On With Tom Woods Today


Just a heads up that I will be a guest on Tom Woods’ podcast today (Aug. 23) at 11 a.m. east coast time. Tom’s a fellow anti-Clover and car guy, too. Hope you’ll tune in but if you miss it, don’t worry – the audio will be available here within 24 hours or so.

Speaking of which: I just posted the audio of my recent appearance on Bill Meyers’ show; it’s available here.

I also wants to publicly thank an EPautos stalwart supporter – MB – for his recent very generous donation. There are several others who deserve to be mentioned, including SafeRide, LG and KL in particular. They really stepped up. I’ll be very direct – the site would be in trouble without them.

Thanks, guys!

We’re making progress toward a full green circle for the month but need your support to get there.

If you dig what goes on here, please consider helping. Independent media outlets like EPautos can only make it with the backing of readers like you.

Will you help us?

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 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

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      • It is only when I hear my own voice on a recording do I realize I must really annoy a lot of people with the way I sound. What echoes around in our heads is not what everyone else hears. You got lucky!


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