Lions of Liberty Show


Well, podcast.

I’ll be on today at 1 p.m. east coast time. New show (er, podcast) for me. They’ve had Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura on before, so I think we’ll be simpatico. See here to find out more about the show (uh, podcast).

If you miss the live broadcast, don’t worry – the audio will be available here, too.

I also have some “prototype” EPautos stuff/gear in the works. Including business cards, which everyone who gets an EPautos magnet will also get henceforth. Also, possibly, we will have mousepads and pens and maybe even T shirts, too.

Rather than hawk these, I’m thinking I’ll just give them to people who support the site by “x” (to be determined) amount. I will post some pics shortly and keep everyone hipped.

What else?

Well, you tell me!

This goes for site improvements, things you’d like to see (or things you’d prefer not to see) as well as tips/story leads – which several of you already do regularly. If you come across something you think might be worth a rant, e-mail me ([email protected]) and I will latch on with my yellow teeth and sore gums.

Should have some hopefully entertaining new car reviews shortly; also a rant about Obama’s last-minute effort to impose a carbon dioxide “emissions” regime on the country.

Stay tuned!

And, as always, thanks to everyone who reads and support EPautos! I couldn’t do this without you.

If you have had it with control freak Clovers, Goo-guhl, diversity mongers and like contrarian, liberty-minded media, please consider supporting EPautos.

We depends on you to keep the wheels turning!

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

EPautos stickers – new design, larger and magnetic! – are free to those who send in $10 or more to support the site.epautoslogo






  1. I will probably download that podcast, but I quit listening to Lions of Liberty because I got tired of listening to the host yapping like a chihuahua about the importance of voting for the so-called Libertarian Presidential candidate Johnson.


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