Here’s a video taken under cover of a federal “worker” named Stuart Karaffa describing his activities on the job (State Department) which means on the taxpayers’ dime working for the Democratic Socialists of America:
Will this tax-feeding Clover even be disciplined? Will he be fired?
Don’t expect it.
Meanwhile, if a man makes an off-color joke he stands to lose not just his job but his career.
. . .
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There was a time….
wiki – Blackstone’s formulation
Read to the end for what changed and the types of characters responsible.
That was supposed to be a comment to eric, re burning Goody.
Also meanwhile if someone accuses you of egregious misbehavior, from 40+ years ago, with no ability to prove you lack of guilt…your character and reputation can be assassinated because…the left of the political spectrum wants to legislate from the courts!
Only thing worse than this is my chose of a Card Carrying member of the Anti Bill of Rights Oligarchy(Feinstein) and the Avowed Socialist(Marxist lite) “my relatives are here illegally” DeLeon…Talk about a “Catch 22” situation!
Hi Stuck,
Amen. There is a Stalinist quality to these “Me Too” denunciations. The issue is not abuse of women. Obviously, no one is defending that. But as horrible as sexual assault is, it is much worse to treat an unsupported accusation as proof of sexual assault. It is yet another attack upon the principle that a person is presumed innocent until proved guilty – of a piece with the principle behind the various checkpoints/TSA regimes.
Why not just resurrect the witch trails? I saw Goody Farthing dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. Burn her!
Also meanwhile if someone accuses you of egregious misbehavior, from 40+ years ago, with no ability to prove you lack of guilt…your character and reputation can be assassinated because…the left of the political spectrum wants to legislate from the courts!
Only this worse than this is my chose of a Card Carrying member of the Anti Bill of Rights Oligarchy(Feinstein) and the Avowed Socialist(Marxist lite) “my relatives are here illegally” DeLeon…Talk about a “Catch 22” situation!