Another Kid-Touching Armed Government Worker


An armed government worker in Miami has been exposed as a child molester. Lieutenant (how did armed government workers become military-grade officers?) Braulio Gonzales has apparently done more than just the usual Hut! Hut! Hutting!

This “hero” – a member of the Miami-Dade SWAT team and so an uber-thug – has been charged with multiple counts of “lewd and lascivious conduct with a child under the age of 12” and armed kidnapping.

Of course, he’ll never be charged with all the other kidnappings (and worse) he committed under color of law, as an armed government worker.

And his arrest raises another interesting point.

Why is it that when a armed government worker is found to be a criminal of the worst sort, every conviction based on the testimony of such creatures isn’t automatically thrown out?

How many people are in cages because of creeps with badges such as “lieutenant” Gonzales?

. . .

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  1. Why not cut his genitals off and donate them to some leftist psycho feminist who wants to be a transgender man? They like to force their way with everyone, why don’t we let them have the serial killers and rapists, or would that constitute cruel and inhumane punishment?

  2. Here’s this little gem on this sphincter:

    Gonzalez has been accused of domestic violence on several occasions over the years, although the outcomes of the cases were not clear on Thursday. In 2010, Miami-Dade court records show, a woman secured a temporary restraining order against him after she accused him of domestic violence, but it was dismissed when she failed to show for a hearing.


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