Latest Reader Question (Feb. 19, 2018)


Here is the latest reader question, along with my reply:

Mark asks: Thought I’d pick your brain on your hauler of choice for the whole family. 12 person Ford Transit or the Nissan NV passenger… Not sure there are any other choices worth considering… .

My reply: These are two very different animals, despite their general similarity. The Nissan is the more utilitarian – and Spartan – of the two. The Ford is also available with features and amenities comparable to those offered in standard minivans while the Nissan’s roster of equipment is more . . . Spartan.

Both are, however, great choices for moving lots of people relatively inexpensively.

I’d also suggest at least looking at the Dodge Ram ProMaster, which is available in “high roof” configuration and also offers a decent roster of amenities and features, if you want more than just the basic transport appliance.

Keep us posted!

. . .

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