The New EPautos


Most of the reviews have been positive – and we’re working on the tweaks suggested by many of you, including making comments easier to find. Please continue to send me your thoughts/comments/suggestions about what we can do to make the site more usable and useful to you.clover-lead

One of the next things we have in the works is – god help me – “EP TeeVee” – me, live, available for you to beat like a Wal Mart pinata, if you like. Or just ask me questions and I will do my best to offer up an intelligent reply. (If I can’t do that, I’ll ‘fess up and tell you to ask someone else.)

We may also try to organize the 20-plus years of car reviews I’ve got on file into an alphabet-accessible roster of some kind. Example: You are interested in reading about the 2010 Audi A4. Click on Audi, then the model, then the year – presto!

All the recent changes (credit to Ben Kiser, web oberfuhrer) have been made possible by your support. You guys chipping in let me hire Ben and – fingers crossed – continue to keep him around.

So, thanks – to you and to him.

Right now, about halfway through the month, we are doing ok. But not quite at the 50 percent of “there” threshold.street-whore

Which brings up something I want to share with you. I get regular offers to whore out my name and this site by greasy “SEO” advertising companies who don’t want to pay for advertisements but do want to pay guys like me to write shill “articles” that are advertisements, just not honestly so. Here’s the latest such offer:

From: Lois Hanson <[email protected]>
To: Eric Peters <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: Write an article for us at for a fixed fee
Thank you for you answer,
My company presents an online gambling company.
I would like to post a new article at your site. The article should fit the site and the readers, as it possibly can. This is why I prefer you will write it.
It should not mention “advertisement”, “sponsors”, “PR”. It should have the same writing style like all other articles. It should be at least 350-400 words and with unique content (not copied from any other site).
Could you please tell me if that’s possible? What will be the price for that?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Lois Hanson
I don’t – and won’t – whore my ass out this way or try to put a plate of bullshit under your nose, either.
Which is why I ask for your support. It makes it feasible for me to tell “Lois” and her ilk to go chew fish heads!

Please help us keep the wheels turning! 

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

EPautos stickers – new design, larger and magnetic! – are free to those who send in $10 or more to support the site.epautoslogo



  1. Eric,

    You say you “get regular offers to whore out my name and this site”.

    What do you expect dressed like that? I’d say you have it coming.

    And how can you drive in those boots?

  2. The old site was buggy on my Android phone – lots of field overlaps, can’t sign in, etc.. This looks better on my phone but is pretty heavy and takes quite a while for my older Android phone to load.

    Also, I had to clear Firefox cache on my PC in order to view the new site. Otherwise I couldn’t see any article text, although I could see the comments below.


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