EP on Info Wars (Aug. 25, 2017)


Here’s the audio/video of my chat earlier today with David Knight over at InfoWars:

We talked about a variety of topics, including the odd double standard that applies to “our safety” when it conflicts with the goals of government.

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  1. What all of this ultimately is , is the re-invention of Feudalism through the use of technology. Control and limitation of public mobility, lack of private ownership, denial of the means or access to personal self-defense, control and oversight of private finances; these are all inherent aspects of feudalism. Laugh if you like, but even the 1960’s TV series “Star Trek”, warned of this danger in an episode where an entire planet’s inhabitants were forced to have an “instrument of obedience” implanted in their temples, if they were to remain a “citizen” of that planet. of course, you could opt for the alternative, which was expulsion and death.

    • Hi Graves,

      Indeed. It’s becoming obvious, too. I think one of the next Great Leaps Forward will be the partial abolition of cash via the elimination of larger denomination bills, such as $100s and possibly $50s. If they succeed, and I suspect they will, then the rest will be eliminated and people will be forced to use forms of payment that are subject total, real-time monitoring and control.

      If I were younger and still had some hope for the future, I’d leave this country while there is still time.


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