Hit and Run “hero” Caught on Video


Thank god for cameras. Without them, armed government workers would be able to get away with even more than they do – because it would be our word vs. theirs and our word is considered worthless while the word of an armed government worker is considered almost scriptural.

Here’s a video taken by a security camera which clearly shows a car driven by an armed government worker side-swiping a legally parked car, ripping off its mirror and causing other damage. The armed government worker does not stop or leave his name/contact information or insurance info – as the law requires. He simply drives off. Definition hit and run, for which anyone else would be prosecuted.

In this case, the armed government worker’s higher-ups had the effrontery to not only refuse to pay for the damages caused by the armed government worker, they did not charge the armed government worker with any offense – in spite of the incontrovertible video evidence of his crime.

Remember: This hit-and-run driver is “law enforcement.” Presumably, he knows “the law.” Arguably, he should be expected to obey it, just as he would enforce it upon others.

But then, we all know the scurvy truth – which is that armed government workers are a law unto themselves.

 . . .

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  1. A former friend who is a hero caused a wreck on duty too, and tried to blame the victim. She wouldn’t take it sitting down and refused the ticket, demanding the chief be called to the scene. Thankfully for the victim, there were lots of witnesses so he was unable to blame her. They off course took their time before finally (I think she had to threaten to sue) paying (with tax dollars of course) for the damage.

    Ended up on a desk for a few weeks. Likely in trouble more for wrecking a fairly new patrol vehicle, then damaging that woman’s car.


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