It Started Over a Dead Headlight


Here’s video (just released) of an incident which occurred about a year ago that led to a high-speed chase and – apparently – a beat-down and a smashed testicle for the man being pursued.

According to the news coverage, the man was minding his own business when confronted by an AGW who wasn’t minding his. The AGW – acting as mercenary revenue collector for the local government – spied a burned out headlight and “improperly displayed” ear tag (i.e., license plate) and attempted to “pull over” the man (i.e., use threats of violence to forcibly impede his travel for purposes of extracting money from the man).

The man – understandably – did not wish to be fleeced and so attempted to get away.

Apparently, he also had arbitrarily illegal “drugs” and a gun in his possession – but bear in mind they key element: The man wasn’t harming anyone. The AGWs on the other hand were bent upon harming him.

It’s a measure of how far we’ve slid down the grease pole that a man who wasn’t harming anyone trying to get away from armed thugs bent on doing him harm is regarded as the “violator.”

At any rate, the minor mulcting turned into a major mess. The man’s car was destroyed and so – apparently – was one of his testicles.

And it all began over a dead headlight.

. . .

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