Latest Reader Comment (Nov. 11, 2017)


Here is the latest reader Comment, along with my comments! 

Will writes: I used to work for Xerox. We had a fleet of K car station wagons, many caught fire while driving. Mine caught fire fire while driving on RT 270 in the Gaithersburg, Maryland. Although Xerox policy at the time allowed technicians to opt to drive their own car, I was told that I must drive another company K car as if they allowed me to drive  my own car, then all Xerox technicians would make that same choice due to the massive fear of those cars. That would result in hundreds of leased K car sitting idle, and Xerox having  to reimburse hundreds of techs for using their own car. My experience of that fire and explosions was too traumatic to ever even park next to a K car, so I resigned from my good paying job. To this day, I resent Xerox’s decision to insist that I use another fiery K car and I will not park next to one.

My reply: I’ve heard just about everything – I thought! – about the K-cars, but never that they were prone to lighting up as you’ve described.

Anyone else want to chime in?

John writes: I started at age 16 with a 57 Chevy my parents owned. At age 17, a classmate and I converted it from automatic to a 3-speed Hurst manual in his father’s garage in a single weekend working from underneath. (I had planned for six months; the hardest part was the mechanical clutch linkage – the junk yard dog nearly killed me!) Ten years later his father offered me one of the top residency positions in the world. During my training, I saw the 1984 Voyager at a car show in Boston. I bought that for my growing family. My first ‘professional’ car was a Plymouth Reliant from the mid-80’s. It functioned perfectly until it was stolen on Christmas Eve a few years later.  Fortunately, the Chrysler stock I had bought made up for any losses, and some.  Now I drive a Sube and a Highlander, but I dream of the Austin Healy 3000, like my older brother had while he was in the Navy.  When I look at the Tesla, it looks like a fancy stainless steel trash can with wheels. Thanks for reminding me that I’ve had pretty good luck!!
. . .

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