InfoWars This Week …


I’ll be a guest on InfoWars later this week, looks like Weds. I’ll post an update (today, 10:30 east coast time) with the exact show time as soon as I know. Should be fun. David Knight will probably be interviewing me and he’s solid, a car guy who knows the issues and asks good questions.

I am sending out a bunch of stickers today; apologies – per usual – for the delay. You know the story. I am just one dude and not getting any younger. I need a clone – or a cute young intern – but since neither are forthcoming, it’s all on me to get everything done and that includes keeping my five cats in tune and the Fuhrerbunker stocked with wood for the coming winter.

If we have a good month this month, I am going to order a fresh batch of magnets. Haven’t had any for a few months because they’re more expensive to order than the decals.

Thanks, as always, to all who support this little Internet freehold and bastion of respecting-your-right-to-be-left-the-hell-alone.

It’s too bad more people don’t grok the goodness – but with your help, I’m working on changing their minds!

If you like what you’ve found here, please consider supporting EPautos.

We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!

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 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos stickers are free to those who send in $20 or more to support the site. Also, the eBook – free! – is available. Click here. Just enter you email in the box on the top of the main page and we’ll send you a copy ASAP.




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