

Here’s a quick video of the latest saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety crap they are putting in cars in action. They call it emergency automated braking – but the brakes are applied when there’s no emergency. To gimp your desire to not brake. At the very least, these systems are peremptory and Old Lady. At the very worst, they are sneaky way to further take away control over the car, to thwart driving.

I will have an in-depth rant up later, but for now – here’s this!

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  1. The new 2018 Freightliner truck we had as a rental last summer had automatic breaking , I was going around a corner and it slammed on the brakes I am glad no one was behind me as they would have rear ended me .

  2. All this stuff could be avoided if we removed the state from their role of certifying drivers. The state issued driver’s license is at best a minimum qualification. But it has become the only real certification needed for just about anything. Rent a 47 foot box truck? Sure! Tow a 35 foot 5th wheel and boat trailer over high mountain passes? Yep, Uncle says that’s just fine.

    Seems to me in an alternative universe where the state issued DL didn’t exist there might be competition for driver training. And if those driving schools could be held accountable for putting an unsafe driver out on the road even better. As it is today just about every 16 YO driver who passes their “test” is a liability, but because the state says they passed Uncle gets off scot free. Then when they have a wreck the blame falls on technology instead of driver ability (unless the driver has consumed the arbitrary limit of the demon drink). So pile on the safety tech in hopes of compensating for the driver’s lack of skill.

    And if you’re such a bad driver you can’t get anyone to certify you, well, there’s always transportation options. At least in my alternative universe there are. Jitney buses, gypsy cabs, even streetcars and other so-called public transport. But again, uncle has to step in and soil the market, either by creating an artificial scarcity through over-aggressive licensing or just outlawing activity. Then once there’s no alternative our wonderful leaders can swoop in to “solve” the crisis they created. Here in Colorado there’s a new mass transport called the “Bustang.” It runs between cities from Glenwood Springs to Denver and will soon be expanding to Grand Junction. A quick check shows that Greyhound, Amtrak and several airlines already provide non-taxpayer funded (was non-subsidized, but we all know that’s not really the case) service between Junction and Denver, but that’s not good enough. Uncle has a plan and we all just have to sit back and let his minions guide us to the light…


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