Latest Radio (March 21, 2018)


Here’s the audio clip of yesterday’s talk on KMED radio with Bill Meyer. The main subject was the automated Uber’s first kill, but also a few others things:




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  1. Yesterday I serviced a 2015 Ford Fusion 5-Door Sports Sedan (with Camaro sized wheels and tires) that had no door lock controls, none, zip, zero! It locks all doors when you put it in gear, and unlocks all doors when out of gear, you have no options, and no control at all. I love how Ford seems to always want to lead the way into all this stupid shit (like their assinine, strangulating motorized shoulder belt in 1987). Thank God I only have to deal with this stupid shit in the shop, and not actually try to cope with it on the road!

    • I was beginning to think uncle might be the reason. When there is something assinine, uncle is usually behind it. And yes even the mouse belts, by 1987 Ford knew the regulation was coming for ’90 so anything they changed for ’87 that wouldn’t get changed again before ’90 would comply.

      Anyway a shallow dive shows that uncle has been pushing over the years for doors that stay closed in severe roll over crashes and crash testing shows better performance when the doors are locked. I can’t find a specific regulation yet but it appears that auto locking is better crash test performance. It would a cheap way to get a better score.

  2. OK,
    I have to agree with Nunzio on this. I hate Musk and his Tesla-Mania AND all the Govt. Control, coersion, and Unwanted involvement in our lives. However, looking at this situation, the video of the dash-cam, etc, I can only conclude that the Auto-car did no better or worse than I would, under the circumstances. Night, poor visibility of the woman who stepped out into traffic unexpectedly, really no different, and other than the Uber-car coincidence, rather unremarkable event that likely takes place every 10 minutes in this country. I find this to be just a case of media-frenzy for entirely circumstantial reasons. This is a clear example of “correlation does not equal causality”. Not that Uber, automated cars, and gender-fucked weirdos can all go in the landfill for all I care, I just think this is a rather mundane event, all things considered.


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