Latest Reader Question: Restoring Old Cars (April 25, 2018)


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Carl asks: I read your columns and live in North Carolina. I have several old cars worth restoring but have not been financially able to tackle the project. Hope I haven’t waited too long, particularly for my 1956 Chevrolet Bel-Air, which has a lot of sentimental value for me, in that my grandmother purchased it new in 1956. Some years ago I was a member of the Classic Chevy Club of Orlando, Florida. I can no longer find a club on line which has access to so many parts. There was a gentleman who made cloth on the original looms used by GM for these cars. Do you know if interior components like headliners, seat vinyl and fabric, door panels, carpet and mats, as well as rubber parts are still available? I assume that mechanical parts are still available for both engine and transmission.

My reply: The good news is you should be able to easily find almost any part you need for this car, whether New Old Stock (NOS) – which means, a factory-made part that’s new in the box – or a high quality reproduction indistinguishable from an original part.

Because the ’55-’57 Chevy is an extremely popular/collectible car. It is extensively supported by the aftermarket and even GM – which has authorized reproduction of sheetmetal and other parts for these cars.

Year One (click here) is an excellent resource; there are many others.

If you had a more off-the-beaten-path car, your search would be more challenging. But a ’55-’57 Chevy is in the same class as a ’67-’69 Camaro or a ’64-’73 Mustang.

A few calls ought to locate anything you need, parts or resources!

. . .

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