Challenger 392 Ditches “Hero”


I stumbled on this video and it cheered me almost as much as that scene in Independence Day, when the Aliens give an electric enema to the White House. It was taken by a heroic  Dodge Challenger driver, who decided not to stop when an armed government worker – a law enforcer/”hero” – lit up his tax collecting Christmas lights. I think it will make you smile, too:


. . .

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  1. Hero didn’t have a chance. 🙂

    As long as they can’t get a glimpse of your plate, your chances of getting away are so much better. Don’t let them read your plate! Don’t stay out there to long either, gives them a chance to read your plate, find a place to hunker down. Another danger, places with permanent license plate reading cameras, don’t go by one if you know where they are. That one will be a hard one to prevent in the near future, because I imagine we won’t know where they all are.

    Also keep in mind, outside of most major cities, few departments have helicopters. So they have no way of hunting you with one, if they don’t even have one.

    Also, out in the country and in suburbs with little to do, it could be they are the only hero out there patrolling. AKA, their backup is a hero from a neighboring department, who could be 30-40 miles away. So if he is alone, he can’t corral you with his co-workers. Because he won’t have any other people to call on. I once lived in a town that would only have one hero out at night.

    Heroes like to claim you can’t outrun Motorola, but if he has nobody to call……..

    Seems out in the country is the best bet for running and getting away. Fewer cops with fewer resources.

    So glad you posted this video today, I had a sh##ty day and this video brightened it a bit. I have to own one of those cars someday!

  2. I’m reasonably sure he lost his “shadow” when he made his first turn off. A couple more for good measure never hurts, though, lol!

  3. I’ve done this many times. It is a great feeling, both during the chase and after.

    I wasn’t amused when the cops bought a new Mustang fast back with the top power setup for 1970 and waited in a parking lot right behind my house. A few 100mph soirees down alleys shed that fool quickly so I could continue to leave the city for a country house.

    My best friend and I used to drop my dumps when making the 150 trip back home from college. I’d back the timing up a bit and hold 100mph.

    I’ve had DPS turn on their lights to pursue and turn them off in 10 or 15 seconds when it was obvious they didn’t have a chance. It’s wonderful to be faster than the cops.

    The car sounded good. I wonder what the redline is on that engine. Didn’t sound twisted up very high.

    • Hi Eight,

      Me too!

      Last time was last spring. I was coming up “the mountain,” as we locals refer to a series of extremely fun switchbacks that take you from the valley up to The Woods, where I live. Anyhow, I was traveling at Press Car Test Speed, enjoying the car and mulling over what I was going to write about it. I passed no one; this will become relevant. I was running prolly 65-70 trough the esses. That is just fast enough to get the tail out a little, maybe slide just a touch. Nothing too crazy. But considerably faster than the average bear makes it up the mountain.

      Well, at the top, the road straightens out for about three miles. I am about a mile down this stretch when I glance in the rearview and see a white SUV gaining on me. I know he is really moving to be closing on me. So I know it has to be a “hero” – one I must have passed lurking in a driveway or some such as I was coming up the mountain.

      So I did the only sensible thing – and dropped the hammer. Slowing – waiting for him to catch up and catch sight of my plates would have been exceptionally not-sensible. Much less waiting for the “hero” to light me up and pull me over and probably take me to jail. A guy from Jalopnik made that mistake.

      Not this car jockey journalist.

      I doubled down my speed and put distance between me and the “hero.” Soon, I was out of line of sight. Passed a few side roads, then took one I know and blasted down that thing like a raped ape. Scurried up a dirt road, found some trees to hide me and just hunkered down. Enjoyed the nice day for an hour or so and then made my way home via another backroad.

      Felt like a hero myself that day!

      • Did something similar years ago with a mere 89 HP under the hood of the 88 Mustang (clearly not GT) I was driving then.

        Was travelling North up I-87 about 20 miles from the Canadian boarder, and, I was going about 90 (this car wouldn’t go much faster). I was the only one on the road, and in the opposite direction I see headlights approaching. Suddenly my radar detector I was using at that time lights up, so, I figure that approaching car is a porky. Since I knew he had to first find a spot to U turn and the last U turn lane I saw was about a mile past, I knew I had some time to increase distance and find safety. So, floored the pedal to get whatever extra speed I could from the old pony and fortunately found an off ramp. Pulled off, found a gas station and diner. Decided it was time to grab a bite to eat and gas up. In the mean time watched the highway, and sure enough a minute after I’d pulled in I see the ‘hero’ blasting along with this ‘wig wag’ bar lit up. Was relieved that he did not take the off ramp. The burger I ordered seemed to taste extra good at this place for some reason.

      • Oh shit Ed, that’s classic stuff there.

        I can honestly say I’ve never seen that establishment but I love it all the same.

        My daddy, who would never have been caught dead driving a truck, because he was disabled,started his first full time job……driving a truck, the only male who didn’t make it his career for 3 generations. He was, by far, the most successful of the lot.

        I am the most notorious of the lot….although it was probably circumstance and little else.

        Due to circumstance, I became the outlaw, even though it was mostly a visual thing…and I guess I didn’t take many prisoners when it came to arguing my point.

        That’s the very thing I like about this forum, for the most part, those who have their shit together, have a good argument.

        I do like to think we’ve all become better expressing ourselves.

        I see it in the comments.


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