On the Bill Meyer Show


Here’s the audio clip of last week’s appearance on Bill Meyer’s HD Radio show:


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  1. I know you’re a busy man Eric, but if you ever do set up your own radio show or podcast let me know. You’d be a great independent radio show host, and I say this having been in broadcast/media for many years. I’d even be willing to help donate some time to editing/music production etc. to make it possible so people like me can have a program to listen to.

    There’s far too much “BOOM”, “WOW”, “POWERRR” rubbish flooding the automotive airwaves today that relatively conservative personalities like myself simply become disillusioned with the media altogether. We’re craving for our own little space to take refuge in and get away from Top Gear-ism.

    Either or, good show and thank you.

    • Speaking of internet radio, I wonder what an outfit like darkmatter pays. At least for midnight in the desert it’s like broadcast radio with commercials. The other shows I’ve listened to bits of seem the same.

  2. Good questions from the audience. I particularly liked the guy (Ron?) who asked about the batteries and the shifting of dirty from the back end to the front (invisible) end. I’m a broken record, I know, but I have many years of manufacturing behind me. The batteries are crazy dirty and don’t ‘recycle’ for shit.

    I am actually way more concerned about the thought of these cars being put out to pasture (literally) than the subsidies.


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