing people (Hillary Clinton, for instance; but also George Bush and – lately – America’s take on Mussolini, Donald Trump) who believe they know better than you do how to live your life. And are determined to tell you.

Orwell might have titled his book, Big Bully.

Only, plural.

In a democracy, we are bullied by… everyone. There is no leaving you alone –  but no specific individual such as a King or a fuhrer to hate. Well, there are (see above in re Hillary, et al) but in a democracy, they are fungible. Whack-a-mole. Get rid of one, another pops up. It’s not really them that’s the problem.

It’s everyone around you. The neighbor, the guy down the road. They will not leave you alone.Ill douche

Not personally, perhaps. That would take some courage. Few of these people who enjoy bossing other people would have the guts to try bossing anyone on their own. So, they vote for an Il Duce (Trump) or a frigid termagant (you know who) to do it for them.

But there used to be limits. And so, it was tolerable. You were still able, more or less, to do what you liked. You went to work, did your thing. The people who like to boss were a presence, but not an omnipresence.

There is now no limit to their presence in our lives. The dam has broken.

The sphere of free action available to use continues to grow smaller with each passing year – with each passed law.

The seatbelt and air bag stuff was just for openers, a kind of clearing of the throat before the main opera begins.

People don’t see it, chiefly because they – in the main – are blinkered and cannot think. It does not necessarily take a genius IQ, but it does take a learned capacity to reason. Which has been systematically and deliberately suppressed and crippled by government schools – and for a damned good reason (from the government’s point of view).sail fawn lady

It’s not an unreasonable search, you see. It is just about “getting dangerous drunks off the road.” Seatbelt laws are not in principle an immoral usurpation of a free man’s right to make decisions about his personal welfare; they are there to “keep us safe.”

Much more such inevitably follows.

It is no accident that we must now submit to being fondled in order to be allowed to fly. This could never have happened had the populace not already been conditioned to random “safety” checkpoints on the road.

But the manufactured dullards cannot grasp it and so are helpless against it.

Many of them welcome it.

Most just shrug and accept it – because what choice have they got? We’re all boxed in. But occasionally – and lately, more frequently – there is lashing out. Often it involves what seems to be disproportionate berserker rage.road rage shooting pic

The case of the recent “road rage” killing (incidentally) of a four-year-old girl who had the bad luck to be riding in a truck with a dad who got into a dispute at 60 MPH with another guy over one or the other’s driving skills. Much more was at issue than slow driving or cutting someone off.

People cut people off, or tailgated or slow-poked 30 years ago. Gunfire did not happen. It was literally unheard of.

The difference 30 years later is that people are aerosol cans in the microwave, set on High.

By a system (by other people, acting under its auspices) who will not leave them alone, ever. Not in their cars, not in their homes. Not when they travel, not when they go to work. Not in their recreations. Even their family lives are no longer private. Other people intrude, everywhere. 

One day, there is an eruption. The pressurizing hate for them explodes. All it requires is an object, something to focus on.roller coaster pic

Typically, it is over something trivial – or at least, something that, 30 years ago, might have ended in a few flipped birds and some well-chosen adjectives about the other person’s parentage.

It is getting out of hand because the system is out of hand.

People did not shoot up schools 30 years ago and there were just as many guns in private hands. No one asks why this is. Instead, they blame the guns. Which is like blaming forks for fatness.

And the ride is only just beginning to pick up speed.

This health care stuff (that is, being forced by people who like to boss other people to buy an insurance policy) is going to light the afterburners and then we’ll really see.government health care

People who like to tell other people what to do now have weaponized anthrax at their disposal. Because there is absolutely no facet of our existence that cannot be said to in some way “affect” our health. Which is now the business of other people. The people who like to boss other people around.

Whether actually or just possibly is irrelevant. The mere assertion that doing “x” (or failing to “y”) might affect our health is more than sufficient.

That precedent was set decades ago with the seat belt law (and also the probable cause-free random stopping of motorists to dragnet search for drivers who may have been drinking).

Take note of the fact that doctors now inquire as to whether you own a gun.

Hint, hint.

If you can’t see it coming, you’re intellectually glaucomic.

A nation of fear-addled sissies, busybodies and bullies that genuflects (or orgasms) whenever “safety” is mentioned and who cannot grok the idea of leaving other people alone (and minding their own business) deserves what’s coming.

It’s just a shame that not all of us do. depends on you to keep the wheels turning! The control freaks (Clovers) hate us. Goo-guhl blackballed us.

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  1. FBI agent Priya of Quantico, spokesmodel for National Liberation Militia is preparing to unleash Operation Trick or Treat

    FBI warns of possible “Halloween Revolt” by anarchists. [1] Blood will spill on the Patriarch Battlefield.

    Together we are strong. No one can tell us we’re wrong. The Heimat needs you to make them go. Love of country is a battlefield.

    Pledging with hands on our hearts for so long. All of us knowing.
    That we’re losing control. Will the young turn us away. Or let our Homeland Security touch them deep inside.

    Do we stand in their way. Or are we the best thing they’ve had. And when all of us get old. Will it still feel the same. An empire dies. An empire is born. There’s no way this will die. But if we get much closer. We could lose control.

    And if our national heart surrenders. Then you’ll need our bony hands to hold. You’re trapped by our geriatric love. And you’re chained to our side, No promises. No demands. Such love of country and erroneous elders demands sacrifice, such love is the eternal battlefield.

    [1] Warning: The FBI just completely MADE UP the group known as the “National Liberation Militia,” which it pretends exists, pretends is made up of anarchists, and pretends is planning to ambush cops on Halloween.

    Of course, the group and the plot are an absolute fabrication of the fear-monger control freaks of the federal government. The mythical group with its mythical anarchists and its mythical plots to commits violence on Halloween –will be just the latest trick and false flag stunt. There’s no need to fear the anarchist phantoms of the walking dead. There is no walking dead threat, only the zombies in the uniforms and flag waving protectors themselves.the

  2. Speaking of Deutschpatriotische Spionage Oskar Mayer Weinerschnitzel Schwindler der Nebel…

    – – – –
    White National Suffrage Fest is next week in Knoxville, and it’s only fünfundachtzig bucks, what a steal.
    – – – –

    I’m just there to listen and learn, not help them build the neue Welt Auftrag Reich.

    I know I’m certainly not compliant with the WN’s, since I’ve been devouring everything that hook nose thief Emma Goldman’s ever written as of late, which is totes nicht koscher.

    I do like how book in German reich becomes Empire when capitalized as Reich. (I think, I’m no cunning linguist or stuff like that.)

    That’s how I think of a good writer, one who creates not just books, but Books.

    One who creates Empires with his own mind. Maybe it doesn’t pay well most of the time. But it’s certainly admirable nonetheless.
    – – –

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    In April 1944 in Nuremberg Himmler allowed Kurt Becher to release Jews in exchange for goods and Western currency, which was Himmler’s attempt to save himself from accusations of exterminating Jews.

    According to Becher’s testimony, in support of maintaining contacts with the Western Allies, at the beginning of November Himmler issued an order stopping the extermination policy against the Jews. The Western world was supposedly to be convinced that Germany had abandoned the policy of extermination, and Himmler hoped for leniency.

    On the eve of 1945 he personally started negotiations with the former Swiss president for ransoming Jews from concentration camps. Before the end of the war, obviously on Himmler’s orders, Kaltenbrunner ordered the release of Countess Lanckoronska from KT Ravensbruck. Murderers were changing into “saviours” and those who were themselves “implicated” made testimonies in favour of Nazis in their own interests.

    After the war these so-called saviours multiplied—Kastner, Schindler, Biss … Even the I.G. Farben company, accused in Nuremberg of financing Auschwitz, in its defence stressed that prisoners were exclusively in its power during the war, and because of that they stayed alive.

    In May 1945 in Austria, Americans arrested Kurt Becher and in his luggage were found millions of dollars worth of jewellery and Western currency. Becher insisted that it was property entrusted to him by the deportees.
    http://quadrant . org . au/magazine/2010/06/myth-reality-and-oskar-schindler/
    – – – – –

    Keneally – Schind1er’s Ark

    A novel based on the true story of how German war profiteer and prison camp
    Direktor Oskar Schindler came to save more Jews from the gas chambers than any other single person during World War II.

    In this milestone of Holocaust literature, Thomas Keneally uses the actual testimony of the Schindlerjuden—Schindler’s Jews— to brilliantly portray the courage and cunning of a good man in the midst of unspeakable evil. “A masterful account of the growth of the human soul.
    – – – – – –

    “Jews For Sale”: The Rudolph Kasztner Transports
    http : //www . jewishgen . org/databases/Holocaust/0172_Kasznter_Jews . html

    During the years that the Nazis controlled Germany and then large parts of Europe there were numerous attempts to bribe officials in order to save individuals, including large numbers of Jews. These efforts, mostly futile, are described in Yehuda Bauer’s Jews for Sale: Nazi-Jewish negotiations, 1933-1945 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994).

    Small as they were, compared to the total Jewish population held by the Nazis, two efforts in 1944 were successful. More than 1,900 Jews, mostly Hungarian Jews, were delivered by train across the Swiss border. The principal negotiator for these two transports, Rudolph (Rezsö) Kasztner, remains a controversial individual, who was later murdered in Israel. On the night of March 3, 1957, Rudolph (Rezsö) Kasztner became the first Jewish victim of a Jewish political assassination in the State of Israel, murdered for determining which Hungarian Jews to save from extermination during the Holocaust. Persons interested in greater details on Kasztner may wish to read Anna Porter’s Kasztner’s train: the true story of Rezsö Kasztner, unknown hero of the Holocaust (2007), and examine a website devoted to Kasztner’s efforts at http : // www . kasztnermemorial . com. At this site, the following is written:

    Kastzner was murdered for what some would consider ‘playing God,’ determining which Hungarian Jews to save from extermination during the Holocaust.

    Like Oskar Schindler, Kasztner negotiated with the Nazis to save lives. Unlike Schindler, however, Kasztner’s actions and motives were questioned by Hungarian Holocaust survivors whose families were not included in the select group of Jews to be saved.

    His memorial site, the purpose of which is to resuscitate Kasztner’s reputation, and is thus sympathetic to him states:

    “The prospect of saving Hungarian Jewry through ransom, odious as it appears, proved an alluring chance at beating the final solution to Kasztner and his associates.

    A number of historians have also credited Kasztner and the Vaadah with saving the remnants of the Budapest ghetto and Kasztner in particular with saving the Jews who remained alive in places like Bergen-Belsen immediately at war’s end.

    Despite the many lives saved and the heroic efforts expended it was clear at war’s end that the grand plan of saving Hungarian Jewry failed. The record of Kasztner’s heroism was buried under the rubble of that failure.

    • Interesting read. The Germans had camps for their Jews. The Americans had camps for their Indians- something that the rest of the hemisphere saw no need for.

      • I suppose it was in the northern hemisphere to some extent when the Brits and Frenchies did virtually the same thing to middle easterners. Romans did it to native Europeans.

      • The Germans had camps for their Jews. The Americans had camps for their Indians
        Hitler was a great admirer of “Father Abraham” and copied many of his actions. In fact, the phrase ‘final solution’ was taken from a letter to Lincoln from General Sheridan.

        • Not like one psychopath couldn’t realize the success of another. After all, it was not only in a different world but a different time the Great Liar stumbled on to a great political/practical solution.

          • Like Dorothy From Wichita once said, we sure ain’t in Kansas anymore.

            Somali Truck Drivers Refuse To Deliver Beer To Customers Because It’s Against Their Religion. Feds Concur And Award Them $240,000 For Their “Mistreatment”

            Muh Muh My Sharia

            Never gonna stop, give it up, such an atavistic mind
            I always get it up, for the touch of the livestock kind
            My, my, my, aye-aye, whoo!

            Anyone who has read Mein Kampf, a compilation of his rants by his dittoheads, can tell you what Hitler’s motivation was.

            He had no interest in conquering even Britain or its vast empire, let alone making himself “world emperor.”

            On the contrary, he sought to turn back the clock pf his atavistic culture and homeland to the days before 1913 with its armed checkpointed borders and federal reserve bank impoverishing.

            His main target was “the graymen”–the international bankers–which he stated in numerous writings, speeches, and his last will and testament.

            Naively, he imagined them only to be of one race and creed.

            If Hitler could have better regulated himself and found more intelligent and seasoned allies, he would have had the graymen’s corpses hanging in the center of Berlin and would have long ago rotted to nothing.

            And with them, their whole rotten rag paper debt money human slaughterhouse franchise.
            – – – –

            The French Lesson

            …This segment of history went on for quite a while until there entered into the drama a wondrous entity called Napoleon.

            Have you heard of him, aye? Well, prior to him were all the Caesars. To a Caesar, it wasn’t really necessary to go out and locate financing for a march – they simply marched and took it.

            And then came this great conqueror with dreams of glory, dreams of resurrecting his French empire to be preeminent again in his world in those days.

            And yet his country was bankrupt, because the peoples, the mobs if you will, had overthrown the aristocracy. You know: chop, chop, CHOP? And as a result they got rid of all the noble blood existing in the country at that time, because they blamed the noblemen for their intense poverty.

            And they were right.

            So the conqueror comes to lift his beloved country out of the gutter, to make it preeminent and in its ancient place.

            So along comes a wet-beaked dallying individual who sees that he can make a tidy return on this undertaking.

            He finances Napoleon and his marches, gives him substantial loan to go out and conquer, and whatever loot Napoleon brings back he can use to repay the debt.

            Are you with me? Yes. Now remember, women stayed home and men were doing the marching (and a few weaklings stayed behind and took care of the women).

            They Are Called Graymen

            And thus was born, with Napoleon’s first conquest, what you will read about in the rest of this book. They are called Graymen.

            The entity that Napoleon secured the gold from created a wonderful system of supplying and financing conquests. It turned out to be a very lucrative business with a very nice return, a business that is about to alter the face of the world as you know it.

            One important idea occurred to this early financier. He realized that in order to be successful at this business, he could not swear allegiance to any country.

            His business began to spread. To be the entrepreneur, setting up financing for anyone for anyone who wanted to play war, he realized it was important not to have allegiance to any country, but simply to be there to fulfill the need.

            This particular first Grayman had no woman that he cared for and loved. But he had sons. They were a treasure, for they meant that his divine heritage would go on. And it did.

            This man saw an image of achievement in his altered ego of ultimate wealth. Now, listen – no one wants money for its own sake, but rather for what it can do. And to the image of this beginning Grayman, obtaining wealth was the key that unlocked the door to power. It wasn’t money; it was power that fulfilled this need, this image.

            This wonderful Grayman, praise Mammon & Jehosaphat, quickly realized, upon a large return on his investment, that he could work both sides against the middle, and he did. He helped a country called Austria and a country called Poland.

            Soon this man and his sons were collecting a nice, orderly return off everyone involved in a conflict. And they found it to their benefit to generate conflicts. Are you with me? Yes, the lights are going on somewhat. The more they could encourage conflicts and feed the altered egos of lusty kings and lusty conquerors, the more they profited and the more powerful they became.

            One of the side benefits of this power was the created ability to put their sons and the people they owned into very influential offices. In other words, if the king said, “No, I’m giving that position to my third cousin twice removed,” then this nice, tidy little Grayperson would say to him, “Well, how unfortunate that is, because I really felt that the individual I’m recommending would do a splendid job, and since that can’t come to pass, then I really must ask you to pay me everything you owe me, as soon as can, of course.”

            And, of course, the king would return to his castle, bite his nails chew on them, curse, gnash his teeth and come back with, “Oh, I would love to have your person fill this office.”

            The Shadow Is Cast

            Since Napoleon’s time, the influence of the Graymen has grown immeasurably, yet they have retained the power personally and within their direct-lineage families. They began to set up banks. They began to influence gonernments. They began to influence the kings and leaders of those governments. And those who didn’t play ball with the Graymen had their gold supply cut off, and they found themselves cut off from countries they’d had open relationships with before.

            In the great fertile wench that was called Europa, everything was being dictated through the power of gold and the paper that it was written on.

            Now it was 1800, and a great man who was the inheritor of these beginning Graymen activities inherited this wonderful business plan. It continued in his hands and in his family; and those who were chosen to work with him began to control Europa.

            Every war since the first Napoleon has been manipulated, set up, and financed by the Graymen and their families. And if the inkling of war didn’t exist, they created it. At any cost.

            Remember, these gray families had no allegiance to any country’s laws and no allegiance to any religious belief. They were on their own, which allowed them to carry out their enterprises quite nicely. They created dictators out of common people, feeding them through their altered ego. They created assassinations. They created blame, outbreaks, and dissension, all for power.

            Money, yes, but the money brought them the power, because every man had his price and every kingdom certainly had its price. Are you with me? You’ve seen this drama played on the stage before?

            The name of this man from the 1800s was Rothschild; remember it, because very soon you will begin to see how a further crumbling in the equality of human beings all over the world was directed by this family.

            In the year 1857, this dynasty had persons who were in allegiance with them placed in important positions, in decision-making positons, throughout Europe. They had them in place in other countries around the world. And they were beginning to place them in America.

            In 1857, there was a meeting in London. There they plotted all the wars that would occur in Europa and in the Americas, up to the last war plotted, which was World War II; yes, as recently as that time.

            These families are also the same individuals that created the war between the Northern and Southern peoples of America (The Rothschild bank in London financed the North and the Rothschild bank in Paris the South ).

            The families, in coalition with munitions makers who also had no allegiance to any one country, created the civil outbreak that occurred in America. The battlefields were manipulated; the North wanted the wealth of the South.

            The enslavement of the human being was not the reason for this scourge, but merely an excuse for it. The slaves were already in the process of receiving their freedom, long before this outbreak occurred. The war was contrived to gain control of Southern wealth.

            Then Reconstruction, a few panics, Silver hoarders are screwed by Gold bugs. Yellow Brick Roads to serfdom are follow follow followed. Yada Yada Yada.

            Now, you[re at the first world war. The Great War. An interesting name for a war: the great war. This war was created and financed by not only the bankers in this country, but the bankers in England and in Switzerland. It was created to bring about the often-proposed taxation system which the Graymen desired to put squarely on the shoulders of the American people.

            The war was created to get the yanks fully involved. It was created to bring Europa under submission. It was created to further instill their money control, and so it was executed according to plan.

            The banks in America and in England, and indeed in other countries worldwide, supported this war. The Americans at this time were just discovering freedom and opportunity and land. And yes, there were hard times, but they had one great thing that caused them to leave Europa in the first place – freedom!

            They could worship as they believed, they could live as they chose to live, and they were not under the suppression of tyrants from their homeland. America was not made up of one specific creed of people; it was the schvitzing pot of the world, so to speak. Despite hardships, everyone was enjoying that freedom immensely in America.

            America had just gotten out of a horrible war with Cuba. Well, you know about Rough Riding Ted (Theodore Roosevelt ). Let me tell you, Cuba was once a great island, a grand people. They were not revolutionists; they were meek farmers. They had no revolutionary designs, and yet gullible mundanes, through propaganda, were taught about the enemy below them, and the threat to world peace this small country of farmers posed. Farmers? Hah!

            The munitions people had a hand in that; they’re the ones who created the war and imported the disputers and revolutionists. And so this country went to war to wipe out the Cuban insurgents.

            Do you know who they slaughtered? Farmers who didn’t know what the big deal was about, who had never thought about a war. They had only thought about their harvest, their children, their quaint love of God and atavistic truths , their believe in their Church and quaint delusions. They had harmed no one, but they were insurgents and had to be done away with. That war was created by the Graymen.

            It took a lot to get this country into the first world war, because no one wanted to get into it. And so the Graymen, owning most of the media … the Graymen own them all; you know, the papers you read, the box you watch, the magazines you thumb through, the radio waves you listen to.

            Because it was important to have control of what you read, see and hear. They told the papers what to print and what not to print. Well, they went on and on and on, in a media campaign about this war and, about the patriotism of this country. And those who did not help wave the banner of “liberty” were considered traitors. They were manipulated quite handily!

            A hot political campaign went on to ensure that you got involved. Do you remember what finally immersed you into that little pickle? What was the incident? Bully for you – yes, a sinking ship.

            Listen, did you know that passenger ships leaving the shores of your continent were carrying contraband? They were carrying war supplies even before you got involved. So you got into it. And how brave of all your sons and, yes, some of your daughters to die in that war!

            It was a war for liberty, to create freedom, and to save Europe from the menace of Germany! What a lark! It wasn’t that at all! It was a propagandized manipulation.

            And when it was all over with, AmeriKa had borrowed enormously to support its war debt. Therefore, it was subtly suggested that the way to repay the loan would be to again tax the people. So, the tax was passed. The people were paying taxes to pay off their loan from the Graymen, who finally were receiving a return on their investment.

            But the Graymen wanted the taxes to go on … and on, and on and on, because they wanted you to be indebted to them as the people in Europa already were.

            A lot went on in this time in your history. Media was owned by the Graymen. Peoples were ruinously taxed for a war they never really understood. They never really understood why they had to fight; never really understood why their children were conscripted to be slaughtered. Never really told the untold story, you see.

            And then along came another President in a wisp of time, one who “had an accident.” He didn’t want to play ball because he did not want to install the Federal Reserve system of money control within the country. So he had a small, unfortunate accident. And so, guess what? You ended up with another President.

            The Graymen really do tell you who’s the best man for the office. They really want that person in office who is going to play ball for them. Throughout the naming of Presidents rather than kings, a lot of them have fallen by the wayside.

            And you’re aware, a lot of them have been scandalized out of office. There has not been one President scandalized out of office by a scandal that was not perpetrated.

            Surprised? And all of the Presidents that have died were not killed by madmen, but rather because it was decided they were supposed to go. They weren’t playing ball.

            The subject of a Politician not playing ball would be brought up at the meeting, and they would simply say, “Get rid of him.”The next person in line, of course, would be the person who would come in and continue on, status quo. Are your eyes open? Because you are seeing in print what only a few entities have ever dared to share with you!

            The families of the Graymen, by 1920, had grown to twelve families. They were the individuals who owned the international banks and, literally, Switzerland itself.

            They were the ones who had decided that gold would no longer be convenient to carry around. They were the ones who created paper money. They created the Bank of London; they own the Bank of London. They created a major Federal Reserve in every major country, in which they print paper money according to their desire and their plans for power…. yada yada….

            They are the ones who reaped the harvest of their sacred revelation and further revolution of September 11th.

  3. What better way to encourage scarcity and rationing, and then raise prices sky high in the ensuing artificial crisis.

    Bacon is more dangerous than Smoking, say the WHO

    Who Are You, WHO. A song was written about meeting Steve Jones and Paul Cook of the Sex Pistols after an awful 13-hour encounter with Allan Klein who, in my personal opinion, is the awesome rock leech-godfather.

    In one sense the health mafia and song is more about the demands of new friendship than blood-letting challenge.

    Roger’s aggressive reading of my nihilistic lyric redirected its function by the simple act of singing “Who the fuck are you…” when I had written “Who, who, who are you…” Steve and Paul became real ‘mates’ of mine in the English sense.

    We socialized a few times. Got drunk (well, I did) and I have to say to their credit, for a couple of figurehead anarchists, they seemed sincerely concerned about my decaying condition at the time.

    — Pete Townshend

    2.5 million
    Number of people living with cancer in the UK
    Percentage of deaths due to cancer of the breast, lung, prostate and bowel (2012)
    Adults diagnosed with cancer survive for ten years or more (2010/11)
    1 in 4
    People facing poor health or disability after cancer treatment
    Cancer deaths caused by smoking
    Age group with highest risk of getting cancer
    Number of children diagnosed with cancer every week

    Sure the Japs isolated a rice hull that chelates your bodies available iron and stops cancer in its tracks, since it needs freed iron to multiply.

    But WHO doesn’t care about that. WHO is all about power and control. And just WHO THE F*CK ARE YOU?

  4. Revival can ship cat vaccines to some states but not to others. The more red and green a state is, the more regimentation. Some people hate freedom.

        • Right Jean,
          I still can’t figure out how, when they divvied up the country into “Red” and “Blue” states, the ones that tend to vote GOP were designated “Red,” when in the past Red has stood for Communism. Not that the GOP is not socialist, but usually slightly less so than the Dems.

          • I noticed that too. I was looking at old graphics from various media outlets during the 1984 election, and Reagan & the Republicans were blue and the Democrats were the red.

            Sometime since then the colors got changed around.

            • Controlling the narrative… change the colors to associate the Conservatives with RED (communists, anger) and you define the party as a rage-filled, authoritarian group.
              Make the emotion-driven party a color of clam (blue, since blue was the other color…) and you’ve changed the whole story at an unconscious level.

              Remember back in the 80s or so, it was found that movie theaters were using subliminal ads during the movies to boost sales? Flashing, “YOU ARE HUNGRY” for one frame every 10 minutes or so. It was meant to boost concession sales – and seems it worked.
              Q.V.: “THEY LIVE” – as Rowdy Roddy Piper put it, “They Live was a documentary!”

              He was warning us THEN, and now..? We reap the fruits of “not aggressing” when we’re kicked in the balls.

              All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others…
              Paraphrasing, “and the animals looked from the pigs, to the humans, and the humans, to the pigs – and could not see a difference….”

              • Well, all people are created equal but Samuel Colt did a damn good job of leveling the playing field.

                I just wonder what the clovers would have blamed the 4 year old girls death on if her daddy had wrecked and killed her. It was such a tragedy, a father and his wife were not injured but the little girl died. Both parents are being charged with 1st degree manslaughter for not(having the seat belt on, for not turning off the airbag, for not using a childseat, for having unprotected sex and producing an offspring who wouldn’t be take care of properly…..etc.). Clovers love a scapegoat.

          • But there’s an area and belief that socialist, communism and fascism don’t get very close to. I’d say a good dose, no, an overdose of internationalism combined with crony capitalism and an overarching belief that most every country of the world except the one you have some political pull in is verging on some evil, call it communism, fascism or just, in the case of this country we live in, not USA ism.

            The entire world was terrified of the US immediately after WWll and it only got worse as people like Acheson and Dulles had their never-ending tirades published worldwide. No country felt safe and damn well they shouldn’t have. Hell, if I’d been old enough and realized what was going on, I’d have been getting my own nukes together to stave off the radical Republican right conservatives in the US. You notice once a country has nukes, then the USA treats it much better than those without. It’s the reason they hate to see any country, no matter what they think it’s political base is, get a nuke. Shit man, we can’t really jack with this country, even though we think it’s shit, but with some missiles and nukes, we gotta play nice.

            I don’t know what the power of nukes are now but consider the H bomb was 1,000 times as powerful as the original A bomb. With a decent delivery system, we must treat countries that have a nuke with what is likely only ill-concealed contempt but in as nice a way as the pols can force themselves to be.

  5. Violence, in general and specifically school shootings, has been in a fairly constant decline over the last 30 years:

    Now, instead of our “leaders” patting each other on the back and offering constructive ways to continue the reduction, they’re doubling down on reporting the violence as extreme! and demanding more rules and regulations.

    I remember the late 1980s, and the rise of the “alpha predator” male. This specimen was the result of urban (IE black) living and rap music’s celebration of ganster hood lifestyles. This was presented as the new normal and we should all cower in the corner fearing that inevitable day when he broke in to rape and pillage. Unfortunately it led to a generation of black men thrown in jail for minor offenses.

    Remember too, the role of the drug companies in all of this. While no news source would ever bother to investigate, there are some serious side effects to the MAOI inhibitor drugs that are prescribed like tic-tacs, and if the doctor doesn’t bother to follow up on their treatment it can lead to violent behavior, because in many cases the little voice of reason in your head is medicated out of existence.

  6. Oops! I double-posted. I’m not sure how. When I first tried to post it, a message appeared saying something like “Duplicate posting detected. It looks like you already said that.” I thought it referred to the quote from one of Tolkien’s previously quoted letters about anarchy, bossing other men, etc.. So I edited that part out, and tried to post again. But it looks like both the original un-edited version *and* the edited version posted. My apologies. My keyboarding is even worse than my driving.

  7. ‘And here we have the correct understanding of the theme of the novel [_LotR_]: it is about the evils of power. More precisely, the book aligns itself against power–not “economic power” or “social power”, but specifically political power. This is also the central theme of the classical liberal political tradition.

    This has been explained in various occasions by Tolkien himself:
    “You can make the Ring into an allegory of our own time, if you like: and allegory of the inevitable fate that waits for all attempts to defeat evil power by power” (The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 1995, p. 121.)

    “Power is an ominous and sinister word in all these tales” (p. 152.)
    “The story is cast in terms of a good side, and a bad side, beauty against ruthless ugliness, tyranny against kingship, moderated freedom with consent against compulsion that has long lost any object save mere power, and so on” (pp. 178-179.)

    “In my story Sauron represents as near an approach to the wholly evil will as is possible. He had gone the way of all tyrants: beginning well, at least on the level that while desiring to order all things according to his own wisdom he still at first considered the (economic) well-being of other inhabitants of Earth. But he went further than human tyrants in pride and the lust for domination, being in origin an immortal (angelic) spirit” (p. 243.)

    “Of course my story is not an allegory of Atomic power, but of Power (exerted for domination)” (p. 246.)

    So, we can say The Lord of the Rings fictionalize Edmund Burke’s motto: “In vain you tell me that Artificial Government is good, but that I fall out only with the Abuse. _The Thing, the Thing itself is the Abuse!_”

    That’s what Tolkien is trying to convey and dramatize in a novel over 600,000 words long.

    The Lord of the Rings is the epic journey to destroy the One Ring, which symbolizes power – and this is very clear when you understand that the Ring not only confers power but also imposes serfdom on the wearer. The man who wears the Ring becomes a slave at the same time as he is made supremely powerful.

    This is an allegory for what actually happens in our world every day: rulers, even well-intentioned and idealistic ones, are ruled themselves at the same time. They are ruled by consensus and by the spasmodic hunger to acquire yet more power than they already have.

    This is why the state has never been limited, as the classical liberal thinkers had hoped it would be – because _the people in charge of keeping the power of the state limited never do so_. Politicians and rulers generally, always want to become more important and more respected – more powerful, in short.

    It does not matter what stirring words a politician uses to legitimize his actions; he is inside a vicious circle he can’t escape. As Edmund Burke put it many years ago, “Ask of politicians the ends for which laws were originally designed, and they will answer that laws were designed as a protection for the poor and weak (…) but surely no pretence can be so ridiculous (…).” (Edmund Burke, A Vindication of Natural Society, 1756). …

    … In Tolkien’s vision, the power is always evil – a good power cannot even exist.

    Since the very beginning, the good guys own the Ring. Since it is the most powerful weapon in the world, many of them ask why it can’t be used against Sauron, the Dark Lord. Even though the Ring was forged by him and undoubtedly it is evil, yet it could help to pursue a good end, they suspect.

    This is an extraordinary way to ask the question: could the means be subordinated to the ends? Can a good end be pursued by evil means? Tolkin answers that no, _evil means can only bring to an evil end – no matter if the original intentions are good_.’

    • Let us think of it in simplistic terms: Can one sell one’s soul to the devil and produce a good outcome?
      Whether Lucifer or the soul exists or not is immaterial.

      Can one sell one’s soul to the devil and produce a good outcome? Say, “peace on earth”?
      Bear in mind, “peace on earth” includes the peace of the grave – if all people are dead, there is no more war.
      What if we remove that peace from the options; what is necessary for peace, then? All people must live in peace, yes? then all people must think alike… An army of organic machines, with identical programming. No more male or female differences. No more differing points of view. At best, it’s “The Giver,” at worst, it will degrade into extinction pretty quickly.

      I think any example would urn out the same, but would appreciate anyone thinking of an example of good outcomes to post it, please.

  8. ‘And here we have the correct understanding of the theme of the novel [_LotR_]: it is about the evils of power. More precisely, the book aligns itself against power–not “economic power” or “social power”, but specifically political power. This is also the central theme of the classical liberal political tradition.

    This has been explained in various occasions by Tolkien himself:
    “You can make the Ring into an allegory of our own time, if you like: and allegory of the inevitable fate that waits for all attempts to defeat evil power by power” (The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 1995, p. 121.)

    “Power is an ominous and sinister word in all these tales” (p. 152.)
    “The story is cast in terms of a good side, and a bad side, beauty against ruthless ugliness, tyranny against kingship, moderated freedom with consent against compulsion that has long lost any object save mere power, and so on” (pp. 178-179.)

    “In my story Sauron represents as near an approach to the wholly evil will as is possible. He had gone the way of all tyrants: beginning well, at least on the level that while desiring to order all things according to his own wisdom he still at first considered the (economic) well-being of other inhabitants of Earth. But he went further than human tyrants in pride and the lust for domination, being in origin an immortal (angelic) spirit” (p. 243.)

    “Of course my story is not an allegory of Atomic power, but of Power (exerted for domination)” (p. 246.)

    So, we can say The Lord of the Rings fictionalize Edmund Burke’s motto: “In vain you tell me that Artificial Government is good, but that I fall out only with the Abuse. _The Thing, the Thing itself is the Abuse!_”

    That’s what Tolkien is trying to convey and dramatize in a novel over 600,000 words long.

    The Lord of the Rings is the epic journey to destroy the One Ring, which symbolizes power – and this is very clear when you understand that the Ring not only confers power but also imposes serfdom on the wearer. The man who wears the Ring becomes a slave at the same time as he is made supremely powerful.

    This is an allegory for what actually happens in our world every day: rulers, even well-intentioned and idealistic ones, are ruled themselves at the same time. They are ruled by consensus and by the spasmodic hunger to acquire yet more power than they already have.

    This is why the state has never been limited, as the classical liberal thinkers had hoped it would be – because _the people in charge of keeping the power of the state limited never do so_. Politicians and rulers generally, always want to become more important and more respected – more powerful, in short.

    It does not matter what stirring words a politician uses to legitimize his actions; he is inside a vicious circle he can’t escape. As Edmund Burke put it many years ago, “Ask of politicians the ends for which laws were originally designed, and they will answer that laws were designed as a protection for the poor and weak (…) but surely no pretence can be so ridiculous (…).” (Edmund Burke, A Vindication of Natural Society, 1756).

    Tolkien was fond of that idea. Indeed, he went one step further, saying, “My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs) …”
    (The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 1995, p. 63.; See NYT Review.)

    In Tolkien’s vision, the power is always evil – a good power cannot even exist.

    Since the very beginning, the good guys own the Ring. Since it is the most powerful weapon in the world, many of them ask why it can’t be used against Sauron, the Dark Lord. Even though the Ring was forged by him and undoubtedly it is evil, yet it could help to pursue a good end, they suspect.

    This is an extraordinary way to ask the question: could the means be subordinated to the ends? Can a good end be pursued by evil means? Tolkin answers that no, _evil means can only bring to an evil end – no matter if the original intentions are good_.’

  9. Here is the full Tolkien quote in context.

    From a letter to Christopher Tolkien [from his father J.R.R. Tolkien] 29 November 1943

    [In the summer of 1943, Christopher, then aged eighteen, was called up into the Royal Air Force. When this letter was written, he was at a training camp in Manchester.]

    “My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (_philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control_ not whiskered men with bombs) – or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy. I would arrest anybody who uses the word State (in any sense other than the inanimate realm of England and its inhabitants, a thing that has neither power, rights nor mind); and after a chance of recantation, execute them if they remained obstinate!

    If we could get back to personal names, it would do a lot of good. Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people. If people were in the habit of referring to ‘King George’s council, Winston and his gang’, it would go a long way to clearing thought, and reducing the frightful landslide into Theyocracy.

    Anyway the proper study of Man is anything but Man; and the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity. And at least it is done only to a small group of men who know who their master is.

    The mediævals were only too right in taking _nolo episcopari_ as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers. And so on down the line.

    But, of course, the fatal weakness of all that – after all only the fatal weakness of all good natural things in a bad corrupt unnatural world – is that it works and has worked only when all the world is messing along in the same good old inefficient human way.

    The quarrelsome, conceited Greeks managed to pull it off against Xerxes; but the abominable chemists and engineers have put such a power into Xerxes’ hands, and all ant-communities, that decent folk don’t seem to have a chance.

    We are all trying to do the Alexander-touch – and, as history teaches, that orientalized Alexander and all his generals. The poor boob fancied (or liked people to fancy) he was the son of Dionysus, and died of drink.

    The Greece that was worth saving from Persia perished anyway; and became a kind of Vichy-Hellas, or Fighting-Hellas (which did not fight), talking about Hellenic honour and culture and thriving on the sale of the early equivalent of dirty postcards.

    But the special horror of the present world is that the whole damned thing is in one bag. There is nowhere to fly to.

    Even the unlucky little Samoyedes, I suspect, have tinned food and the village loudspeaker telling Stalin’s bed-time stories about Democracy and the wicked Fascists who eat babies and steal sledge-dogs.

    There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.

    Well, cheers and all that to you dearest son. We were born in a dark age out of due time (for us). But there is this comfort: otherwise we should not know, or so much love, what we do love. I imagine the fish out of water is the only fish to have an inkling of water.

    Also we have still small swords to use. ‘I will not bow before the Iron Crown, nor cast my own small golden sceptre down.’ Have at the Orcs, with winged words, hildenǣddran (war-adders), biting darts – but make sure of the mark, before shooting.”

  10. “The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire … Must be a yearning deep in the human heart to stop other people from doing as they please. Rules, laws — always for the other fellow.”

    — Robert Heinlein

    “There are two ways people can relate to each other: voluntarily or coercively. The government is pure coercion, and sociopaths are drawn to its power and force.”

    — Doug Casey

    “As Aristotle pointed out, most people have slave minds, and prefer to be told what to do and where to line up for chow. Of course many people are not like that, and they are the ones who have given us civilization as we know it.”

    — John Dean “Jeff” Cooper, October 2002

    “The most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.”

    — J.R.R. Tolkien, _The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien_

  11. “We are not allowed, for example, to buy serviceable, inexpensive A to B transportation like the Renault Kwid”

    I get your point. But I really don’t want no Renault. 😉 Might rebel if I were “forced” to buy one.

    By the way,”intellectually glaucomic” is a fabulous phrase. Kudos to you or whomever originated it.

  12. Healthcare and C20 are deliberately chosen because with those two there is absolutely nothing the ruling class can’t say they should manage for the common good. Nothing is safe. Throw a boogiman under every bed as has been done since 2001 and all the elements are there to manage us not as free range human livestock as in the past, but caged industrial farm livestock.

  13. Since you used a photo the Republicans used in trying to defeat BO, I had to inject a bit of fact about that. The whole program of supplying or at least paying a partial phone bill came about during Reagan’s reign. As all “programs” do, it grew and reached its maximum during none other than the evil, treasonous, traitorous, George Bush reign of terrrrr.

    The fact that it has less people is obviously some political process, most probably Republican designed, to take as much away from those with the least. BO has shown little interest in ramping it back to its former glory days under the Shrub so the woman who is supposedly saying BO provided her a phone is a duplicitous political ploy thought up by his enemies during an election(as if elections aren’t simply different tactics for the next four years these days, mostly by the party “out of power” as they refer to the presidency).

    It’s simply another way to waste my and your and everyone else’s money via force. The corollary of this program was likely a new tack of lobbyist for the phone companies to receive more govt. money, hence, follow the money……as always.

    • Once upon a time when businesses wanted more customers they found ways to offer products at lower prices. Today the way to get more customers is to have government subsidize higher prices.

  14. As I see it, the things that Trump COULD do wrong are fixable. Once the electorate has been replaced with third worlders there’s no going back. If we lose on immigration we lose it all, forever.

    • Hi Kman,

      It’s not immigration (legal or otherwise) that’s the problem. It’s the existence of Free Stuff. The transfer state. Welfare.

      End that – and the “immigration crisis” becomes a non-issue.

      • Exactly so, Eric. Ditto. Bully.
        – –

        Stef Molyneux wanders off the libertarian anarchist think tank reservation long enough to run the numbers and report back.

        I detest “borders”, I cringe at the mere discussion and validation of such an imaginary double yellow line lunacy that exists only to empower Crums and their murderous swervings of Statecraft.

        Be that as it may, see above the – Truth About Immigrants and Welfare – gathered by Molyneux’s minions and powerfully presented in top notch almost Hitler-esque fashion on his Freedomain Radio Heimat Rant Channel. Or check the data yourself.
        http: cis . org / Welfare-Use-Immigrant-Native-Households

        53% of black households take welfare

        54% of hispanic households take welfare

        70% of immigrant hispanic households take welfare

        Stef is furious there robbing his wallet and his children’s future. I am too, but about the whole enchilada, not any small subset of the whole rancid taco truck careening wildly on the road to serfdom nowhere nobodydom.

        The blacks are being outcompeted in the GibsMeDat arena by beaners who not only suck up all the free money, but also manage to assimilate in only a few generations, unlike Blacks who never yet have for the most part.

        Crom bless them, because they’d rather be humiliated and destitute, than start at the bottom of the limpwristed clover conga gangbang called the American Schvitzing Pot. Now Bix Nudists be doubly buggered, both by the productive class, and the famished emerging new dominant alternate underclass.

        Progress marches on. There’s new Mexican and Muslim Mafia underclasses to be amassed and further weaponized to keep us from finally patching the holes in our ship of state and finally setting out from port in search of treasure once again.

        Good old forcibly United Dixie Ireland Scotland Israel Palestine Kingdoms and United States of Anglo American New World Marching Orders of Greater Britannia

        Such a precious young Suffragette Cloverette Singing Rule Britannia

        Suffrage means her being able to vote on some details of her enslavement, just like us working class, taxpaying class, lucky common gentlemen.

        She’s come a long way, baby.

      • Not so sure it’s that simplistic, Eric.
        It would help end the problem, no doubt, but the importation of “refugees” has changed the game.
        If you change the demographics by importing specifically the “bad apples” of atavistic cultures, you destroy the fabric of society. In essence, it’s, “I’m changing the game, taking my ball, and going home.” (All in one.)
        Change the rules; Change the players; Isolate yourself from the outcome; force the Proles to “work it out” with the demonstrably superior cultures (WRT knowledge, scientific inquiry, sociological and/or technological advancement, legal theory [*: Not law itself], and cultural ideals – now mostly extinct because of the importation of “differing views” of the mutlinational barbarians).

        In simplistic terms, the culture has been adulterated.
        Freedom = submission to Allah (still in progress, refocused from “material wealth” just a few years back).
        Freedom = choosing what brand to advertise (wear) today – ignoring the option of NOT advertising Nike, Reebok, Under Armor, Armani… (Caveat: Armani doesn’t label theirs, but it is a “visible” advertisement because of the fine tailoring – as such, it shows money…. Also an advertisement of sort…)

        Legal immigration is less of a problem, as it tends to import those who have marketable skills. Even H-1Bs used to be something good – IT technicians, engineers, testers, who wanted to come and build something in America.
        currently, I’m out of the loop, and don’t know what the H-1B status is. Maybe they’re still the same, but I seem to recall hearing about H-1Bs being imported for “service” jobs… Not exactly a “high quality” individual, if that’s their only achievement. (Leaving aside that some immigrants come in with credentials that no one will respect – I’ve heard of doctors who aren’t allowed to practice medicine, and while that might be good in some cases – E.G., “the last to graduate medical school is called doctor” – there are undoubtedly those who are perfectly capable, and blackballed just the same, because of bureaucracy and idiocy.)

        Illegal immigration will often have a lower skill set, and are by dint of crossing the border without permission, breaking the law – making them undesirable on that point alone. Some, like Cesar Milan, will make good; more will be criminals in other ways, too, and rack up impressive damages, and crimes like identity theft…. Plus, with minimal skills, and often no desire to assimilate, there’s a problem from the get-go. Americans, meanwhile, are unwilling to do actual work… Making the illegals more useful, as they’ll work for less, and under the table… Displacing those who were trying to enter the workforce in the past – usually the young and inexperienced who need to get started SOMEWHERE…. So flipping burgers is OK, because it’s a JOB. Now that the illegal can do it for less, and the American is often unreliable (bear in mind the socialistic nature of Millenials, reported elsewhere; aka, “I’m owed a paycheck” (note nothing about a job…)) … … …
        Yeah, we’re now getting into the soup.

        The Free Stuff is one thing; illegals willing to undercut the locals is another. We’re not talking about a Mexican who will illegally open a mechanic’s shop, either – he’s “skilled labor,” and could just as easily be opening a plumbing, HVAC, electrician, or machine shop. He should’ve come legally, but will still be a net positive.

        But the illegal, who comes to capitalize on the welfare you mentioned, PLUS won’t assimilate, PLUS has no skills, and therefore undercuts the local labor force? That causes a chain of dominos, even when you remove the welfare incentive.

        Lastly, there is a valid concern that enemies are entering the country now, illegally preparing for an internal war (sedition, and supply chain creation)… As if we didn’t have enough problems already.

        That last one is possibly the worst, as it enables enemies to create counter-cultures and safe zones for said cultures within the “enemy’s” (that’s us) borders.
        Just as we could not determine at a glance if the officer is one of the good ones, or one who should be roasted, slowly, for being an evil SOB – and might therefore err on the “safe” side of shooting them, regardless of uniform?
        Well, the invaders have a religion that commands them to take over the world, EXPLICITLY.

        It’s turning a blind eye to the military build-up, hanging to the rear so if it all comes crashing down, you can scream, “I told you so!”

        Allowing invaders in is a problem. Legal immigration can be bad enough; illegal immigration worse.
        Enforced “multiculturalism” is the worst of all, as those deciding will run away to private, fenced enclaves of wealthy, usually white, elites – and the rest of us, meantime, are stripped of economic, legal, and physical standing to resist or oppose the dilution of our culture.

        BTW, Assimilated immigrants are Americans.
        UN-assimilated migrants (regardless of being born here) are NOT. E.G., Japanese Americans served in the army during WW2. they’d been born here, spoke English, and had assimilated. Similar with Germans, for that matter. Native Americans as well.

        But now? the Hispanics, Latinos, and OTMs entering are gang members – and being shipped to Dearborn, MI; Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; Seattle, WA; Hawaii (didn’t get the city, but probably the “big island”). And they’re listed as “children” and deposited in schools….
        We can do the math on what that’s all about (dilution of culture via violence, importation of the “other”, and language).

        We’re at war – and it’s not actually with the immigrants, but with our ersatz rulers/owners….

  15. eric, you left out the part of the population who think they should be given special treatment. I frequently have to deal with people entering the interstate and it’s common for them to cause you to have to move into the other lane because they want to speed up at their own pace, traffic be damned. It happens constantly and everybody COULD blend in if they wanted but they expect a trucker to move over, let them in and then often stay beside the truck on the right and very slowly accelerate away to a speed the truck can’t even attain.

    Every now and then when confronted with this situation and I know they have literally hundreds of HP under their right foot I’ll just stay in that lane causing them to slow down. When they speed up and come around you though it’s hell to pay if it’s a woman. I don’t recall the last time a man flipped me off since they know well they were screwing up but women, esp. young women, are free with the bird and will even turn their red, contorted face around as they cuss you for not bowing to their obvious elevated status.

      • I think the approved term is Estrogen American.

        Why Don’t You Check “Your” Privilege?”

        Those who declare that others need to “check their privilege” are engaging in projection; they are the most privileged individuals you’re likely to run across.

        Case in point: I was driving in my neighborhood today and ended up behind some lady in a brand new Honda Civic. Neatly slapped onto the back of her car’s rear bumper was a “Check your privilege” sticker, right beside an “I love Obamacare” sticker.

        Just to re-hash: she’s driving a car that is worth, at minimum, $19,000.

        Yet I, the one driving a 20-year-old car with 200,000+ miles on it, who has to do much of my own maintenance to avoid expensive repairs, need to check my privilege.

        Maybe I might have gone and checked it, if I was hearing this from a starving kid in Zimbabwe suffering from dysentery, and not some woman dressed to kill and driving a freaking brand new car.

        She sure isn’t starving. Side note: she also didn’t have the best navigational skills.

        Someone suggest she may have earned the money to buy the car, but doesn’t that miss the point? She’s announcing that every unfortunate person stuck behind her has to check their privilege, meaning she presumes you have it.

        My question is; has she checked hers?

        Why am I supposed to assume she hasn’t had a privileged life, that she started out in the worst environment possible and earned everything she owned by herself? Why must I assume the best of her, especially when she refuses to do the same?

        Besides, if she had earned it through sheer hard work, do you really think she’d be using it as free advertisement for Obamacare?


        The only thing more insulting than being told to check my privilege is being told to do so by someone who obviously is more privileged than I.

        The only thing I do when I hear someone say this to me is “check” out of the conversation and try to avoid screaming at them about how daddy gave them a free ride through their four years at a private college to learn how oppressed they are while “privileged” individuals like myself got to work unpleasant minimum wage jobs and sleep in non-heated shacks in order to graduate debt free from a public university.

          • Most likely.

            Like Jimmy Buffet, I’ve always known, it’s some other unseen guy’s fault. She’s a pawn in his game that serves some other king. If I lose the game he’s set in motion, (and often I will) well then… it’s my own damn fault.

            I’ve never hit a woman in my life. But see no justification to mandate that be the “law.”

            Never needed to do much damage to a guy in a fight. Usually he’s drunk and I pull him down to the ground by his shirt, pin him down, and let him flail and holler and punch himself out with severely reduced lung capacity.

            I try to keep up on the latest iterations of the Grey’s battles of the sexes, but I don’t really have a dog or “bitch” in the fight.

            In the household, ladies have final say and control, cause I only have such a McMansionDungeon because chicks seem to dig such things.

            Scars heal. Glory fades. And all we’re left with all the memories made.

            Oh yeah, pain hurts. But only for a minute. Life is short so go on and live it . ‘Cause the chicks dig it!

      • The biggest fault in the U.S.A. is that women don’t get the shit kicked out of them enough.
        No, it’s ‘people’ like you who feel that way.
        No one deserves to be treated like that unless they have initiated it. And I don’t mean verbally.

            • Try dating in DC, Seattle, NYC – then get back to us. 🙂
              Women can be some of the nastiest DOB (Daughter of..) around, and with the rigged game (family courts and “domestic violence” laws, combined with the natural tendency for men to help women, i.e., “white knighting” for them) – I’m of similar opinion with Ramrod. (Burned too many times.)

              I hope that you will not be raked over the coals too harshly in you pending legal situation. I’d be surprised if your wife’s counsel didn’t suggest (if not mandate) allegations of “abuse.”
              Examples include Mary Winkler, acquitted of premeditated murder, because her husband wanted her to wear high-heeled shoes during their intimate relations…..

              she is an egregious example, but not unique – look up the “Duluth Model” of domestic violence. Control the money? Abuser. Don’t reign in her profligate spending? Abuser! Talk to her harshly? Abuser. Refuse to talk to her? Abuser. Ask her to take care of her appearance? Abuser. Ignore her appearance? Abuser. Take care of the children? You’re ignoring her, you abuser! DON’T take care of the children? You’re an abuser- neglect!
              And in all of it, she’s a helpless victim.

              I’ve dated one who was a “good woman,” used in the old sense – and even she needed to be metaphorically slapped down now and then. (Once or twice in two years – versus five times a day with the current harpy, mind, and I need to be CRUEL with the current one, or she’s cruel to me. It’s painful to me, but if I’m human? I get burned anyway, because I’m not paying enough attention to her. So I’m an asshole instead, and I’m marginally better than being human, but desperately alone because I have to treat her like a thing. At least with the dog, I could put it in a crate and leave it there. With the woman, like water wearing down a stone or a waterfall moving up the river, she is ALWAYS digging into the cracks, always seeking to control, always working to direct, always issuing demands, and I mean DEMANDS, not requests – as in the language is an explicit order. And if I respond with force? Abuse. If I DON’T respond? That’s abuse, too. Leave? Abuse. But if I’m a smartass and treat her like a whore? She’s marginally human. And that’s after a decade of trying to talk to her, direct her, communicate to her, and I’m explicitly a higher-value individual – smarter, younger, stronger, more capable, more enduring, and higher ranking in the social and corporate world. )
              So, yes – “some men plain need killin’.” And some women plain need a bitch-slap or backhand.

              Not so bad in flyover country, but watch “The Golden Girls” and “Sex and the City,” merge the two, and see what a nasty woman will do the moment a man is insecure or unsure of things… (“Golden Girls” is relevant only because it’s a half-hour of insults masquerading as comedy; the jibes get nasty sometimes, and personal, and then you insert that attitude into the feminine wet-dream of “Sex in the City,” where an aging 40-something can capture a millionaire playboy…? Seriously, if you were a millionaire playboy, or a “50 shades” what’s-his-name playboy, would you take a 40-ish woman…? Or the 18-year-old who wants to “find herself” and could easily be manipulated to be your plaything? And would THANK YOU for it? And likely forgive anything “on the side” as well?

              It’s not YOUR morality that matters, either, it’s hers.

              Try this… 🙁

              “Modern game is a light version of the pimp game, and shares many strategies with what pimps of old used to do. If you read this book, you’ll have many moments where you think, “Hey, I do that!” Women now voluntarily seek out and prefer the behavior of men who share qualities possessed by old-time pimps.”

              And, while I can’t find it offhand, there’s another article there (an admittedly biased site, I concede, but truth is truth, and once it works in real life… One is inclined to follow it, for good or bad) about women intentionally egging men on, a “burden of performance” it’s called. She can dress like a slut, but you’re not allowed to react.
              And lots of others….

              Further, you can find hundreds of blogs along the same lines. Nothing unique. e.G., Dalrock, blogging from a Christian scriptural view… Try his latest post or so. Commenting on how modern counseling tells men to let women rule… And follows the Duluth model above.

              If she is seeking violence, and you cannot respond that way?
              If she is endlessly needling you about trivialities, and you can neither respond, nor walk away from her foolishness?

              It is the same behavior we see with Clover.
              And just as intentional, whether conscious or not.
              You do not allow a child to rule the household; women are closer to children then we’d like to admit, myself more than most, as I’ve posted elsewhere: Why aspire to be a lesser human?
              Because it’s EASY. Because for anyone, male or female, to be an adult, to have full agency – you must take responsibility for your actions.
              Women have “hormones,” “bad hair days,” “emotions.” Men get to deal with those, plus their own internal concerns, and the slightest hint of weakness, and she will capitalize on it, as if you were riding a tiger….
              NAWALT (Not all women are like that.) But why eat a rotten apple to find the 1% that’s good? Just toss it and find a different apple.
              If she’s a bitch, dump her ass on the side of the road.

              Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (New American, I think – Proverbs 31:10)

              Wish it weren’t so, but it is.

              As for the NAP: Same deal as I keep harping on with the Police and Gov’t: They’re ALREADY pushing, ALREADY seeking to find an excuse, ALREADY AGGRESSING. Some even inflict bodily harm.
              So they’re already in violation of the NAP, and in that case correcting them (in appropriate fashion) is actually applying the Golden Rule: they want to be treated like adults, as fully moral agents? They need to ACT like it, not act like whiny bitches and children. Refusing to correct the bad behavior or call them on their bullshit encourages the same behavior. Think of a child demanding ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: You get a fat kid with rotten teeth. OR, you play the role of “parent,” and force the child to eat quality food, and brush their teeth. Then you get a child who grows up to be disciplined and productive.

              Are you ignoring the NAP when disciplining a child?
              If that’s what Ramrod meant, disciplining the child (woman), he’s on the money, and not violating the NAP.

              And pretending that a woman is equal to a man here? Is not true. Faulty reasoning will flow from such a faulty assumption.
              fighting words, if you will, apply, and sometimes that’s the whole POINT: to assert the polarity of being a MAN, a Masculine polarity, instead of a whiny, emotional, “I WAN’ IT!” attitude of entitlement.

              How do you think we got here…?

              • I hear you, Jean.

                I’m still waiting to see how the situation develops; I’m hoping she and I can work it out. If not, I doubt I’ll ever go down that road again. Hard to refloat the Titanic, as it were. Better to lie peacefully on the seafloor.

                • I hope you can work it out.
                  I don’t think it’s worth it to lie on the bottom, though – while you might not want to do clubs and work towards a marriage, a good companion is still preferable. Even given my nightmare, I’d be out there in a flash – but not looking for “marriage 2.0.” It’s a practical thing, not a moral thing, and I don’t like being THAT alone… but finding someone with the same kinks as I have…?

                  Vegas has better odds! 🙂

                  Problem I have is, I’m not good at “clown game” (entertaining her). I’m not here to entertain; I’m here to build a relationship.

                  Most of the complaint above is, women want to be entertained now – not to find a quality man and create a family.
                  Water fills any container it is placed in. But she’ll follow the herd (fill the larger container) rather than fill the small container (marriage & family). No matter the size of the cage, it’s still a cage – but she’s been told that working outside the home is “empowerment,” and working for her own family is “slavery.”

                  This is what we actually are fighting. appeals to the basest, most self-serving, narcissistic, venal aspects of humanity. We’re fighting against doing things “the easy way.”
                  (And not just about women, but since they’re slightly more than half the population, you can feel the riptide from the shore. There’s another 20-45% who are facilitating that first 51% or so… They’re so invested in the Matrix they can’t change without significant physical and psychic pain… Whereas, going along gets them some basic needs met, including food, water, shelter, and sex – Maslow’s First Level of needs. Fighting can cost you those needs – and that means you cannot progress to higher levels, as the essential needs must be completed first. Then, second tier, then third, etc.)

                  • Jean, today people get divorced because their marriage does not make them happy. 50 years ago, people did not expect to be happy in marriage. They expected to raise a good family and conduct honorable lives.

                    • +1, man. 😉
                      Today, most don’t understand honor, either…

                      We play the hand we’re dealt, but we can be aggressive in our defense, or passive.

                      Passive gets us dead….
                      Aggressive might end up the same, but at least we stood up for what’s right along the way…

                • On the “manosphere” sites, somewhere, is a comparison from a “survivor” season, where men and women were split into teams. Men on one island, women on the other.

                  End result: Men built shelter, men hunted and foraged, had fire, cooked food.
                  Women complained, sunbathed, and ate the food they’d been given at the start.
                  That was ALL they did. No shelter, no foraging, no fire, just complaining, and showing themselves off.
                  And then they had to send men from the other team to the women’s “tribe,” and… Same basic scenario, the men worked, the women did nothing useful.

                  Supposedly it’s been replicated many times.
                  Always the same results.

                  Unbelievable, really, but telling…

  16. Eric,
    Regarding the graphic with Mussolini and Trump on a button, I need to call you on it and invoke Godwin’s law. For a good read on the topic I suggest “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg.
    On the topic of the article as a whole (and many of your others) it seems to me that you’re railing about the effects of Frankfurt School style cultural Marxism without actually putting a name on it.

    • Hi Kman,

      I don’t make any distinction between “liberals” and “conservatives” and Democrats and Republicans. They all reject the NAP and are thus fundamentally the same animal. They intend to tell you what to do – or else. They only differ (somewhat) as regards what they will tell you to do. None of them respect your right to be left the fuck alone; to not be told what to do. To live your life as you see fit, without being interfered with in any way unless what you’ve done (not “might” do) has actually caused someone else a tangible harm.

      Until this is grokked, we will just continue to spin wheels.

      Trump, for example, has used eminent domain to seize people’s land when they would not freely sell. That makes him a scumbag in my book. And his rhetoric drips with Mussolini-esque “I’ll make the (government) trains run on time” appeals to the Leadership Principle.

      Fuck him.

      I am not looking for a “leader.” Especially not a bloated bully with a bad toupee.

      I am looking to be left in peace.

    • No expansions of the stupid Godwin’s law. It is bad enough that implementations of Nazi policies cannot be called out as such without the chirping of “Godwin’s law”. Mussolini is only vaguely understood by the masses and taking note that Trump and Sanders are copying the 1930s playbook of Mussolini is valid. There have been a number of essays written on it that I’ve read alone thus far.

      The american people are (deliberately?) mis-taught what fascism is because well if they were taught correctly they would realize that the USA has essentially had a fascist system since the 1930s. We can’t have people learning that the modern crony relationship of corporations, government, and regulation is a fascist invention. Yes, the ideas of the economic regulation go very very far back into history but the modern twists come right out fascism. Copied into the US by FDR.

      We could compare Trump and Bernie to FDR but most people were mis-taught about FDR too.

      The schools are the root of the system’s power.

      • BrentP, I’m reading a new David Halberstam book “the fifties”. It’s a good read that deals with decades leading to the fifties and those at least a couple decades later. An underlying current through the book is the radical change from a somewhat Jeffersonian type democracy into a new superpower with the totalitarian theme that is part and parcel of an empire.

        It’s a very informative read touching subjects in a way I haven’t read of them before. I consider it a much better book than The Best and The Brightest.

      • Schindler’s List is possibly the most accurate portrayal of the American Economic System ever put on film. Note in the final credits it talks about Oscar’s inability to make it in the free market of post-war Germany.

      • The schools are the root of the system’s power.
        Boy, you got that one right. The ‘official’ history about FDR is about on a par with that of Lincoln – i.e., not even close to accurate.
        An appropriate claim of Godwin’s Law would be that of comparing ‘I’m-a-dinner-jacket,’ former president of Iran with Hitler, because Iran was not close to being the power that Nazi Germany was. Especially when the claim was based on a bad translation of one of his statements.

        • John D. Rockfeller, one of the early promoters and partial funders of ‘public education’ said: “I want a nation of workers, not thinkers.”


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