Texas Hero Blody Slams 12-Year-Old Girl


No doubt, she was a “threat” to “officer safety.”

Video has surfaced showing a San Antonio Independent School District police officer body-slamming a 12-year-old female middle school student onto a brick walkway.

The incident reportedly took place on March 29 at Rhodes Middle-School in San Antonio, Texas after officer Joshua Kehm said the pre-teen was having a confrontation with another student and tried to kick him.

The girl’s mother claims that is not true however, and asserts that her daughter was merely having a normal conversation with a peer when Kehm attacked her unprovoked.

The footage begins by showing the officer bear-hugging the girl from behind as she appears to be struggling to free herself from his grasp.

“Vanessa, chill,” one student can be heard saying before Kehm picks the middle-schooler up off the ground. He is then seen throwing her backwards onto the brick walkway as a crowd of her classmates gasp.

“Vanessa, are you OK?” the student asks as the pre-teen lay motionless on the ground appearing to be knocked unconscious. “She landed on her face.”

The footage shows Kehm then handcuff the girl behind her back and bring her to her feet. Fighting back tears, she is led away by the bully cop.

Watch the raw footage:

Gloria Valdez says her daughter is experiencing severe headaches as a result of the take-down and that Kehm, who began working for the school district in Feb. 2015, is a risk to attack again.

Executive director of communication for SAISD, Leslie Price, said the district has launched an investigation into the incident and placed Kehm on indefinite paid leave pending the result.

“It’s very very concerning. We’ve moved quickly to launch a formal investigation both at the police and the administrative level,” Price said. “We need to gather all the details, but also we will not tolerate excessive force in this district.”

The girl’s father, Raul Valdez, condemned Kehm’s actions and said it hurt him to see a grown man doing what he did to his daughter.

“I want to confront the officer, but thought it would be better to do everything legally,” he said. “I want justice for my daughter. These police are getting out of hand. They think they are above the law.”



  1. Perhaps Phero Kehm thinks he is a judge?!

    Some (perhaps too many) schools are not teaching students what they claim to teach. Body slamming a 12 year old should not be a desired outcome. This video is wrong on many levels. I do not know what the girl did or did not do, but there must have been a better way for an adult to deal with a child. (Even if the child was an annoying jerk.)

    Would education be better if it was not as centralized under state control as it is today?
    (A topic for another day and time.)

    • Exactly.

      No man does what he did to a 12-year-old female.

      Not necessary – and completely over-the-top.

      These “resource officer” heroes are among the worst of their tribe.


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