Video Rant: Rotted Fork Seals & OCD Chain Cleaning


Here’s a quick ran about leaky fork seals and a neater/easier way to clean a bike’s chain:

Look for a new rant – tomorrow, hopefully – about GM’s decision to put a four cylinder engine in the Silverado 1500.

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  1. Back in the day, when I had a Bandit 1200, instead of a motorcycle product for chain lube, I used chainsaw bar-and-chain oil, lathered on with an acid brush. To my eye, the chain on the bike stayed just as lubed with it versus the motorcycle specific product. Also, it was not sticky on the wheels and such as the other stuff was. Cleaning up from the bar and chain oil was a snap with acetone. Now, w/a belt-drive Harley, I don’t have those worries 😉


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