Reader Question: What About Uncle’s “Carbon Footprint”?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Doc asks: If there are no internal combustion engines…how do folks expect to build vehicles for predators, and other responders? Do war-planners intend to use electric-powered vehicles in combat? Do aircraft designers intend to design electric-powered craft? How will electric-powered water-craft hold up in actual all-weather use?

My reply: I’ve asked this question myself! the fact that Uncle is doing very little to reduce his “carbon footprint” (there are no emissions controls whatsoever on military vehicles and while there may be a need for some, it is preposterous to assert a need for tens of thousands of tanks and other such vehicles . . . at least, for legitimate defensive purposes) is pretty persuasive evidence that Uncle does not believe in “climate change” but rather uses it in the same way that tribal chiefs used the medicine man and his prattle about the sky falling if 1,000 virgins were not sacrificed to the gods.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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