AZ “heroes” Doing a Different Kind of “Duty”


Here’s a hilarious video report by an Arizona ABC affiliate about “heroes” screwing people – literally – while on “duty.”

Particularly hilarious is that the reporter prefaces the report with obsequious commentary about “99.9 percent kind protectors”  … and then goes on to detail multiple incidents of “heroes” screwing people in their cars, badgering women for dates and so on.

Of course, no meaningful consequences for those caught with their pants down – or pulling down the pants of their victims.

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  1. A guy I went to high school with got on the Akron, OH PD. He worked vice and bragged about how he could have sex with a hooker and then bust her. After he retired with full pension he went back to work at the department and was in charge of the evidence vault. Pounds of cocaine turned up missing and they pinned it on “the new guy” who happened to be black.

    Ahhh….The Brotherhood. “Hood” in this case can have multiple meanings…


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