Reader Question: Open Forum?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Mark asks: Hi Eric, I just viewed your site for the first time recently without an ad-blocked enabled and noticed there were some generic ads. Do you prefer your users to not use ad blockers? Not sure if this is any real source of income for you or not. Also, if you haven’t considered it already, I would suggest you consider including a general open forum on your site for fellow libertarians to talk car stuff. Something simple like bimmerfest comes to mind, or maybe even more basic than that. I’m sure a lot of your readers would be interested in something like that for $1-$5/month.

My reply: I don’t object to the use of ad blockers and will never “firewall” this site to exclude people who prefer to use them. A few of our ads are outside of the Goo-guhl universe and so I encourage readers to patronize them for that reason and also because they do materially help support the site. Valentine1 radar detectors (their ad is on the right side of the main age) is one for-instance. These ads are for products and services I personally vouch for.

On the forum idea: We actually have that – but it’s separate from the EPautos main page. Look at the top menu bar; find “tools” and then toggle down to “Forum.”


I’d like to incorporate the Forum with the main EPautos page but apparently that can’t be done with the Word Press software we’re using.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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PS: EPautos magnets are free to those who send in $20 or more. My latest eBook is also available for your favorite price – free! Click here. If you find it useful, consider contributing a couple of bucks!  



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