Reader Question: Diesel “Collusion”?


Here’s the latest reader rant, along with my reply! 

Antiquarian asks: VW Group, BMW and Daimler Are Under Investigation For Collusion In Europe (story here). Thoughts?

My reply: The gist is that diesels – made by anyone – are under a full frontal assault because of the threat they pose to the EV Agenda. Not because they are “dirty” or even because of supposed (and actual) “cheating” or “collusion” to cheat on government emissions tests. I’ve been almost screaming at the top of my lungs for the past two-plus years (since the story broke) that the difference in exhaust emissions is literally infinitesimal and an irrelevance as far as tangible harm to anyone or anything.

The real problem is that a 60-plus MPG diesel-powered car that costs $23,000 makes a $40,000 EV look absurd, which it is.

People need to know what’s being done to them in the name of the “environment” and “safety.”

These are the superficial excuses for the real purpose – which is control.

. . .

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