Four Star AGW Confronted Over Freezing Kid Alive


Here’s video of a local news reporter confronting a four-star (Gruppenfuhrer) AGW over some very nasty business involving a lower-echeleon AGW who apparently abused a minor – a 13-year-old boy – by placing him in a freezer.

The Gruppenfuhrer is clearly annoyed by the questions leveled by the reporter. He does his best to walk quickly away from the reporter and avoid answering any direct questions.

The reporter notes that there wasn’t even an investigation of this sadistic treatment until a video was leaked to the media, which was then publicly displayed.

Perhaps the time has come to put the Gruppernfuhrer in the freezer – along with the minion who abused the boy.

. . .

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    • Hi Moose,

      I am working up a rant about the pseudo military ranks thing… about how it parallels the ersatz ranks used by the SA and later the allgemeine (general) SS..

      • It’s disturbing how they try to imitate that.. When they seriously have no real order or respect or discipline of any kind and constantly make up their own rules and marketing propaganda. If you’re gonna play the game, play it right. I’ve worked around good military folk, they laugh at piggies too.

        I recently thought up some more t-shirt and sticker ideas for my cafepress once I get the time to sketch ’em out.


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